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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #2393

Tiger of Healthy Meta Edition

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Current Official Rulebook, last updated 6/27/15:
Wiki with a wealth of information for the players:
Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market:
OCG decklists:
TCG decklists:
TCG/OCG news sites:
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:
Official /dng/ ruling test:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Pendulum Evolution (December 23rd)
●OCG: Maximum Crisis (January 14th)
●OCG: Tyranno's Rage (Feburary 25th)

●TCG: Pendulum Domination (January 20th)
●TCG: Raging Tempest (February 10th)

Before asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards
● Lurk and read the archives
● Google your deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event, see the provided links above
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play

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I want to do bad things to these two

Lunalights is objectively the best petdeck


I want furries to leave

But I'm not a furry, I like their effects and the deck was cheap. The double attack all monsters thing is unique and cool.

>red moon
Dragulus does it better

Tiger is the cutest meta shitwrecker

So it's basically stardust+stardust warrior that banishes itself in response to shit instead of blowing itself up? I don't see it making synchros meta but it's cool enough.

Dragulas is so cool, do any decks go into him consistently? As opposed to just running him for the odd situation

Red-eyes can make him pretty consistantly, if thats the goal youre going for

Early on when Blazar's effect was revealed, the wording made me think it was like anime Shooting Star Dragon/Red Nova Dragon. It could banish itself at any point in time, and then if the requirements get fulfilled (like an attack being declared for SSD), it could be negated.

But it turns out it just banishes itself to negate immediately, which I suppose is still fine, but somewhat disappointing.

Been wanting to try red eyes out anyway, so I'll give that a shot at some point

number archive turbo

>The only animal features they have are ears
Someone post the dangerously cheesy chart

Colorless when?

After we get Chaos End Ruler(fucking wew) and Super Fusion God


They could have made him a million times worse so I'm happy he's half-decent for his cost. He's also wind instead of light so hey, a new toy for the children toy dudes.

>red-eyes has 2 level 6's that can be SS from Black stone
>return of the red-eyes can summon level 6s from grave including non red-eyes monsters
>flare metal can summon level 6s from grave

What decks rely on literally ONE big ass combo and scoop or are fucked if they mess it up, brick, or are even SLIGHTLY disrupted?

Fucking Hieratic can do it way better.

Black Stone of Legend, Catalyst Field, Lightpulsar Dragon, Return of the Red-Eyes, REDMD, Meteor Red-Eyes Impact, Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning, Labradorite Dragon, Silver's Cry... But yeah, Rank 7 is better.

Most of them, depending on how broad you're interpreting it.

Earth Synchro.

Anyone got a red eyes deck handy they could share?
Pic related; best red eyes art
This is what I had a feeling it was like: it's always gonna be better to go into a r7 than try and play Dragulas ain't it

How do I build a Predator Plant deck?

You don't.

3 Scorpio, 1 Cobra, 3 Brilliant Fusion, then fill the rest with Eidolon and Zodiac.

You make an OEM deck and put Starving Venom in it


Fuck off Xyz scum

>fucking raigeki

Feels good when cancer gets treated.

>Eidolon Predaplant GK Zodiac
It's more Fusion-centric than Fluffal.

How relavent will D/Ds be in the TCG when we actually get their best cards?


So what's the main difference between pre and post ban list OCG Zoodiacs?
I really can't tell.



Build DARK Fusion

Wasn't this after they hit Slime and Lamia?

If the emergency list exists, a lot. I'd bet in tier 1 or 2.

So how can we make synchro relevant again? the new cards did jack shit for synchro so where do we go from here?

No, they hit Slime and Lamia AFTER that.

Doesn't moonlight have better synergy with it?

Though I guess Fluffal is more consistent

Well in order for Konami to even make a relevant synchro deck that won't get shit on by the ban list instantly, they'd have to add hard OPTs and a lack of masturbation.

Posting husbandos

Rat should be removed

I say they need to make synchro decks have better recovery from wipes theyr boards are really fragile and better effects for synchros theyr effect pool is pretty bad.

>Imperial Order
They let that off?
RIP Pendulums
Isn't this before the OCG banlist?
Then again,D/D was always between rogue and meta so it's no surprise.
When's the next banlist? If Rat, ABC and Frogs go away D/D will definitely be strong here.

catch is that ur forced to pay & on both players turns

It's errata'd to pay a mandatory cost during each players standby phase.

Why didn't they just limit Rat instead of Terrortop and Tenki?
The tier 0 format won't end unless that happens

>Hitting a deck thats still in the money pack
What company do you think runs Yugioh?

>Eidolon catching up to Zodiac
I've mixed feeling about this.

because they dont want to hit a card that is part a archetype that is still getting its support.

I hope you never run a company it'd be in bankrupcy durring the first 3 months and I'm being generous it could end sooner.

Who cares if you pay more LP, you make an entire card color unplayable and you can always pop it yourself to go off after it locks your opponent out.
Put it back on the banlist, it's just as cancerous as it was before

>pop it yourself
Because the cost is mandatory, it's now harder to pop it yourself.

I'm happy because we might have a xyz vs fusion meta soon enough.

>Opening hand: Terrortop, Speed Recovery, either Taketomborg or Double Yoyo
>SS Terrortop, search missing piece if needed
>SS Taketomborg, tribute for Red-Eyed Dice and make Terrortop Level 4, Synchro for Hi-Speedroid Hagoita
>Activate Speed Recovery, bring back Red-Eyed Dice and make Hagoita Level 1, Synchro for T.G. Recipro Dragonfly
>NS Double Yoyo, bring back Red-Eyed Dice
>SS Hagoita back with its own effect
>Synchro Double Yoyo and Red-Eyed Dice for Hi-Speedroid Chanbara
>Synchro for Cosmic Blazar Dragon
Seems like the most straightforward, am I missing anything here? Not too shabby considering you don't go through nearly as much masturbation as Synchrons do and also have Hagoita + Speed Recovery set up for future plays.

This is post-Castel Yugioh.
The cost is mandatory, meaning you can't decide not to pay it and have it blow itself up, and quick effects are more than popular right now.
It's not like ASF where you can't set Pendulum Scales, so you can still Pendulum Summon, just without using the scales effects.

Fluffals have a literal pre-prep clone
black sheep has synergy with zoodiacs but zoodiacs are bullshit

>Dire Wolf
>Kali Yuga
>Cipher Blade
>Break Sword
>Scrap Dragon
Keep telling yourself that.

Where's the Pendulum, Ritual and Synchro deck for this meta?

>either specific out, or go -3 to pop it
Pretty balanced I say.

That depends how TKs and Magicians do.
Or if you only mean the TCG, Subterrors and SPYRALs.

New Magicians are cool and can fit in the Pendulum category.

Metal still there.
Eternal low tier 1.

What's the best place to buy sleeves at? What are the best sleeves?

What deck is he going to use in the new anime?


herald control
dark synchro?

>Herald and Dark Synchro
user pls

I thought the Japs hate for Synchro was unwarranted before, but might I ask why every Synchro oriented deck is based around ten minute turns that culminate in fields set on making the other player unable to play?

You might argue every other summoning style does that too though

Ok boys, here's the new list
>Good Changes:
Terrortop to 1
BoM to 2
Compulse to 2
Strike to 1
Kirin banned

>Meh changes
Wind-up Magician to 3
Wind-up Shark to 2
Dark hole to 3

Gameciel to 1
Ghost Reaper to 2
Ronintoadin to 1
Exciton to 1
Terraforming to 1
ASF to 1
Card Shuffle banned


>Still no Dragon Rulers

I don't think dragonfly is a tuna

t.g. screwing everything up again, i haven't played them in ages and forgot wonder magician was the tuner
back to the drawing board

Synchro lacks cards that are really good plays by themselves, with most worthwhile cards requiring you masturbate into them.
Like, with Xyz you could make rafflesia or The Lightning and have a play with two cards.


Was 5D's a mistake?

See pic related
>Dark Synchro
It's a rogue deck that will die next list with Omega to 1 and Level Eater banned

Needs to run d.d. sprite for necroid synchro desu

>tfw I run 3 dark hole and raigeki

>Yugioh wikia and other wikias won't let me browser with add-block anymore
Fucking faggots.

I just tried it and I have no problem with adblock on.
What's happened?


I wasn't around so can someone explain what Infernities were like at their peak?

>quality content

What fucking format do you play?

i'm not getting that either

Synchro masturbation but ten times more fun

pretty terrible desu

they'd jack off with launcher/archfiend/mirage and end the field with void ogre + hundred-eyes+ 3 set infernity barriers

good luck trying to make any plays against that board

Don't forget Drancia.

are you retarded?


okay so based around that description, do you have an estimated or accurate idea of just how much time it takes to get that board going?

>Not Doom Dragon
Those 3 Infernity Barriers are dead.