/fog/ Fallout General

Best Armor Edition

>Fallout 1 and 2:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas
>General Information, Mod Recommendations & Run Ideas etc:

>Fallout 4
>General Information etc:

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository (Mods & Rips etc):

>VGU (Rips):

>How to Convert Skyrim / Oblivion / NV / FO3 etc. Models to FO4 & Bodyslide Guide:

>the weebly is in the general pastebin for 4

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>tfw you really wish Bethesda had the WC Brotherhood using T-45 again

Imagine how sick this armor would have looked in the Brotherhood military paint.

Seeing them in all kinds of different sets would have been cool. Having Knights in lower sets like 45 or 51 and leave the T60 to Paladins and above
also tfw Bethesda removed the X01 brotherhood paints

Just bought this game. WHY IS NOONE DISCUSSING IT?


Yeah, it certainly would have made more sense for the Knights to be using T-45, and as you climb up in the ranks you gain access to better generation suits.

No idea why the even removed it to start with

Start the discussion of shit you want to talk about yourself instead of bitching.

Also the game is a year old, wasn't going to have as much lasting popularity as TES to begin with and has a lack of super interesting mods due to bethesda doing most of the cool shit already so there's not much to talk about overall really.

It would have been decent.
Therefore it's gone.

>game is pretty meh overall aside from a few cool things here and there
>a lot of the popular mods have been integrated into the base game/dlc
>the whole console modding debacle
>re releasing skyrim so modders went back

user what are you saying, our boy Todd wouldn't do that

Since we actually have some decent discussion going on in this thread, can we talk a little bit about the music in New Vegas?

We all know that the default radio songs weren't chosen randomly, and that all the songs are symbolically linked to either characters or themes in the game. Most of them are fairly obvious, like Ulysses being Johnny Guitar, but I've always been curious about Big Iron, specifically the identity of Texas Red.

The Arizona Ranger obviously refers to the NCR, and the "Big Iron" at his hip refers to the NCR-aligned Courier, the greatest weapon the NCR has in the Mohave. Texas Red isn't quite as clear. You might think maybe Texas Red refers to the Legion, since they're the greatest threat to the NCR in the Mohave, yet the Arizona Ranger is the aggressor in the song, and Texas Red has really done nothing wrong (he's claimed to be an "outlaw", yet all his kills are in self-defense). Obviously this isn't a strong parallel with the Legion, who are hardly passive and defensive, they're constantly on the attack. So who IS Texas Red? My only guess is that Texas Red refers to the Wastelanders or Tribals of the pre-NCR Mohave, who are getting pushed around by the NCR.

What do you guys think?

"Our" boy Todd took the fun out of Fallout and the husbandos.

>game released over a year ago so everything's been discussed to death
>y is no1 discussin it!?!?!?

Gee, I sure do wonder why.

There's more male options to romance than female, are they all shit?

There are an equal number of male and female romances as far as followers go and you can sleep with 3 additional NPC females by various means, though two are one night stands to my knowledge.

No, the real fun.
And the real husbandos, like _____.


Curie, Cait and Piper vs Preston, Danse, Macready, Hancock and Gage. It's a sausage party.

One of those female npc romances is a robobrain isn't it?

You mean they are not using the Nuka paintjob?
And pipe pistols?
It makes no sense as it's pre-war technology...
Todd, I love you?

I forgot about Gage.

Also the other two romances (really romance is too strong of a word) are Magnolia and the tailor lady who is a co-worked of the dude you rescue with Strong.

Anne is a potential settler not a romance as far as i know.

I thought you could get the buff from her, but it mighta changed or i forgot.

I wish, she's pretty cute.

tfw no sex mods


One day, maybe

There are some nigger rigged ones.

However for the real deal, yer gonna have to wait a year at least.

Well shit
I guess I don't mind waiting

What is the most patrician faction in fo4?

Someone would probably say BoS or Institute but they're both pretty terrible.

The only other options are a neighborhood watch that doesn't listen to you and a bunch of slave-freeing spies that have no plans to actually help the commonwealth.

More like idiots who actively commit genocide upon the "people" they're trying to help.

>lame ass story
>regurgitated gameplay
>painfully bad speech system
>almost no reason to replay the game due to the removal of many rpg elements
>disappointingly bad DLC
>all these things combined lead to a smaller community which in turns leads to a smaller mod scene
You think this is bad just wait till next year when almost no one is discussing this game. Hopefully, Obsidian will be given the opportunity to make a new Fallout by then but I seriously doubt it with all the bad blood between them and Bethesda.

>Hopefully, Obsidian will be given the opportunity to make a new Fallout by then but I seriously doubt it with all the bad blood between them and Bethesda.
>when almost everyone who was there for NV is gone
>when they have to use kickstarter for their games
not likely

and if they do it'll be the last game they ever make

Well that just makes me sad. There is no hope for Fallout...

what the fuck is this place

>tfw no game I know even comes close to the level of immersion of fallout
>tfw fallout has no community and few prospects for the future

have you ever played S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Nope. Is it on ps4?

Entire series is PC only.


but it's one of the best games, immersion wise.

it came out literally a decade ago, so maybe even if you have a toasterpc you can run it

>even if you have a toasterpc you can run it
Not him but ever since I upgraded my pc to Windows 10 I haven't been able to launch it and I've been wanting to play it since I think I got pretty far

Thanks user-kun.

>playing Fo4 on the PS4

>windows 10

Maybe it's not supported..? I used to play it on win7

you're welcome

>Dumping over one grand on a gaming PC

Obsidian has been gutted anyway. It wouldn't be the same.


stalker works with windows 10. if you did the win7->10 upgrade that might be why.
i suggest backing up your gamedata if you have any mods. then reinstall the game.

>1 grand


dude what

to clarify i mean if you just upgraded to 10 instead of a clean install of 10 , that might be why.

You telling me you can build a fo4 machine for 300?

It was a clean install of Windows 10. I've already reinstalled stalker several times but it refuses to start

Guys, I fucked up, I made a Fallout 1 character with only 2 Strength, and I'm too weak to use guns, is there anyway to recover or should I just make a new one?

I wish you could romance Elder Maxson.

What do you think?

>there are no numbers between 300 and 1000
$500 sure, there's a basic guide on logicalincrements, Forbes has a guide for a $500 one, and some youtube videos boast as little as $300 for working rigs.
Just from the first page of google searching for 'fallout 4 gaming pc'.

anyspecific error or crashlog?

digital version of stalker or physical?

other things to try are turning of compatibility mode for the launcher
and running as admin (i always run stalker as admin anyways)

Digital. Reinstalling it right now to see if it works but I doubt it.

repostan my question from the last thread:
If I repackage all my HD textures in FNV into a .bsa, will there be any noticeable difference in loading times, or do the old archives lack the sort of optimization that .ba2 has?

Well shit it actually works. I don't know what the problem is but at least it actually starts now. Thanks anyway.

>500 for a PC

Probably just installed wrong the first time, who knows.

cool shit man

glad to hear it's woking


Make a new one. If you're this bad at character building I doubt you got far.

You get what you pay for.

Plus those guides do assume yer starting from scratch most of the time. If yer not posting from a craptop or yer phone, there is potential to upgrade your current rig into something usable.

Why the fuck can't I start Fallout 4 guys, It was working, I had 70 hours into it and now whenever I try to play it (Ie. select start from the Fallout 4 launcher) it treats me to a black screen, my mouse turns into the loading icon when shit freezes. I've tried everything I can think of and nothing is working god damned it. I'm so fucking tired of everything from bethesda being a poorly coded fucking time bomb.
>inb4 banned for flaming
I deleted the game off my drive and redownloaded it and the game started up and played normally until I I remembered to make sure my graphics were maxed (Because i'm a huge faggot who's never had a decent PC before this year so it's a real treat for me.) and I shut it down and now it's right back at fucking square one again with the black screen.

Is there any fix for this?

There was zero variables that changed from my end, so something in the game files must have changed right? Please help.

Full delete including files in My Documents > My Games

So deleting local content from the steam application is not enough? i'll try this and be back, Thank you.
Why does this happen though?

Anyone got that gif of a dude getting spooked by a skelly in a bathtub from new vegas

From the "Asset and Mod Repository" pastebin, The VGU Mods mega link is down.


the bear, the bull, the divide,vegas and the divide, the courier, hoover dam, caesar, america

After a long night of exploring, time for some comfy and bartering in Diamond City

Wtf, Kellogg can take a damn mininuke to the face?!?!?

This game is so dumb.

post her and cait getting lewd

He's a big guy

Hello worst New Vegas DLC. Please go away.


are lewd mods out yet?

I want to stick my dick in her mouth

How rude
you'd probably get all the STDs

post nudes

Does Mod Organizer work for Fallout 4?

obviously meant to reply to
mai waifu is pure

>b-but muh bear and muh bull and muh divide

piper is fucking trash

>Diamond city press
What mod is that armor from?

piper is not amused

custom combat armor, you can add decals and change colors to combat armor

I want to fuck cait

Enjoy getting every mutated strain of STD known to post-apocalyptic man

your character is cute

shut up, wesley :^)

I would also fuck you

You'd be surprised how cheap good-performance is these days. Even great videocards can be had for less than $200. A shadow of of the cost PC hardware used to be not but a decade prior.

>trying to convert some nv armor following buff's guide
>run convert pose.bat
>select target folder
>background window tries to make a bunch of folders only to end with a "the device is not ready: 'D:\\'" error
>I've got a .nif file there for sure
>window closes but nothing happens when I click "ok"
I can't even remember WHY I wanted to port over some Legion armor, other than to have it be the opposite of the ranger gear.

I wanted her to be as similar as vanilla Nora, but with a couple twists.
I also like to change her hairstyle and color every now and then.
F4 best doll game

some fag on GUN already did the legion armors, last i checked its public too