Give me some good Haiku poems

Give me some good Haiku poems

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OP has written this
Now I will reply to it
Making me happy

Over-ripe sushi,
The Master
Is full of regret.

- Yosa Buson

Compensate for looks
Repeat same tropes and shake butts
Sistar is a shit



I wrote a haiku
But it isn't very good
So I won't share it

>people reducing haikus to 'muh syllables'

Worker bees can leave
even drones can fly away
the queen is their slave

Fuck you ya dumb bitch
OP is a huge faggot
Who can't stop sucking dick

>weebs thinking rules for Japanese haikus apply to English haikus

Hell, there's not even a syllable rule in English.

One two three four five
One two three four five six eight
You looked for seven

From /b/tards I flee
With philosophy in mind
Shall Veeky Forums set me free

You are majorly plump
And so perfectly blossom
Nicki Minaj's ass

Perhaps he's wonder
Why would you shoot him before
Throw him out of plane?

Click "Start a New Thread"
The empty comment field glows
Why am I still here?

It will not do so,
As Veeky Forums is just as stupid
But far more verbose.

In search of good threads
Scroll and refresh to no end
Maybe just once more

when on the way out
be sure that you say goodbye
and lock the door tight.


Summer grasses,
All that remains
Of soldiers' dreams
I used to think Haikus were dumb and restricted by their own structure, but I took a literature class where we analyzed them in their original language and discussed all the different connotations to the different words and the linguistic complexities that come out of the structure. It's really cool.

Death Poems > Haiku's

Death poems
are mere delusion —
death is death

go for your life lad

(btw, 5/7/5 syllables is the wrong way to write haiku. far too many syllables. should be more like 3/5/3)

Faggot you are
Pissing in white marble clean
Fuck earth gay

Pretentious fuck
There is no merit to haiku's
Pretentious fuck

Actually, with English haikus there are no rules, the syllable thing is a guideline.

Alone on Veeky Forums
An outsider, even here
Shitpost endlessly

Haiku, what are you?
A literary device
confusing my mind.

maybe, but here are some points i have collected in my own research:

>3 lines of 2, 3, 2 accented beats. This combines to make one pentameter and half a pentameter, imitates incompleteness in Japanese.

>Maximum of 12 syllables: 7 accented syllables plus unaccented syllables. Aim for between 10 and 12.

>Grammatical pause between 2nd and 3rd or 5th and 6th syllables imitates the kireji in Japanese.

>No metaphors or similes. Point is to evoke emotions through dynamic juxtaposition of 2 images, not collapse them into a single flat metaphor.

>“On the tongue-tip turn a thousand times” (Basho). Constantly revise.

>Remove all words and grammar that do not sharpen the image. Use “a, an, and, the” sparingly.

>Exercise: first two lines about nature, final line about something completely unrelated (human).

>Old rule: haiku must be on a seasonal topic (kidai) and contain a season word (kigo).

>Newer attitude: a haiku is that which concisely captures kinds of moments (sudden intimate seeings) one wishes to remember and share with others.

>Difference between haiku and senryu: latter relies on a point of wit/joke instead of a provocation by contrast.

>See also renga, hokku, haikai, etc.

OP is a faggot
His thread sucks old donkey balls
Fuck you Moot and Snacks.

OP is a fag.
Who writes haikus on Veeky Forums?
I know I wouldn't.

five seven five or
three five three
OP is still a faggot

it's not a coincidence that japanese haiku are good and english haiku are bad

Those it's worth noting aren't exactly hard and fast rules, especially with western artistic traditions that praise the avante-garde (not to say Japanese traditions don't, but I know very little about them, aside from the fact haiku has a more formal structure in Japanese). I'd say go with what works and creates a powerful piece of poetry.