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is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land?
this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.

pugna is cute


>tfw no Pugna gf



Does support CK fill the role of "support that can kill enemy supports" or is his solo kill potential not that strong from a low farm position?

based PRbro



this desu

considering he controls the illusions he creates he's a support that can kill enemy carries
literally goodSD

>quarry settle posters and loli pugna posters allowed
>NEED2BREED , Dank memeoire poster dead

defend this ?

literally only banning select memes

the only good thing is that "luna shit in my mouth" post is dead too

He definitely needs to be played as a ganking 4, though I haven't seen how well one would do in the jungle with talon

>no matching clothes
>map on the right
yeah nah

Nice Christmas volvo.


>EE starts NP because they don't want to deal with shady sponsors and people.
>They get sponsored by probably the most shady people in the business.

It's like comparing 2 ways to shit on someone.
A. You call him a poopoohead and he's also ugly faggot
B. You pretend you are interested in the things he is interesting in, you develop a mutual interest that turns into love, you get together, get a house and a dog, and 10 years later you tell him the thing he likes is actually garbage and he's also a homo for letting you suck his cock all these years

NEED2BREED poster died like 2 years ago, mysteriously stopped shortly before the wyvern courier was released
Dank memeoire poster has a normie life or something
they weren't banned

What if we replaced Chaos Strike with an aura that gives all damage a chance to crit and lifesteal?

at least some memes have evolved lately

>2 years ago

has....has it really been that long?

Im still living the exact same life I was living two years ago?!?! time to order that fucking helium tank holy shit


what if icefrog made him legit carry who doesn't have to rely on wisp instead of cucking him into support hero

How do I jungle wraithking in 1k mmr? Explain it like I deserve to be in 1k.

what do you expect from shitter with anime for brains
his idealistic endeavors got hit by reality that only shady scammers will sponsor new team without well-known players

I can jungle a 7 minute midas on WE WUZ KANGZ because of the easy bounty runes and heals from the shrine

always get a midas after irontalon into stout shield. No need for sustain because the shrines exist. Get every bounty rune you can get. Put one point in lifesteal aura and max the crit. Max the lifesteal last

>start iron talon and start @ ez camp
>only scale W and E
>sit in jungle for 35 minutes and come out with 3.5 big items to carry

more than likely your just going to get cucked and shit on by th enemy team who has more gold from raping your team 5v4

He had girlfriend before getting money from tournaments and achieving pro status. That something 99% of gulag haven't achieved yet.


what order should I do the camps? what is the timing on runes? Only 1 point in lifesteal? Is vlads a legit pick on him?

The whole idea is to not play a support, but also not fight a AM in lane for farm.

>be at my alltime highest mmr
>lose 6 solo ranked matches in a row
>dropped below 4k for the first time in over a year
>feels like nothing is working anymore
>already afraid to drop below 3.9k

how do I get back into the right mindset to win?


>trying to 1v1 a Gyro with Satanic MKB Rapier

lmao, no wonder they lost.


fun fact: C9 actually offered EE to sponsor his new team but he declined

forgot pic

doing haram things is not an achievement

forget vlads. Only one point in lifesteal. After midas, i get boots, blink, echosaber and desolator and delete people. Every strength hero can be played like lifestealer

You can jungle literally any hero right now thanks to free bounty runes and shrines

Just buy iron talon and tangos and hit shit until you have armlet blink treads blademail whatever

You're probably going to get fucked if your team feeds super hard though

>team without well-known players
>it has EE, one of the most popular players in the scene

>yellow fever shitters would rather take helen that the perfect white girl

>spend ten years learning a video game to win lans
>change gets turned into anime arena but without the wacky spells and no anime waifus
>lose your lands

iceiceice is the objective biggest loser of dota in terms of skill/prize money won

yeah, he is well-known for his autism, unstable high-risk-low-reward playstyle and bad taste in anime

Wouldn't that be arteezy?

-Gravekeeper's Cloak recovery time from 6/5/4/3 seconds to 3 at all levels.
-Gravekeeper's Cloak damage reduction per layer from 8%/12%/16%/20% to 8%/11%/14%/17%.
-Visage level 20 talents are now +10 armor or +1 Gravekeeper's Cloak layer.

>sheever will never pound your bp into a gory mess with her 10 incher

I always feel sorry for people who are professional ""gamers"" but also try to balance having a social life

shits sounds impossible because your literally going to be putting in 12 hours of gameplay a day to stay on top . How the fuck do you time for bae with that shit going on? especially considering girls already HATE it when guys play video games. IIRC It sends them into full R9K REEEE mode and they smash your game systems.

Who is that dotamon? 95% of dee too gays will get it wrong.

artour makes 6 figs in sponsorship money



my neighbor

>monkey king on enemy team
>we lose
>team blames monkey king being op
>not anything else that went wrong in the past forty minutes
>specifically monkey king getting two or three double kills won them the game

why do I play this game

Just had a game where I pretty much sucked as Venge.

Fed first blood while trying to ward the river, failed a smoke rotation at mid and died there too. The few useful things I did in the game were sometimes saving our cores with swaps.

But I still won because my team did some work.
How do you guys feel after bad games where you get carried by your team?

sleep like Leonardo,15 minutes per 4 hours

when iceiceice thought that he can switch items to backpack at will.

>he still feels
i just click the "play game" button for another dose of brain numbing

he wants to manage the team himself like puppey does. he is becoming the monster he once hates

Thets right, balanced awoo of free chen ult and fallen towers.

Why do all these aghs upgrades that change the targetting type of abilities increase their range to 1000+? Weaver aghs, CK aghs, Riki aghs, Luna aghs, Tide aghs. They all have over 1000 cast range.

im looking for sheever hot photos.
cannot find bikini pics

Anyone else feel like the XP talents are a huge waste since XP is so easy to get anyway?

>tfw I pick +50 dmg on maiden

No, it's fucking retard level talent on any hero that can farm ie. Legion Commander

if only they existed

>commend me ;)

The thing that bothers me about XP talents is that, since they affect all incoming XP, you need to be getting XP in the first place to make use of them, unlike the gold talents.

This is why I like Monkey King's_Command_cast.mp3

>5k hours
>still retarded

Why do people keep playing this game if they don't understand the simplest concepts. They're not having fun or else they would cry from minute 0. Why is so hard to get good players?

>Guy with shadowblade tries to scout enemy team but runs into a gem
>Mid flames the everloving fuck out of them, asking why the fuck they were there alone
>He then proceeds to run in and do the exact same thing
>Starts flaming the support for "no vision"

how do these kind of people even exist

it's pretty funny and sad at the same time

i would say that its shit unless you really want that 25 on support
keep in mind that adding stats was removed

i actually played with monkey king 3 times today, i lost them all.

Why can't i buy Daedalus on Lina???


Has dota become LOL,


>tfw backpacks

she knows how to hide her "secret"

If only she had pics from a vacation in disneyworld.

lol was first popular moba game so dota was always like lol
dont even try to bait with "but muh dota 1 and gazillions of chinese players"

does LoL have backpacks too?

>Teams starts pinging the monkey king I'm laning against and yelling about how he's been fed because he had just phase and a vanguard at 15 minutes as a safe lane carry


Yeah but when the choice is between more exp and something like extra spell amp you otherwise wouldn't get it feels to me like the decision is really easy

Nope, but it has something similar with it.

When is faceless disbanding? This team was a bigger disappointment than Secret 1.0

The fuck does LoL have similar to backpacks? It doesn't even have a stash. Closest thing is the "seventh" item slot that's reserved for those shitty ward replacements

what is it? i dont play lol, sorry. what i know is that they only have 1 shop and only 6 itemslots.

>3 won lans
>0 relevant lans won
Yes, i remember TI but at least they menaged to win some cash.

>has dota become game with simplistic mechanics, forced meta, fixed hero roles and p2w elements
also backpack is least controversial change of this patch, i haven't seen single negative reaction to it

they just need a decent midlaner. that thaiboy is the worse mid had seen so far

How to stop feeding against monkey king

git gud niggers

>Donkey Kong on their team
>21/4/14 at 25 minutes
>Donkey Kong on my team
>builds Dragon Lance because he thinks it gives him more range

what you guys think of the talent system? HoTS is a shitty game to be taken inspiration from. i don't get it why icefrog even thought of using that concept

First version os secret won nothing and the one tournament they won misery was standing in.

>blizzard invented talent trees

think hes talking about trinket slots

but thats an odd thing to complain about because HoN had it too.

sacrificing and dropping items to place a ward was outdated and archaic game design. theres literally nothing wrong with ward slots

If I'm going hotd into desolator medusa, which talents and boots should I use?

i know. that's why icefrog implements it. he thought it was cool or something. instead, it gave the potential to break the game

>valve never adds a new hero
>when they do it is an op piece of shit designed to sell more arcanas

Dotards will defend this

Isn't this was LoL does with every hero? And they release them far more often.

hots is shitty not because talents system, hots is shitty because game is fucking dumb, just run at whatever objective and fight for it
also lol-esque hero design approach, with spammable spells that cost zero mana and do nothing, every melee hero having dash and praising of mechanical skill
even though some heroes concepts (like abbathur) are feel very original and fun

i think it is entirely different because on the backpack system, you can put anything but it has cooldown before you can use them unless you are within the range of a shop.