/cbg/ City Building General

Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated edition

IRC: #SimCity on irc.rizon.net

--- News ---
Network Addon Mod (NAM) version 34 has been released for SimCity 4 just one month after the release of NAM 33. community.simtropolis.com/files/file/26793-network-addon-mod-for-windows-installer/
A third party patch named SC4Fix has been released for SimCity 4. community.simtropolis.com/files/file/30883-sc4fix-third-party-patches-for-sc4/
Colonial Charter: The Forge Awakens (CC v1.6) has been released for Banished. Major features include the ability to build cities on water. colonialcharter.com/
Snowfall has been released for Cities: Skylines. skylineswiki.com/Patch_1.3.0-f4

--- Cities: Skylines ---
>Modding guidelines:
>Skyline's official site/Paradox (sign up for free Zen Garden and future free items!):
>Heightmap generator
>Custom building competition (Get your votes in now):
>After Dark basic mods
pastebin.com/HEcKw21a (embed)

--- SimCity 4 ---
Contains everything you need for SC4 - getting started guide, modpacks, links to various SC4 communities (with more mods/guides):

pastebin.com/Fg9qNhcM (embed)

Remember to turn off U-Drive It icons and minimise the game UI when you take a screenshot.

--- Banished ---

Other urls found in this thread:








Don't die

A for effort, user. I've missed these generals.

>randomly open up Veeky Forums
>/cbg/ is alive

Noice. Here's hoping the recent C:S DLC will gain some more interest in this general.

Rate my sewage solution /cbg/


Is alright although I feel bits of it are broken. Had a city where I got constant warnings for a lightning storm and another that got a large amount of meteors and nothing else. I really do enjoy how the water physics and disasters get along though.






Guess not

What's going on with the water and those buildings here?

My only good looking city.

Do you have a shot of day time? I'm trying to build something similar I think.

Of course.

random question
anybody here play the sims?

I don't.

I did try Sims Kingdoms once, but I got bored in a week.

Fuck i wish my computer could handle C:S.
It's fucking pathetic.

I set off an earthquake underwater to make those waves

Halp, also I got a few neat pics I think you guys might like




Please send help.

Looks like you need to build new wide roads near the traffic to remove pressure those areas


good luck /cbg/
may you come back from /ded/



Worst mod

This, seriously, I'm only excited for like two games now.

Been out of the /cbg/ loop, what's so good about Citybound?

When playing SC 4, do you ever follow the lives of your sims?

>No city building game where you get to drive around and race through your city. Suffer through your own transport system.

>No GTA style game where if you want to buy better weapons and cars you have to attract high level businesses to the town

I think that's what cities skyline is missing, not enough perspective, you just sit in the clouds looking at the map.

Fuck yeah, I've missed these threads! I remember when Skylines came out and /cbg/ was full of sewage waterfall pictures. Good times.

That's a damn good idea. Wouldn't even need to be graphics intensive to be enjoyable.

City building game with minimalist graphics, really nice road building, and a much better building generating sorta thing. It's not blocky shit like CitiesSL, or SimCity.
(Don't kill me for linking plebbit please.)

>Those beaches.

What was maxis thinking.

there was the simcity 4 driving mode and streets of simcity, but both were fairly arcade-style and your actual traffic situation didn't matter.
Atleast in SC4 you could take a tank and blow shit up

Who here prefers older Anno games because of comfy sprites?

One of the old simcities had it.



but tovarisch

Sim City 4 had something like that in one of the expansions.
Sim City 2000 could be imported into Streets of Sim City and you could engage in vehicular combat.

>tfw you won't have CUHRAZY chases in your industrial district ever again


Any good city builders out recently?

Am I looking at Cities Skylines? Holy Christ, how'd you get that water to look so nice? Or better yet, how'd you get the whole game to look so beautiful?

Anyone here play transport fever?
I really want a research mod, where you research which train you get next and dont just get it for free as time goes by...

LUT (I think, it's been a while since I took these sceenshots)

Thanks, user-kun

I know it's already been said, but holy shit that's beautiful.

Thanks, it's probably one of my favorite cities I've made, but I was playing on a toaster at a time so the moment you zoom in it begins looking terrible.

Kek that looks like Florianopolis. But with less sewage on the beaches


>only one bridge, with heavy traffic connecting to the mainland
Confirmed for florianopolis

Oh shit we're back! Post what have you been up to.

You can build roads lane by lane, you can set how far buildings will be from the road, specify how far buildings can extend into the back, how high can they be and all that. It's amazing.

What's your favorite style or theme of city to make?

I've always made super dense NY-esque cities but after watching those Arrowhead Junction videos I've been dying to try out a more rural region with just small towns dotted about.



Who makes good mods and assets for Skylines? I need good names and collections.




Slowly starting a new city, gathering monies. Smooth sailing so far.



Someone motivate me to make my new CSL map.

Ironically I've been playing AOE2 due to the new expansion and building cute medieval towns there.

If you don't make your map, someone else will make and publish that map and it will be inferior to what you would have done.

I like you. I'll do it.

Should I be connecting these two highways asap starting out or should I just build on one side and connect them when I expand?

Also how is one suppose to start off their roads? Should I be routing a two-lane road into a bigger road?



Very interesting and helpful thank you.

I use to have a link to somewhere talking about the beginning and roads, but those webms are the only ones left.

Is playing Skylines with everything already unlocked the definitive way to play?

Anybody know any good space colony games? Kinda like Off world trading corporation but without all the rush.

What are good SimCity 4 assets and mods?


Space Stage Spore :^)


why my industry NEET


NAM is really the only must have. Anything else is a matter of preference.

For comfy, yes.

The traffic in Skylines ruines the game for me the stupid fucking single-lane ques and they refuse to use other lanes or other roads aaa it's so unrealistic i hate it i hate it it brings my cities to a stand-still

I guess you aren't city planner material then.

NAM 35 is out by now by the way.

Have you tried one of the traffic AI mods? I forgot which one was the best one.



Is the population all highly educated?
I don't think It's like SC4 where they'd just make high level industry, I think they all move to office buildings.

>having city layouts that serve no purpose other than to be aesthetic
>choosing aesthetics over efficiency

Yeah I tried a few and same lol, they've all been updated since I last played and i have no clue which one to try, my saves are all fucked anyway so who knows. It triggers my european road autism becuase i build lots of roundabouts and bendy roads