>Links and Resources
>Links and Resources
Other urls found in this thread:
Joshua is sexy
Camilla a best!
Azura is still shit
Naesala and the ravens of Kilvas have betrayed us? Again?
FE horse racing game when?
I post The Sacred Stones paizuri Tier list
Flat Tier
Good stuff user. I'll save this for future reference
>Syrene in top
What was his purpose, /feg/? Will we find out more in the sequel?
What is the appeal in this pair? Certainly not gameplay
Eh Hinoka is better
Young Gangrel
Nothin' wrong with Hinoka, even if I like Camilla more
Literally who?
To be the best Pokemon trainer
Severa is the cutest & sweetest! No question!
The Prince of Jehanna!
Honkers aka BEST BIG sister
Maybe you've heard of her
Hello Michlan.
Fuck off.
Doesn't ring a bell. You mean Camilla...?
Please sir, im just an admirer of art.
Nah she's the other less known BIG sister. She's ok too, but not Honkers.
>People are now pushing their own personal original fan characters
wew lad
Now now, there's no need to fight. Both sisters are the best sisters anyone could ask for!
Fucking saved
Hinoka's only purpose is to serve as Lady Camilla's sex slave and human furniture
This. Why settle for one when you could have both?
But at least Hinoka doesn't have a fucking mc pancake ass
Not like that matters considering that isn't the reason you'd go for Camilla to begin with
Prove it.
t. Laslow
Bestest wife. BESTEST.
Watch them pull the same stupid cutscene like they always do since that's all the ammunition they have
Laslow is the anonymous Peri poster.
No, I know about the cutscene that shows Camilla's pancake ass. I want proof that Hinoka does not also have a pancake ass, since they made that claim.
>All this anti Hinoka shitposting over one opinion
He gets to have both! Sevsev's cute tight perky tsun tushy and Peri's BIG peris
It never fails. Camillafags get triggered over Hinoka having a nice ass since their waifu is flat as a board. Why can't they just be happy with the cowtits?
Hinoka doesn't even have a nice ass though.
>literally carries the other royals
>Tfw your taste in female characters is diverse leading to you having trouble picking them out
I like tomboys so Hinoka is A+ but Camilla has tig ol bitties.
>Hinoka is a tomboy
Stop this meme. She has no personality and people only give her the "tomboy" meme in the absence of one, simply because she has short hair.
>no personality
Not until you stop this meme
Why can't people just like both...
This is the internet. People aren't allowed to like things you don't like.
So I'm sure this'll get me laughed at, but is Charlotte a slut? Is she fucking all those dudes she is nice to, or does she lead them on to collect gifts & money? She's not even my waifu, but I'm curious.
She tries to be a slut but she's bad at it. She does it so she can try and give money to her family who is very poor.
She's just leading them on for free shit. She just wants the hot dollars to support her family
She'd probably fuck for money though
She just likes to yield for her desires
>she's actually trying to take her rage out on you that you let her mom die
royal family art is always so cute
Well I meant more interactions between the siblings themselves but retainer stuff is good too.
I like the little comic where Saizo ninja appearing out of nowhere makes baby Shiro happy
This is best Awakening. If Chrom x Sumia wasn't canon I would have married her every play through.
Who cares about Chrom? All that matters is his hot sister
2 edgy 4 me
She's pretty great too, I remember I made her a Sage in my first play through with Tomefaire, Renewal, and Galeforce. Shit was orgasmic.
The joke is she's shit at acting. Cracks at the first sign of pressure.
This also needs a longface edit
Sumia isn't really my cup of tea but I can see why some would love her.
>All that matters is his hot sister
Uh, which one? He has two
The one that flys
>Emmeryn doesn't have any Support with Lissa or Chrom
Gangrel pls
Hot damn. Makes me wish there was a polyamory hack for Awakening.
Apparently some guy did conquest!lunatic with a bunch of Elise's and Azura. Here's an album of his playthrough:
I want to marry the whiny princess
>bipolar and fucked in the head
Just how I like 'em.
I missed Tharja on my first play through, I was so pissed. Truly best girl, who wouldn't want a stalker?
I don't understand Flavia's one
>Lucina is the only one without a colorful bubbly background
hmm really makes you canon
Don't start this shit again
>Literally Retarded
Still can't believe they gave her a romance support
It bothers me that Say'ris complaint is barren womb when she's not the only barren womb in the game. Could have called her boring but that's already being used for Lucina
>Tharjas is green
Which is more of a canon indicator
>Mad spic
Kill yourself
I remember neo-/feg/ attempted to make a Fates version, but they were so many waifufags present that they couldn't bear to make fun of their shitfus, not even satirically, resulting in pathetically unfunny captions and lame ""jokes"" so as to not hurt anyone's feefees
than a "new" version came out that instead said something "nice" and "positive" about every waifu
wew thats great. I did find this though.
>shit mom
Now that's just blatantly false.
>Ike has joined the server
>mfw the ones for my waifus aren't even that bad.
I know it can be a bit difficult to make completely different character designs, but goddamn it kinda pissed me off when I played Fates. Way too many reused designs.
Call me when Ephraim joins
>chapter 21 Nohr
>break through
>think I only have to get one unit past to win
>have Lutz fly his way up there
>everyone else is pretty behind
>use some dragon veins to stun them so I can get some of that exp and weapon proficancy
>funs up, break through.
>mfw the stage didn't end
>mfw I have to get everyone through
Just because you're delusional, doesn't mean it isn't the truth.
Besides, Rhajat isn't your problem anymore, pal.
>doesn't mean it isn't the truth.
Except most people agree Rhajat is a good mom to Kana, in both the generic supports and the scramble convo. Your delusional hate is what's forcing you to view everything about her in a negative light.
Good one. Sure got me. Can't wait to tell my wife Tharja about this one.
All this Awakening/Fates talk makes me really want to replay it but I sold my 3DS two months ago, damn. and I never even got to play Birthright.
Yeah, Awakening and Fates are some really good games
>She's not best girl, but she's not worst girl, I don't particularly like her, but she doesn't offend me, she is okay.
Who is this?