How much money on average would a person save over their lifetime by choosing not to have kids?
How much money on average would a person save over their lifetime by choosing not to have kids?
15 - 20k a year
like $300k?
i read someone once that it averages at $108,000 to raise a child from 0-18
Depends if you raise them to earn you money, work for you/run your empire
Closer to 800k
Hard to believe assuming compounding is not a factor..Most people take more than 30 years to make that sum?
Around $110k is the low end. This is probably what low middle class parents would have to spend if they wanted to raise their child "normally". Greedy or poor parents might only spend 90k but beyond that there is not much more potential for cost cutting without severely negative impact.
Of course like any hobby you can make your children much more expensive if you want.
Expensive vacations, sports, counseling, childcare, private lessons, learning instruments etc. etc. can bring up costs to 200-300k easily. Of course, your child will likely have a much more well-rounded personality and character in return. However, there is only so much one can do and I believe spending more than $500k wouldn't yield a good return on your money. You might spend more if money is no objective but if you just want your child to turn out relatively well 250-300k$ is a good amount.
That sounds about right. On the low end, considering tax credits you get for having kids, I'd say parents spend $5-7k a year, so that would be a tad over $100k over a course of 18 years.
They aren't that expensive, you dumb KVs.
that's a double edged sword.
you save a shitload of money not having kids.
but if you have kids you'll need to increase your income to support them so people with kids tend to make a shitload more than those without. Which doesn't mean much until the kids move out and suddenly the former parents are on their own with way more income than the non-parents.
though the non-parents can overcome this somewhat by not being lazy jerkwads, and perhaps furthering their careers and education with all that free time and money they have. In practice most people don't though. So traditionally the suckers that spent all that time and money buying a house and raising a family often come out ahead.
A fucking lot.
From baby to 18 a kid costs AT LEAST a million dollars. And more if you give them the good life.
>Nobody mentions the ridiculous amount of time wasted and stress kids provide.
Easily in the millions.
Where's that meme picture from? I'm seeing it more often now.
ITT NEET virgins have sour grapes over one of the most important and meaningful parts of being alive
Consider suicide.
you have to find it a little comforting they won't be reproducing though.
Did that hit a nerve, virgin?
Stop acting so high and mighty, mate. The fact that you're posting here confirms that you're genetic shit just like the rest of us. The kid could be anything from ugly/manlet/balding/autistic or worse all of these. You would bring someone into existence who will suffer for his entire life because of your shitty genes just so you can feel "the most important and meaningful parts of being alive"?
And what is wrong with being a virgin?
So you're definitely triggered
Keep telling yourself that you're saving money by not having kids
You cant even comprehend the happiness and sense of pride of watching your own son take his first steps
I don't know. I'm pretty sure I'd make my kid have a Hitler complex.
Get him to read Mein Kampf at an early age.
Get him into politics and run for office.
22 with first kid on the way
>You will never even comprehend the happiness and sense of pride of watching your wife's son assault a white male at his first protest
why even live? all the money in the entire world can't buy that.
when you're in your forties, all alone with all that cash, just remember what you gave up to get it and try not to kill yourself...although at least you will be able to afford the gun lol
Pulled that ridiculous number straight out of your asshole, didn't ya.
>when you're in your forties, all alone with all that cash,
What? You can easily get a child even in your fifties
>not employing people who are already qualified to do the job
>taking a gamble on your children becoming able and willing to run your empire once they grow up instead
wew lad
>bloodsucking shit factories who are nothing but trouble
>important and meaningful
>le virgin XDDDDD
all you need is 100 bucks to get laid m8. stop acting like it's an accomplishment to stick your dick in a hole.
What if 108k euros is literally half of my family's income over 18 years.
And I grew up in a family with a brother and a dog.
They say a single child costs around $400,000 from birth until around 18.
So that much roughly
>Spend 300k on a kid and send it to college to get a liberal arts degree
>Gets run over by a car by protesting on an unlit highway
With Donald Trump, $0. Child care will be tax deductible according to the average cost to raise a child. Stay under that. .
Financial reasons are the last reason I choose not to have a child though. Have you witnessed the society we live in? 7 year olds on YouTube twerking. 14 year olds getting pregnant to get on TV shows. Fat unhealthy people being "accepted" and people who spread STDs like wildfire are not to be called sluts anymore. I couldn't raise a child in this. It would be abuse.
The parents deserve it for not disciplining their child
>Have you witnessed the society we live in? 7 year olds on YouTube twerking. 14 year olds getting pregnant to get on TV shows. Fat unhealthy people being "accepted" and people who spread STDs like wildfire are not to be called sluts anymore. I couldn't raise a child in this. It would be abuse.
By that logic, inaction, not making your own kid and imparting your values onto them means that the people with kids that twerk on youtube are eventually going to be the majority, which makes society, in your eyes, even worse
You mean people?
k bud
because hes not right, just spouting pol nonsense right?
Fucking donald trump had a kid in his 60's
for a comfortable housing and education 200-300k 0-->18yo, one child. two child 400k, there is not much pack sale.
that's just 18yo, in reality your costs goes much longer
Don't get it either. In anti trump and think pol should be removed from this website. Was just stating facts in the first paragraph.
Here's what my three kids cost:
Divorce settlement $160,000
Cost for raising each kid $60,000, $180,000 total
Cost of supporting the birthing cunt $90,000
Total approximately $430,000
It also cost my health and sanity due to the stress.
Cost of raising kids tho is highly variable on your income. There is a sweet spot where you get tax credits and such so if you make more than $50000 then your costs would double . If you are nigger tier you can make a living off your kids
>You mean people?
what I'm saying is that it's really stupid to raise one because it's a losing investment. you literally just screw yourself over for 18+ years and have nothing to show for it.
>inb4 muh grandkids
don't make me laugh. all that time, money and energy could have been spent acquireing something that's actually worth a damn instead of making people for no good reason.
Damn, this is why I don't want to get married or have kids unless I'm a millionaire ATLEAST
and if I do that bitch has gotta sign a pile of legal shit to make me exempt of any alimony or giving her any of my assests
Not important if you're in my situation.
Hereditary disorder on one hand, belief in eugenics on the other. No kids for me, for the sake of humanity.
If you're poor the government picks up a lot fo the tab.
You assume i dont have friends and family with kids shitting up my house until i die. The fuck would i want my own for? I have 0 fucking patience and i drink too much.
Probably $200k per kid.
Also have to consider paying for college, which is another $100-200k.
>inb4 I wouldn't pay for my kids college
Fucks like you are the reason we have dindu's
My parents have probably spent around $250k on me? That's not even considering opportunity cost.
>unless I'm a millionaire ATLEAST
then the cost just grows exponentially
>How much money on average would a person save over their lifetime by choosing not to have kids?
The tranquility and freedom of a child-free life is priceless.
Since we are at 7,000,000,000+ should I just not have kids and instead buy a supercar or two? I would love to have a 911 GT3 RS, and if raising a child costs upwards of $100,000 per kid, not including the opportunity cost of taking care of them for 18 years, there is no reason why I could save up a few million and have fun. Plenty of free time to work and get rich.
Underrated post.
I can attest to that. I don't know exactly how or why, but a few months after my first brat was born I started making around 40% more than before.
I'm on kid # 2 now and making 130% more than 2 years ago just before the first kid arrived.
What the fuck if grapes are actually sour for some people jesus fucking christ
>911 GT3 RS
Cost ain't 7,000,000,000+.
It's 3,000 lives and some melted steel beams.