League of Legends General - /lolg/

Evelynn Edition!

OT: eyosongive.us

>Helpful Links
Champion.gg - usage, winrate, and build statistics
Counterplay.xyz - pick, ban, and winrate stats by elo
Probuilds.net - what it says on the tin
Surrenderat20.net - news and patch information

>Match and Summoner Info

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this one has links i like it more

Evelynn is flat! FLAT!

KDA confirms Sivir is the Perfect girl.

xth for booty

Dad bird cares about Sivir

I wanna cuddle Jinx
Also when are we getting more lore updates form the Piltover thing. I want to get to Zaun and learn more about Jinxy. The only new lore she's gotten is what she smells like (and she smells pretty).


>Azir will never tell you how much he loves you because you're his daughter/son


>yas gets like 7000 gold worth of crit chance from his passive alone
>buying 2 crit items gets 100% crit chance
>go tanky
>ult someone
>get an even stronger version of a last whisper for 15 seconds that crits every time

When the fuck is riot going to fucking remove yas's double crit chance? This fucking passive is so goddamn cancer its unreal. At least drop his armor pen to 25% and put the crit chance on his ult when its active.

I'm so goddamn sick of seeing every fucking yas build a dancer and cloak and then straight tank and do more damage that my entire team combined while being unkillable.

I concur

Nautilus nerfs again when?


>adc Quinn
>Buys brawlers glove and follows me around my jungle from level 1 trying to steal my camps
>after 4 minutes of this decides to starting INTing random lanes
>support goes afk
>top goes afk
>fuck it im going afk too just let enemy push mid and win it
>maximum baby rage from the team in all chat, just sitting looking through the shop and wasting time
>lose game
>Get reported and get a negative feedback warning for being afk/bad behaviour

nice game, thanks riot

>ez DCes after feeding two kills
>i allchat "looks like he ragequit"
>leona says "his mom unplugged him"

these people i swear

He is horrible to play against. But I doubt anything will be changed.

This is the shit that pisses me off the most. If even a single person in ranked is inting/afk/late to lane the game is basically over. No idea why Riot forces you to still play.

the last like 6 changes to him were nerfs though

I want him to be decent again bros

>not being challenger and using him to his full potential


I need a new champion for mid. What's a fun one to play? I'm tired of twisted fate

ahri, ori, annie, anivi

Play TF but stack attack speed items and max E

>Smite ignite workshop shaco on the enemy team

It's fucking over isn't it?


what did he mean by this

>tfw popping off with Kled

Holy shit this guy is fun

am I a furry if I want to fuck the lamb? her ass is retarded and I love smaller women

>be me, bronze piece of shit
>decide to play jhin
>first match: stomp the enemy bot lane but lose because one afk and a feeder
>second match: shove my gun in ashes ass
>play five matches

Don't know why people shit on him so much, if you play right you can live so long it's nuts. One of my fav top landers right now. Kind of tempted to play him as a bot support

Thank you who ever told me to play jax, i've one 3 games in a row before 20 mins, S every time

>riot literally steals designs from MLP:FiM
Utterly pathetic.

How? I thnk I never managed t win a game with him.

its kind of tricky with his reloading mini-game, just farm and use the last shot to harass, your Q to last hit every know and then. and wait for your support to hit the enemy carry and pull your W.