/5N@F/ General

Silent Night, Holy Night Edition

Previous Thread: >Links to purchasables
FNAF 1 - SL: store.steampowered.com/bundle/1729/
FNAF BOOK: amazon.com/Five-Nights-Freddys-Silver-Eyes/dp/133813437X
FNAF WORLD: gamejolt.com/games/fnaf-world/124921

Official Site: scottgames.com
Asset Rips: s.rtag.me/freddy
IRC: #FNAF on Rizon
Fan Booru: 5naf.booru.org
Writing Archive: pastebin.com/fryFnrQ9
Voice Archive: pastebin.com/8mN8gJYP
List of Content Creators: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1clzZcsTzZzZh6EUFR-nmF4F7zHiXTCeB4AehZLF1OHs/edit?usp=sharing


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Compliment any and all nerd birds

I really miss when Freddy was actually relevant in Five Nights at Freddy's

>his name's in the title
>he isn't interesting or relevant

I really miss when any and all plot points couldn't simply be explained with "because Scott is an idiot".

His part of Sister Location was pretty good, but I wish there was a need for players to get ready for Freddy again.

Best bird


Reposting, my dudes, pick who out of the roster who gets to play on Veeky Forums in about a month or two.

Also repeating that if anybody is interested in picking up the manager mantle next year for our dumb soccer team, catch me here, on Skype quetzadrake, or on Discord QD#3978. I'll teach you everything I know and help you the whole way.

Wow, MSPA? Been a long while since I was active over there, neato

SL is the most relevant he's been since the first game.

I miss when FNAF was about horror and not story. SL was almost at that point until Custom Night.

>FNAF 2: upstaged by a fucking sock puppet
>FNAF 3: upstaged by an autistic robot fetishist in a rabbit costume
>FNAF 4: upstaged by NiggerFreddy
>FNAF SL: upstaged by a lactating clown girl
lmaoing at Freddy's life 2bh

git gud

FNAF can't become great again until the underages fuck off with their constant clamoring for "muh deep intricate lore"

Let's play a game /5N@F/

1. Go to the booru
2. Click random
3. Keep going until you get an sfw picture
4. Post it

Added to the collab

Add to the collab you nerd.

You should run a duplicate file remover on that, probably would save you a lot of space.

user pls
I only save the most dongraising pics
and any LKK stuff because there will never be enough

>all those actual furfags posting in the old thread
Absolutely disgusting

It's just an off-site circlejerk poll. Hide this post if you want to.

you mean to tell me a game primarily focused on anthropomorphic animals that has a general that has devolved into almost all the OC being produced being lewd would attract furfags?
golly user we should tell someone about this

Jokes on you I'm posting in this one as well! AHAH

Good shit right here

I do, I use DupDetector every few months, there's only a couple in there if any, trust me


I judge it decently spooky

>tfw /5N@F/ will never be furry-free again
>inb4 >again


So you want a thread on /v/? Do you REALLY want that?

Just checking, makes sure that the count is accurate. Good on you user.

Wow fucking nostalgia'd like crazy

Check the archived FNAF threads on /v/ and compare them to here. The level of discussion is better. The only thing >we have over them is OCfags

Oh baby


>-That one Chica Avatar Fag "LMAO. No."
Even 2014 Garuda knew CDF was nothing but trouble


Mate, they went to furry within 2 weeks. It's always better the first bit of discussion because there are things to discuss.

I wish Mangle would come around more often

It was more even back in the first month or so, but that was in 2014.
The thread's been like this for two years; furry porn is going to dominate the discussion and that's indisputable.

But whenever I feel like the thread's getting TOO furry I find motivation to go write something and change it up a little.

Ace's fall from grace on steroids.

Huh. I never really thought about it that way before but you're absolutely right

You removed Ghost's addition as well.

at least garuda's art had some charm to it at times
ace's after he stopped trying and just did his fetish shit is beyond repulsive

You know, I actually kind of miss Darkuu. I wonder what ever happened to them.


Michael Afton

You think the general will ever go back to how it was in 2014?
I really wish it would.

You're thinking of William Afton.

Michael's the guy that got trapped in a springsuit for four minutes.

William's the guy that got trapped in a springsuit for thirty years.

I've accepted it's current form and I've been here for two years so I'm well aware that bitching won't ch

I would honestly take that tremendous hugbox back over what we have now. Everyone's too cynical and loves shitposting too much for us to go back to the way things used to be, though.

William just wanted a quiet life, he did nothing wrong

it takes a determined amount of autism to keep this shit going

hownewru we do a christmas collab every year

Why aren't you reporting and ignoring?

I think he means the constant editing wars.

Oh, I see, yeah I would agree with that

This wouldn't need to happen if people just fucking drew a FNAF character and put it on the collab, but of course there's shitstirrers like Ghost who draw fursonas into the thing because he knows it'll get a rise out of people.

"Candy's was a mistake. People who say they like the Magician, they sicken me deeply." -Emil Macko


Hi guys, I just wanted to give you a preview of the next chapter, hope you're looking forward to it!


>lactating clown girl

>Draw a FNAF character
Yet no one bitched about Soudozer being in it two years ago. Or does FNAF extend to "Anything Scott Cawthon" made"? But if someone added someone from his Rock n' Learn videos or any non-mascot from Desolate Hope, it'd be wiped in a second. Beyond that, a third of the 'interpretations' are just blatant furry inserts using FNAF as a template. If it was actually about FNAF we'd have maybe two additions to the whole thing period.

>implying Bonworth would cuck Mike with Chiclet
>implying Chiclet wouldn't cuck Bonworth with Cheeky

It's the current year, user.

Still just as bad as Ace.

I'm waiting for the inevitable SL sequel where it's revealed that Afton literally fucked a robot so hard it became pregnant and gave birth


If he had drawn Candy or Rat or something it probably would have sufficed, but the Magician is a step down from even those. It's literally someone's fursona that got put into the game like So Sorry from Undertale, and on top of that it has a hideous design. Ghost is 100% of the fact that people fucking hate it and he did it anyway. Takes balls to say the least.

I had an idea for a story along that line but it fizzled out.

>no one bitched two years ago

Because back then the general wasn't a cess pit of people raging about how Scott destroyed all of their hopes and dreams with the plot of a series of jumpscare simulators, back then the general wasn't infested with children and trolls, back then the general actually liked Scott and FNAF, and back then the general could have fun without someone throwing a massive shitfit because someone did something triggering to them. Nowadays it's "You must draw an OCfag's fursona or you're desecrating our hallowed Christmas image and shitting all over their hard work and image!" or whatever nonsense people were screeching over Snowcone.

People are seriously cunts nowadays.

I don't know whether to blame it on the dwindling quality of the series, less OC, or just changing times, but man people here are fucking vicious.

at least he didnt shove them in disgusting plastic dresses

But So Sorry paid mad dosh to shove his fursona into Undertale. I thought the Magician was just something the Candy's guy did on his own and shoved in as an easter egg?

Yeah, it's pretty obvious Ghost was doing it to shitpost. It's just people fighting fire with fire.

You're easily the worst part about /5N@F/. If you died tomorrow, I think the general would improve instantly.

>ballora was based on his wife
>he fucked her
>gave birth to ennard
Makes sense to me.

That poor misguided fool.

I only joined in on the snowman shit since someone got called a mad max villain.

Au contraire.

zero suit x anything is hot t b h
even if it is basic as fuck
and that's still not the gross cellulite fatroll fat that ace draws
garuda's faces always were jank though
and the excessive fluff he drew on everybody near the end was too much

Faces and especially eyes were never Garuda's strong point. Even now he struggles with drawing eyes that don't look weird.

Like this is any better.

That's probably a decent enough lead

So it looks like Mike Schmidt will not be returning to Veeky Forums's roster and we'll be sending All Business instead. Sorry Mike.

Okay but the trick is somebody needs to link me the actual accurate current version of it because I'm not getting memed on for missing people's contributions

I dunno
fat chick pics are never hot to me but that's still infinitely less revolting to me then the fat ace draws

Do you ever wish FNAF had never been made?

No. Because then I wouldn't have been motivated to become a drawfag.

Sometimes, yes.

Now you're just memeing, user


normal proportions >>>>>>>>>>>>> smooth fat > disgusting ace-tier fatrolls

Why do you have to be an asshole during the holiday season, user? Are you a Scrooge?

When's the last time he drew it anyways?

You really hate Ghost do you
Did the magician cat fuck your sister and killer your mother?

Jeez, QD. Just because you hate the snowman doesn't mean his inclusion is stupid meme shit. He's still a FNAF character.

I don't know I filtered ace's posts after he posted that glittery dress fat bon 6 threads in a row

Oh I just used the one from the op, I didn't notice ghost's wasn't in it. Sorry.

Frankly I feel like Ghost kind of deserves it. If he's going to fling shit he better prepare to get some back.

There's no need to apologize for posting the one with FNAF characters.

I wish everything after 3 hadn't been made.

Looking through the booru puts a picture of similar description at July last year, and working from then to now shows 5 such fetish images. Gotta admit that's a better ratio of non-disgusting content to fetish art compared to Garuda.

We should leave this place and make it from zero

Oh, something just occurred to me, we got a ridiculous amount of saves in at least one match, which means there's a faint chance of /5N@F/ getting the Golden Glove, which is a goalkeeper getting the most saves in the entire thing.

In that instance traditionally, the team that gets that gets to have their rep be the starting GK, which might mean The Knot might be more apropos since he's our long-time keeper. We'll still have Freddy if we're not that, but just in case strawpoll.me/11908522
