League of legends general /lolg/

Best waifu edition!

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chii kun

this game is easy
why even try when you aren't as good as me?

not better than jubilee

Is this leading up to a new Zaun champion reveal?

Maybe Warwick's rework?

If you're not platinum by season 6, there is no reason to continue playing ranked.

>there is no reason to continue playing ranked
Sure there is.


Why do all bronze/silvers feel like they dont belong in bronze/silver?

Yes that is exactly what it's about.

Should I get dark star thresh?


with warwick being from zuan I would say yes

why do retards ask rhetorical questions for (you)s on a Russian miniature knitting board.

xth for breast waifu


third xth for ONE MORE GRAVE

fourth xth for HEAVY AND METAL

fifth xth for THE MIGHT OF LOKFAR

>plat 5 0 LP
I wouldn't start a game, your friend isn't online to carry you

>playing thresh
thats what you think shitlord
ill be diamond by the end of the week since finals are over

xth for a before and after playing with retards in placements

How do you play Kennen mid? Why did I get autofilled to mid?

is she still a vampire?


are you implying getting to plat by yourself is hard

I'm taking this (you) whether (you) like it or not

Rock girl is a qt!

plat 3 actually
i get 25-30 lp a match so ill skip to p1 and easy roll into diamond

Because I don't want to admit I'm shit at the game

I'm bronze and I think I'm exactly where I need to be, I'm about as good (shit) as people I go up against.

Is amazing how fast pol made this guy a meme.

>vancouver amumu
>galio in a suit
>pool leona

should i reroll these?
i already have 3 leona skins and the others skins give too few essence


thanks for the (you), baka.

>having a physical, flesh body

Fucking heresy.


>4-6 placements
>plat IV
huh, not as bad as I expected. I got autofilled one game and was scared of dodging, do dodges count as losses in placements or was i a retard?

Rock qt is the cutest!

Turkish aloha snakbar pretended to be a bodyguard and assassinated a russian ambassador.

is.Veeky Forums.org/gif/1482173020869.webm

Man, I wish I lived on a farm

they don't count, it counts as a game without result.


>assassinated a russian ambassador
That doesn't sound as impressive as it should.

Post em, rate em.

Really diggin Camille. fun af.

Because the result hasnt been nukes yet

League of Legends

Bullshit, you get autofill-protected for a game or two after you get autofilled

oh shit, russia is going to be pissed at the turkroaches now.


Pretty based

the guy was pretty handsome

that's a pity

Rank? Are you on NA? I could duo with you. Support main.

Fuck off with your (you)-baiting cunt

lose lane
win game

the waifu

im not the support. this is the 7th game where ive gotten an autofilled one that is dogshit

Too bad cold war has ended so this shit doesn't rile up people like it used to. Back in the good old days murder like this started world wars.

Dodges only affect Promotion Matches and League Points, each consecutive Dodge has an increased League Point loss, starting at 3LP for the First Dodge with a 6 minute time-out from queuing up, 10LP for the Second Dodge with a 30 minute time-out from queuing up, capping at 10LP and 30 minutes.

Dodges do not effect Match Making Rating or Placement matches.

I dont jungle. Vi's there because she's my best at it on the blue moon that I do play Jungle.

Also can Warring Kingdoms come out already?

wow user
that SURE is impressive

how tight is your bp

I would rather have an autofilled support than a support main. Support mains are terrible at legal legends

surely support mains are better at support, though

You have 10 seconds to name a champ with a better VO than Tahm Kench.

well, it's just a pro-isis terrorist attack since the guy cried about syrian provinces, it's not specifically turk-related

anyway pls, keep /pol/ away from here

yeah, I had 4 niggers going all jungle with smite on my last ranked game

so superior test of skill wew




You'd think that, but no.

anyone with a VO from someone who's alive.


Aurelion Sol


cool dude/10

Best girl.
Best plushies.
Best wife.



really diggin the :3 accesory,,would use if i was qt grill

>14 min in
>bot lane has given up TWENTY kills and mid (the guy that got your role instead of you) has give up 7 himself
>youre the only one on the team who has a positive record and good farm
>the enemy has a fed kha zix and lucian and shen + leona
>the yasuo you fucked up in lane starts shit talking

god I fucking hate this game sometimes


>Enemy team REALLY far ahead
>They start raging at each other in all chat
>Two of them start running it down mid
>Still lose becasue team is that fucking bad



>Your Main
>Your champ you hate the most
>Best girl

Post'em and get judged

Any Veeky Forums games up? I both enjoy and hate the autistic butthurt in those games. Why do I love pain /lolg/?

Best top laners right now? I'm having fun with Garen but I'm tired of being poked and harassed by random mage picks and other shit.

jayce and rumble



I'm probably going to get told my taste is shit anyway.

>Your Main
Pic-related Azir
>Your champ you hate the most
>Best girl
Quinn or Vi


because when my k/d is literally double everybody elses combined, and I took turrets solo, and I was the only one making dragon/baron plays, it gets a little frustrating

teams are meant to be balanced
sue me for thinking this way

Triforce as an item

>Lee Sin


every time

>most hated champ
probably riven or yasuo but more because the players not the champs themselves
>best girl


>Fiora/LB (hate both equally)

>be support main
>mfw all these autofill retards giving me free wins

>Twisted Fate
trying to stop playing him since I think Ive tilted myself off of playing him so much and not being able to carry
nothing in the game makes me more pissed than having to give up my lane to this fucking cancer, even if my jungler is doing well cause shes camping me instead of relevant lanes I still hate being in the same game as this bitch
if boys dont count as best girl then Kayle

Yes I am a complete scumbag.
Breddy gud


>get supp
>4~5th pick mostly
>get mid
>1st picks always

nice gaem lolbabs

Pic related
>Champ you hate the most
Toss up between Pantheon and Lee because laning against Panth as Fiora is assy and Lee because if he's on my team he's going 0/10 and if he's on the enemy team he's going legendary by the 15 minute mark.
>Best girl
Pic very related



sivir or orianna

>wanna play in Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
>don't wanna get shit on and make my team lose and get made fun of

it's VI o'clock

Hey retard I am talking about the enemy velkoz
Can you not read? I was the nami who decked his ass


WTF?! I love Sky Williams now!