/nepgen/ - Neptunia General #1116

Everybody Loves Nepper Edition

Last thread: Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

4 Goddesses Online Links and Info


Translation: pastebin.com/m9wiRXxg

Cyberdimension OST Sample: youtube.com/watch?v=405uPsmmUvc

Other urls found in this thread:


Praise Nepper.

I love Uzume.


Vert is best goddess.

Hello newfriend. Welcome to nepgen.

I'm going to post this every thread until they added Rena to next Neptunia game.

Welcome to nepgen.

Some nig can't live without images for some reason.


Well, nothing really wrong with tha-

>Both girls have dick
>With balls


If you are going to post nep porn on a blue board, remember to crop out the bannable bits.

>You will never be with a cute futa nep with a bigger dick than you
why even live??

Maybe next time, you won't post trash.

Calm youself Geanon

Not gearnon, but I would please futa nepgear's feminine penis.

Are any of the VII weapon or equipment packs worth it? I never bothered with them on console, but I'm considering getting them for the PC since they go on sale.

You mean the DLCs, or the ingame equipement?
If it's the DLCs, don't bother, they're optionals.

what was there?

FutaGear and FutaVert frottage.

DLCs yeah. Isn't recommended to use some of them for the high level Colosseum fights though? Speaking of which, are all the fights just included for the PC release? I don't see a year-long list of Colosseum fights in the DLC section.
Promo pic from True Ride's upcoming 4GO themed doujin. It's Nepgear and Vert again, but they went full futa-on-futa for this one. I'm disappointed as shit if that's all there is to it.

Trash that violated the rules.


I kind of want to see futaVert with a cute nep harem

Vert's cute sisters!


Calm down, ghost.

Compa, desu!

TrueRIDE betrays us this time.

Good thing I still have my Rena.

fuck off

>off-topic trash
Fuck off.

Let's post something on-topic then.

Your delusional headcanon is not on topic.


>discussing about Neptunia characters is not on-topic
He never said anything about "my yuri couple is confirmed by Compile Heart" though.

Put your name back on, you're not fooling anyone by posting user.


Are you just going to accuse me of someone else instead of proving me wrong about how talking about characters is off-topic?

Sad thing is Compile Heart doesn't make Angel Iris for 4MO game this time.
So artists won't draw for her.

i.imgur.com/EknVUVo.jpg [lewd]

This is some low-quality video. It's hard to even tell what's going on

Why would someone samefag the same exact post? All I did was just delete one post because I made a typo, and stop with the name blaming.

histy a slut

>tfw this is the most gameplay we've ever seen of this game
>tfw it's a shit quality webm
>tfw it tells us nothing

Something similar to U/BvZ with auto-playing partners.
It looks similar to Onigiri Online.
(My headcanon)

You keep pushing this "similar to u/bvz" meme, but that's not what I see in this webm at all. FUCK OFF.

It needs some of this:

Have you tried checking the archives and comparing the two posts? I accidentally forgot one letter in the word "confirmed" and I had to wait over a minute to delete it. Eltard wouldn't notice because he's an ESL. You clearly did not see the trash bin icon on the first post when you refreshed the thread.

Meh, it superficially resembles it based off of that one clip, but I wouldn't say it's the same until we get actual quality footage of a large amount of actual gameplay, not grainy webms of a limited release demo.

Reminds me of GekiBlanc but with less enemies and AI partners.
BvZ was okay, though, so it's not like I'm complaining or anything.

Action based combat =/= like nepU/BvZ. It's a lazy bait comparison.

Guise, guise, final fantasy xv is totally a nepU clone. Eltard told me that.

>expecting the eltard to not post shit

Have you ever seen an action RPG or beat em' up game using Unreal Engine?

>action RPG
>beat em up game

>it's that one user that gets [triggered] every time someone compares 4GO to BvZ
So cute

4go being a nepu clone would make it a massive failure and disappointment, so yeah

>everybody who disagrees with me is the same person
Ghost is that you?

No need to go all out.

Big Nep is for _________

I have 2 minutes 20 seconds video but don't where to upload it.

Try mixtape.moe

Guess it's back to playing RC: Tokyo Rumble.

festive nepping.

No, it's the eltard.

Useful site, thank you.


Sorry for not having higher resolution.

plot twist, Ghost has transformed into Eltard.

I wouldn't be surprised, given that every time the eltard get criticized, there's a nameless guy attacking the mansion, right before the eltard posts some nonsensical stuff.

Kinda as if SOMEONE posted from a phone, and then quickly posted a picture from a computer to make it look like there are actually two people. And we all know that deflecting attention is one of the thing that ghostroach loves to do.

Is gearanon a trap? he looks like a girl.

No he's just a faggot

That doesn't change the fact that the Mansion is the biggest circlejerk I've ever witnessed in this general. I've never seen any proof that Ghoatroach samefags nor say anything about the Eltard, all I know is that he would try to defend himself because he thinks the majority of this general isn't the demographic of the series, or yurifags as he claims so.

It wouldn't surprise me if other shitposters try to deflect onto masionposting to generate even more shitposts, but it's also hilarious how masionfags always claim that anyone who doesn't like their ERP is just one or two shitposters.

>tfw no Nepgear to build me a gaming pc

Why do you speak of yourself in the third person?

it's just shitposts all the way down

>every one who doesn't subscribe to my yuri fantasies doesn't belong here!!11
And I'm sure you see nothing cancerous about that, now do you, ghost?

I didn't say anything good about Ghostroach, you retard.

Gearanon is a boy shota
Spankfag is a big guy
Lindafag seems to be a girl with guy's mind (whatever that means)

>Neptunia Action Unleashed 2

>projecting this hard


Seems a bit more complex than that

I NEED her back.

Praise Lady Noire.

I never said anything about claiming NepNowa is canon. You obviously haven't seen his posts about how Neptunia will end with a yuri romance ending, that's how autistic Ghost is. I can't bother to find those posts but I'm sure he knows because he remembers specific threads very well.

I think you need to stop with the paranoia that anyone who makes a post that's longer than a paragraph is Ghostroach.

I want Linda back but RED is okay too!


>Megatagmension Blanc 2

Please tell me there's a full size version of this nepping.

I need her back, too. As well as the rest of her.

And than that too

I hope this guy keeps doing nep stuff, especially Uzume.
It would be nice if his stuff got english translations and keeps being scanned too.

>projecting even more


Linda, Magic, 5, and Red.
Kurome is also fine too.

Can you please tell me how am I being like Ghostroach? I think you're just getting mad at me for hating him for almost different reasons.

He isn't gonna explain and is just make an excuse.

The fun part is that I never accused you of being ghostroach. You immediately assumed that.

You think you can read faster than me?

This general have nothing to do with Neps.

nowadays yeah