League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
Shes a pure plush QT who lactates ice cream!

Other urls found in this thread:



>no qt spider waifu champion


xth for breast waifu


third xth for ONE MORE GRAVE

fourth xth for HEAVY AND METAL

fifth xth for THE MIGHT OF LOKFAR


you're not even trying anymore



>on a 7 game winstreak playing support in low elo
>Nami Janna Soraka and occasionally Bard
>mfw full build Soraka with GA redemption and zzrot before I hit 18
>win teamfight with redemption and have my ult up and athenes charged for when Yasuo malphite ults again
>only 7k damage under our adc
Lol somebody stop me or autopromote thnx


stop slutposting

dont bother, he's always asking for (you)'s

>nami actually won over ahri


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results.

thank autofill

>tfw no dad bird to tell you to have fun with your friends

nami a best

Nami wins round 8.


Kumochan is not a slut!

Nami is gonna bring home the gold!

And then shes going to bring home the orb thing!

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums

need two



>some retard tries to play nidalee
>gets outfarmed by jungle diana
>less map pressure than jungle diana
>by the end of 15 minutes is 0/1/0
>enemy team gets all the dragons without contesting
>enemy team even gets a rift herald without retaliation
>does nothing and tries to surrender at 20 minutes after we lose all our outer/inner towers and they've lost nothing
>post game he does less damage than our support to enemy champions

anybody who plays jungle this badly at level 30 should be put to death, it was fucking shameful to even be in the same game as this moron

Which champ has the worst default splash? And why is it Rammus?

Bitch that isnt fizz

That's not how you spell Nunu and Taliyah, user.


Rammus's new splash looks great though.

If anything, I'd say it goes to Skarner now. It's ridiculously outdated.



Yeah, that looks pretty good?

>got knocked out in the first round of voting

i dont think so, sonafaggot.

>everyone keeps voting for the wrong girls

Shyvana wins round 9.


what is this voting shit everyone keeps talking about?
I have not been here in months to know anything

They're voting the right way where it matters.

How do you decide which girls are "right" and "wrong"?

Look at the post above yours

snow day singed or black scourge singed?

snow day seems comfier and isnt available all year round but scourge is pretty cool

Some faggot started making threads on /b/ about who would /b/ fuck. He posts 2 porn stars and /b/tards vote.

Now this moron is doing the same shit but with League champions.

>Kayle already lost

thats how you know the people in this general are shit

snow day is by far, the much better option.

Snow Day, since it's legacy. You can buy Scourge whenever.

If you're just going for which skin to get in general, I like Black Scourge more. If you're asking which skin to get right NOW, then Snow Day.

I vote against the popular opinion just to be a dick and watch you suffer.

reroll shards, astro teemo, some galio and Captain gangplank, get ct purse twisted fate. fuck me man.

is there any fan art of the renegade skin?

I've been using it for years: I don't get why they changed the loading art to make it look like a zombie or something.

>get plat vayne in game
>flame the entire time
I wish I could have dodged

Im fucking done with Ranked, every game i've had teammates that either feed or troll. This game for example Tahm Kench did nothing but flame Yas in lobby, he died twice bot, then proceeded to ragequit. I got told to go bot and help Sivir, so i go bot, get her some kills, then i get yelled at for leaving top even though its fucking 4v5.

Poppy and MF coming to a draw was pretty based tbqh

yeah i like both and used to play a good amount of singed but want to try him now with the CotC

Then the match i just played, i get twitch ahead, but mid feeds yas and top feeds garen, Lee Sin was complete ass and didn't gank bot once and got rekt by Jax every chance he got. I do the best i can and support and my team lets me down yet again.

>vayne says I should have out damaged her while on Eve
>Got every CC they had when they even saw me in team fights
God why the fuck are Vayne players so fucking retarded

Enemies were Panth, Rek'sai, Alistar, Fizz, and Draven if you're wonder what kind of CC

I miss when saint was /our guy/

Kill Me.

maybe stop playing fucking support? lmao

>tfw no qt ez bf

who ya playin right now, lolg?

tfw no hot gf that plays league.

I think I'm gonna try Skarner or maybe even Morde later.

Syndra wins round 10.

Please remember that voting ends when the "Asked____ mins ago" under the poll strikes 10.

Starting Day 3 since we still have some time.


ever time


>tfw urgot will never capture camille in a failed assassination and put her on public display to be raped by zaun and noxus commoners

I only went support twice because every game bot lane gave FB and fed. I figured i could change that and i did. I went support and got bot lane ahead but then another lane feeds!

git gud

$150 from Silver V to Gold V.

>tfw no twink bf

feels bad man

>tfw you play urgot into camile and use your ult when she ults so she has little to no time to use it or when she goes to bounce off a wall.

Here's $150 worth of advice:
Learn to cs, watch your fucking map
bam you're in gold.

Fuck I'm trash too...we are all trash together some just worse then others.

>69 CS in 24 minutes
>blames team

holy shit is this real

Do Mastery Chests turn to Winter Chests during this event?

>69 cs in a 24 minute game as a top laner

Do you click with your face?

he was playing supp naut after awhile

What are the results for the poll?
I've missed all of day 2

people like you need to be fucking drowned, It's always my fault right? surly if i do all those things i can stop every fed champ that my team has died too. Surly i as a Jayce or Poppy top can raid boss the whole match and 1v5 everyone while taking no damage. Fuck i didnt know it was that simple i've been doing it wrong the whole time. KYS

>jungle jax
>69 cs at 24 minutes
>Yas feeding
>tahm disconnect
Yes this is most definitly silver. Wukong would have been better than fucking Jax.

all the best girls lost and the poll is trash

you're dumb
have a (you)

I had to switch lanes to help Sivir you faggots really can't read eh?

8-2 in placements

get plat 4

gonna kms

shyv lost?


>tfw I just noticed that traditional trundle's loading screen art looks like bara shit

what the fuck riot

Classic silver answer stay silver where you belong kiddo.

Nah she won, that nigga's just salty his "BREAST WAIFU XDDDD" didn't win.

no idiot, I said BEST girls, obviously shyv won her round

riot is full of a bunch of closet homosexuals and butch deviants.

It ain't gonna suck itself

Miss Fortune wins round 1.


you're right:

>there are people that still think forced 50% is a meme

So you swapped from a lane where you could get farm to a lane where you couldn't? Even if it was to help the ADC, overall your team would have had more gold if you'd stayed top, and you could have held towers. Pretty shitty shotcalling there.

Daily reminder to take a break once and awhile!

>windspeakers Shen support



Free wins
close wins
close losses
free losses

How you play in the first three determine your rank :^] free losses are just unlucky but they happen as much as the free wins.

If you are constantly losing games you need to rethink your play, even if you did well.

good god what the fuck


>realistic portrayal of things that are likely to happen

>Playing Shen

Of course it's gonna be a 50/50 when the deciding factor is if your team can carry your useless arse. Play someone with some fucking impact.