League of legends general /lolg/

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First for boy's love -- the purest love there is.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results

>marcus takes my vi
>tfw im support karma

Functional, and stylish~

Pressure. Objectives. Gates

Will there ever be a western team as based as S2 M5 or S3 Fnatic? I'm kinda hoping Disney rigs it for us instead of the gooks.

Fuck, marry, kill. Go.
(default) Elementalist Lux, Sona, Janna.

>that GP build
Truly some next level shit

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Xth for leagues biggest and best breasts!

fuck, i sometimes feel bad for an opponent that is doing bad, but tries, and then get scold by their teammate.

Cute goat mains need affection.

i hit silver v in season 4 and immediately quit

i want to try for gold this next season

how do

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is LIVE ON NA

Play ranked.

i don't recommend it

wow this filled fast i didnt even see the room

Rate me.

No healsluts.
Blue Team wins.

eyeah i made the lobby and like 7 people joined instantly

yes i see now

Ey, like your champs buddy.

>ywn abuse this mastery in conjunction with frozen heart ever again
>FH's passive counted/was coded as "movement penalty" even though it said attack speed
>permanent 2.5% damage increase

My heart...

I don't like you so you get no heal.

At least you can still combo FH with Liandry's.

get closer, little goat!

Trying to practice drawing more regularly and while I'm about to go to sleep I'm open to suggestions about what you want to see drawn, albeit amateurish. Lewds are encouraged. Just bear in mind that I probably won't post them until tomorrow night.

me with that katarina

Sona trying to fit into MFs outfit

based af user keep drawing kat :^3
non lewds only tho pls of her

A malz voidling wearing winter wonderland sivir's hat please

>last game of the night
>Everything starts off fine
>Jinx d/c at level 4
>Doesn't reconnect
>Shits lookin bleak
>Start holding our own 4v5
>Tryndamere starts taunting
>"Why are you guys stalling? it's gonna end up bad for you eventually"
>Trynd is doing nothing but split pushing
>Hes gotta like 3 towers
>"A summoner has reconnected"
>Jinx comes back
>"Sry sry sry, so sry"
>oh my god we can actually win now
>Jinx gets 2 kills bot even though shes only level 7
>starts snowballing with assists
>Enemy team rushing Baron
>Xin runs in by himself
>E's then smites and steals it
>Enemy team raging in all chat
>Caught up Jinx
>We win
>"GG report this Vi"

My dick is numb guys, i'm exactly right back to the LP i was yesterday, but i feel myself improving a bit and im not 0 anymore. feelsgoodman

Nobody like the furry goat anyway.
We need Ahri execution.

Sona is a healpure, actually.

What you say to me bitch??

ahri seducing soraka

To what??

But I'm not a goat I just play one :c

I said what the heck is wrong with your face?

good night

Riven an hero'ing herself with her sword


you will know in time!


She heals everyone around her, user. She doesn't care who she's healing as long as they have a huge, bulging health bar for her to service.

I have not played this game for weeks, give it to me straight
is Camill or whatever cancer?

>is Camill or whatever cancer?
Not really cancer but nothing to write home about


She's never pure.
Then quit playing that goat.
>Darius Top win
My nigga.


are they right?

yea chamomile tea is pretty cancer
like j4 on super steroids



>anal prolapse


ivern is fucking cancer


Sounds spooky!!!!

But I like playing her she is qt...

how do i decide on a role? i enjoy all the roles. some are better than others some aren't.

tho i know that being a support will rely on team not being complete retards, but it's a great role to chill and just play the map.


They were doing baron and so i just waltz in there with Runnan, Quadra kill, Then Vayne was way bot lane and i killed her. Jumped in joy when i got my penta c:

oh, not at all, not all!

>Tfw 4 years and you havent found a main

>tiny waists
low test

wew lad

Tiny waists are only good when combined with wide hips

I always took this on old GP since his passive basically kept it permanently on.

My entire cheese was taking flat hp runes and ignite and just walking into people lvl 1.


Play a different Support then. Taric or Sion can work. Or use Zyra or Brand instead of a goat.

How can you look at Sona and see her as anything besides pure?

Reminder that you just have to carry harder.

>you're only allowed to play what I like
How about you kill yourself instead user I won't heal you.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is LIVE ON NA
PW: vidya

results of previous

woah! What happened top lane?

ryze more like DIES

Post mains, hate mains, rate mains

Oh man, nothing better than some retard thinking he's hot shit for getting gold last year!
Protop; stop blindly building essense reaver on jhin.
It's worse than the armorpen lucian build.

Isn't welding good tho?


>Isn't welding good tho?

no im bad



What do you get then? Don't tell me you get the shitty legality items on him. IE better first?

Her tits obviously. It needs nerf like Kindred's furry ass.
No Soraka, user. Just give up on her and switch to Karma or Braum.

Git gud

>7 games in a row on my placements with intentional feeders and trolls
>As in people OPENLY ADMITTING to feeding/trolling
>Lose all of them

What the fuck. What the fuck is happening? What is Riot doing to me? What did I do to deserve this? I won two placement matches, then seven losses in a fucking row with absolutely NO mercy? All feeders and children. What the fuck am I meant to do here? What is the solution? Is this a fucking joke? What did I do to deserve this? What did I do to deserve this? Seven matches in a row.

>snowing outside
>under a blanked slurping hot tea
>no ogn winter
>no doa and monte
>no comfy sister team korean leeg
instead we have the brime dime leeg:D__DD with le Lcs because you fucking autistic motherfuckers cant understand the fact that your region is shit and utterly fucking irrelevant
better regionlock so rito can protect your epin bersonalities
a bunch of uneducated fat cancer fucks
>yay this is not fun
>where is my doublelift
>he said trash OMG LMAO ROFL :DDDDDwhat personality and banter, absolutely upboated xD-DDD

kill yourself you fucking shitstain fuckfaces

>being this silver
>being this triggered


>ImThem and Welding in charge of not feeding

>not informing your enemy after a game that you had minimal difficulties achieving victory

Those who don't do this are the worst kind of people. Sportsmanship in a video game, pathetic, it's not a sport.

best bard skin

Well compared to a silver player? I guess welding does have a hurt hand

I forget which champ it is but like their highest winrate build is some ap shit on an ad champ

Veeky Forums VS Veeky Forums LIVE

Nah fuck you Imma goat all day long :3c

It was a hard fought top lane. Could have gone either way


Soraka sucks, get a fucking room


Why do people keep responding to the broken english waifu basher?

He's a slav.

>Well compared to a silver player?
>I guess welding does have a hurt hand


just figure out what you like to play and only play that or where you feel you're best at and capable of carrying from

for me that ended up being ad/mid, every person is different though

remember its supposed to be fun =)

>playing since 2009
>have never had a main

why would u tho

You lost because you picked Janna.

really makes u think

Reminder to those out there playing Tanky/Defensive supports that sometimes it's best to just to cut the weakest link and divert your energy elsewhere.

Damn I tried to play ad evelynn just for fun - and was soooo good - actually carried some games in solo q just with her.

I've then checked champion.gg and other websites I browser for item usage and stats and lately evelynn ad picks had the higher winrate - I think right now ad eve is more viable than ap eve.