League of Legends General - /lolg/


eyoshit ganja edition

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I want to LICK Riven!


When is riot going to balance leblanc. Anybody can player her now. Walk into the enemy at level 3 W chain and move 1000 units away so now they can't farm at 25% hp

What about

Best girl.
Best lover.
Best wife.

Death to all Rivenfags and Riven Mains.

I haven't played in ages, and I'm new to the loot box system.

Is there a cap on how many key fragments you can get daily?

You're fucking retarded. Kill yourself.

Sigil of Malice STATIC COOLDOWN: 5

>Garen silence doesn't even last for the full 1.5 seconds it says it does
>ultimate's execute ratio is literally worse than some other character's basic abilities
Why is this allowed?

Lmao thats clearly too short
Should be 10 seconds like everyone else

>Leblanc misses everything
>I'm at 90% health
>Oh that's okay she missed her chain and her W didn't damage me, so I should be fine to get away...
>She uses her R-empowered Q
>I die

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Dw just wait until she dashes right into you chains you and you wonder how the chain got there


tfw you school a newcomer from Dota2 on how mobas are meant to be played.

Why is there so much Jhin + Lulu art?

I don't fucking get it, they aren't that compatible in laning phase.

if peanut and faker gets the bengi faker tier synergy then im sure skt wins next worlds too

This ().

If you're in range for LeBlanc to be able to dash to you and chain you, you've already fucked up and are a bad player.

It's not too short. All it does is give her a flat amount of damage. Ekko's gave damage and a speed boost.

>level 19

Peanut's joining SKT?

Shame, he was one of the few esports players I actually liked.

you can still like him tho

jinx a cute



Are you saying I fucked up and I'm a bad player for being within 1300 units of Leblanc? Because that's all she needed to E in and Q + RQ and that's all I said she actually hit me with.

now this is skill

I like Peanut but my animosity for SKT is so high.

Going to feel like a mixed bag if SKT wins worlds again.

No idea.

If there is though I assume it'd be 3.

>tfw critting towers with Gangplank

Get your freelo while it lasts bois


>Lmao, just don't ever be within 1500 units of LeBlanc, it's that easy.
Also, Sigil may not give something like a slow, but it gives a huge amount of damage, better than her Q and E for a good chunk of the game.

Sivir is the Perfect girl.
KDA confirms.

I hope if Faker get such a massive diarrhea he would be unable to attend to the finals if he manages to get to them again. Fuck this autistic gook.

Ekko has to put himself in danger to fight at melee range, leblanc can dash away twice
The little speed boost is meaningless in comparison to a highly fast and immobile mage.
>if you're in range for her to dash chain you
You realize you need to farm right? In order to not be in range you have to stay far back. She's a massive lane bully now and just walks up to you since she has the components to do more damage.

That's a big problem when you're playing a regular mage like Xerath, Viktor, Orianna, Lux and any squishy champ.
>shoot ability
>dashes away
>still lose cs while she qs an entire wave
>go back to farming
>her passive and abilities are ready again
>rinse repeat until you get dived

I'm not taking your average leblanc player. Im talking facing a leblanc MAIN. Sure git gud but their champ got a major buff and pretending their going to leave lane and let you farm is basically a lie. I remember playing Lissandra into old leblanc and standing a chance. Now? Not even abyssal fucking helps with a 5 cd passive ALWAYS ready to be used

Yes. How dare you go farm don't you know to stand at your tier 2 turret whenever a LeBlanc is in that lane?

I want to massage Janna's ears!

Then I want to massage Janna's feet



luv feet

ranked is hard the last couple days; /

Annie; the yordles are substitutes as well, especially Lulu.

Lulu might as well be a loli.
Taliyah is an underage (teenager) but she's kind of ugly.

That's pretty much it, really.


They even got teh rie for her japanese VO


>tfw less than 2 min of lines

is this the worst waste of talent in videogames history?

Of all the females, why the one that's fucked more nasty men than katarina riven and sona combined?

most overrated skin?

Who are some of the new players in Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums that are fun to play with and why?

Because I want to help her in her environmentalist efforts!

She's a good person and I admire that!


That's just as fucking grating and annoying as her English voice.

I swear, so much moeshit out there has some of the most grating Nip voice acting ever, I can't believe some otaku find this shit attractive or cute.

What is it about Japanese female VAs that is naturally lewd?

im new and fun because i try my best :) !!

Any project skin.



I've never been a fan of the Valentine or Joke skins.

>it took a Star Guardian skin for people to remember that Janna is female, sexually attractive, and has basically no lewds drawn of her

Fuck's sake people she's a blonde bombshell sex queen.

to early for the weebs to be up to respond to you

I want to massage Ahri's dick.

i no longer fanboy teams i just like good players

fakers dick might be ridden all the time but he is still playing good as ever
peanut might take be able to take some of the hype around him away

It would have been the best simply for the Tony Jaa/Ong Bak reference.
But since Lee Sin's playerbase is full of mastery taunting asshats, the whole skin is just ruined for me.

My fellow Evelynnfags, the commission is finally done!

Let me know what you think and if anything needs to be changed.


>be syndra
>leblanc lands chain
>oh right let me push her back while walking away to stop it
>chain has extremely long range now
Nice balance. You wanted me to play cancer well ill start maining fizz zed and yasuo just like you want me to

xth for breast waifu


third xth for ONE MORE GRAVE

fourth xth for HEAVY AND METAL

fifth xth for THE MIGHT OF LOKFAR

Blonde is meh

Purple and/or blue hair is where its at

Remember when Lucian and Ekko used to be playable? Why does riot hate black people so much?

>tfw no vlad in my sex dungeon

You mean when they were top tier for an entire patch? And Ekko is still a decent pick

You have a sex dungeon?

Ekko is still very much playable though, he just actually balanced now instead of flat-out broken like he was in the Tankko days.

Also, you're forgetting Karma, who's meta.

As someone who has been maining Leblanc for a while now and has been climbing soloq hard with her, i have to admit she's pretty busted.

Because of her mobility on W you can overextend without worrying much about ganks, specially if the jungler doesn't have hard cc. It also makes you capable of walking up to your opponent, harass him for significant damage on Q + E + autos then return to a safe distance.
One of her weaknesses used to be waveclearing, but it is S now, again because of W plus the new passive.
At 45% CD you basically have an extra flash on a 6 second cooldown, 3 if you count from the moment you can't return to the previous point anymore.

All in all, the character certainly isn't unbeatable, but she's definitely busted, and taking my last paragraph into consideration, the main reason is and has always been the W.
I think there are 3 ways in which Riot could actually, truly make LeBlanc a more reasonable character:

1_Make W not deal damage anymore but still keep the passive activation.
2_Make W's range shorter and with a 0.5 larger CD to reactivate.
3_Remove the ability to return to her initial point altogether.

I think any of these changes would make LeBlanc a more balanced character while still being able to do what she's supposed to.

Yeah, I just need to kick my daughter and her children out of it.

good job cabron ill tell the devs to change right now!

thank you for your feedback, its amazing that you are helping the community!!

check out the new leblanc skins please and buy some

what's your elo? also you're playing on a third world server lol

LeBlanc chain actually has always had the same tether distance as Karma and Morg tethers, the difference is it's initial cast range is much bigger, making it horrible to play against. They upped the speed of it as well, which makes it a lot harder to dodge. At least it doesn't slow anymore though.

do you guys actually discuss the game here or is this yet another fapbait general like /fgg/


No futa, furry fox allow, user.

It's half and half.

Half game discussion, half shitposting/waifu/trollbaiting discussion.

If you actually want 100% pure game discussion, then check out Riot's official boards. There's also the League subreddit, but those fucks are obsessed with boring esports.

It's both desu. It comes and goes in cycles.

Mid plat.

>third world server
Not an argument.

I'm this close to going back to /r9k/, my old habitat, and spam it with
>tfw no cute metal bf

As far as I remember when I started going (~2013) someone else was spamming about cute metal bfs

They must all go back

Holy shit that esports stuff is so annoying. I wouldn't care if it was something actually important like
>Bjergsen saying this is his last year for TSM!
Then it would be viable important esports news but no its always shit like
>literal who just got added as a sub for literal who team!

But Ahri has the best girlpenis out of all the waifus.

Their society turned me into this monster...
And today they've paid the price.

>my team doesn't ban who I tell them to
>start calling them fucking retards as they pick
>someome dodges




How long has it been since you got some metal dick?

>Holy shit that esports stuff is so annoying. I wouldn't care if it was something actually important like

It's beyond fucking annoying.
It's gotten so bad that I only visit the subreddit around new champion or patch announcements.

I actually visit the official LoL boards if I genuinely want to discuss the game now.

>Monte casting for 6k viewers

He needed to jump to Dota or CSGO if he wanted to be free from LoL

Why does it matter?


i cant fucking stand montes fake laugh




I'm just curious.

You don't have to answer if you're sensitive about these things.

what is he casting

>yas gets like 7000 gold worth of crit chance from his passive alone
>buying 2 crit items gets 100% crit chance
>go tanky
>ult someone
>get an even stronger version of a last whisper for 15 seconds that crits every time

When the fuck is riot going to fucking remove yas's double crit chance? This fucking passive is so goddamn cancer its unreal. At least drop his armor pen to 25% and put the crit chance on his ult when its active.

I'm so goddamn sick of seeing every fucking yas build a dancer and cloak and then straight tank and do more damage that my entire team combined while being unkillable

bbw champ when?

1. She is mine
2. She is pure
3. She is not for sexual
4. She is OP

So everyone screams about SJWs ruining the game?

sjw has lost all meaning just like racist

too many faggots on both sides