Dad bird edition
Dad bird edition
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on na
You know who doesn't 1v1? Beta cucks.
That's why they need a third player to do it for them.
clearly than a complete shit player who is trying is a ok player who is not trying at all
Would you an Ezreal, /lolg/?
Why did riot kill Taliyah so hard? I know she recently got a buff but its not nearly enough to get her into the game again.
/lolg/, how triggered do you get when someone spams their mastery icon after killing you?
>play vg
>half the team ints
>one guy rage quits 10 mins and 8 deaths in
And then I didn't play vgs anymore
I don't know, I never die 1v1
holy fuck i'm fucking mad
A little. I really should start doing that myself whenever I play Udyr and Trundle, too.
Because she doesnt sell
Riot likes certain champions and will either find ways to bring them to meta no matter what or buff them in needless places to get them to a better spot
xth for cute white boys
Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.
Aww thats so sweet.
>introduce game to friend
>show him tons of videos and stuff
>plays a few bot games
>plays a few lvl 3 pvp games
>plays like 6 games total
>doesn't like it
League has to make itself more noob friendly desu
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA.
Fair enough i suppose, still sad to see her just die like this. Been playing her since day 1
I'll host one
Veeky Forums v Veeky Forums up on NA
PW: vidya
No, but I'd a Malzahar
Only when the circumstances were completely out of my favour (ex. being caught off guard by another person joining the fight.) I really only get tilted by /all chat taunts, honestly.
Because a lot of people don't play her from a meta standpoint or like her from a lore/character standpoint.
Also, Illaoi and Jhin haven't even gotten their new skins yet, and Jhin was one of the most well-received and popular champions in a long time.
Anybody know what champions are easy to duel/invade jungle as Vi? I keep thinking I can fight champs like Graves or Shyv when I try to do some cheeky counter jungling but I always am wrong. Who should I be counterjungling/invading primarily when I see them picked?
I dont get why anyone wouldnt play a champion becasue their lore is badly writte
vi isn't a counterjungling champion
Then stay dedicated
Azirposter still plays Azir and he's not in the best spot at the moment. People still play Lucian after his nerfs. I personally know a Brand main after Rylais was nerfed for him.
Stick to your mains if you're seriously desperate for "respect"
The only exceptions to this rule are like Aatrox or Kalista who are just flat negative all around.
With lore I agree, but if the characterization, VA or look of the champion themselves isn't good, then it can and does often affect the play rate of the champion.
It's not about lore lol. Taliyah looks average at best in a game that is filled with waifu pandering. That's all there is to it really
if TF was confirmed gay for Graves id quit playing him
t. 650k champ mastery tf main who is gay
i've never played with a good taric
What a worthless champion
>if TF was confirmed gay for Graves id quit playing him
hey king gay
vladfag posted tits on discord
ahri, shyvana
currently unranked
She isn't a duelist or counterjungler. You should be using your godlike clear to melt your jungle then gank all day err day. If you're able to consistently land your Qs, maxing it first will destroy people, and you should be getting your thick ass to bot every time your ult is up.
Im not out for respect, I just find Taliyah to be one of the most satisfying champs too play. Also its fun to piss people off with my W
Seems like pretty reasonable arguments. Mud people arent the most populare people in games
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +6 on NA.
because its a stupid ship, I have a best friend and even tho I do find him attractive I would NEVER give up our friendship just to try and be with him
its a stupid idea and only fucks things up
tits or gtfo XDDDD
is she feeling lonely today?
wanted to post her pic in a dress here too
It's very likely to end up being canon though.
>quitting a main because of a sexuality confirmation
but how? yi's entire kit screams "1v1 me bro" and he pretty much can't gank until six so in the meanwhile you should be farming the enemy jungle if they're on the otherside of the map
cute white *priveleged* boys!
Is Cirn0 a trap?
I chose to main TF cause of his personality and lucked out on him being like the best champion on the game for solo queue
if they made him into something so shitty to pander to faggots then it would ruin the champion for me all together
if it does end up canon Ill play someone else
oh ignore this, i thought it said yi and not vi
im usually looking at another part of the map as soon as i die so i dont see it
if you werent platinum by season 6 you might as well stop playing ranked
thresh ivern morde
So, when it is okay to introduce a gay character? When it is not pandering, in your opinion?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +4 on NA.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on na
needs 4+
pass is vidya
judging by the name it's an ice fairy
also i think she can be in my friend list too and i don't have anybody from lolg there
funny, but the world is small
PBE update soon? Or are they on break until January?
Im not saying its not okay to introduce a gay champ, im just saying that if they force something shitty onto a champion I like itd ruin it for me and I would stop playing him
they can do what they want, I have no say in it if they decide to go throught with the TF x Graves thing, but if they do, I can decide to stop playing him
Post yours
what champs let me right click people to death that arent adcs
join the Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums you cuck
Kayle, trynd, azir
Xin zhao
Teemo, Kayle, Azir, Kled, Nunu
What is the dotabuff of LoL?
You might like Nocturne. You basically just click the everloving shit out of someone once every minute or so when your ultimate is up. And if you hate ADCs, you can assrape most of them mercilessly.
Some of these are from chests
is eyoson updated yet? Id make a new one if they ever fixed that shit
Yorick, Darius, Sion
Platinum 1
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +5 on NA.
How would you feel about them giving Ezreal a qt bf?
any bruiser
vi, shyvana
uum, do any of you guys have any jungleing tips for shen or ekko? or just jging tips in general?
ive been looking into playing the role more often.
doublelift is in the Veeky Forums game join
do tell, do you have the pictures?
are they a good pair of tits?
unless it was someone cool like talon (duh) then I wouldnt like it
having your waifu/husbando being taken by someone you dont relate to is straight up cuck stuff
* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ
>tfw even though you can do this shit it doesnt mean anything because your viktor is running it down mid whenever he's alive
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +4 on NA.
What do you guys think about Relic? I have to say after laning is over it's super crap to use and you can rarely get to use it on creeps. I was wondering when you get FotM that it lets you mark creeps and when they are under 100 hp no matter who kills them you share the gold. Plus you can mark them from anywhere on the map. But you can still keep the melee kill+healing if you're close to a ally.
>tfw I never look at the resolution before clicking a thumbnail
even when it's fucking obvious.
where even are these games found
I try searching and cannot find
Xth for Katarina
best girl
check off custom and type vg
Don't love the sluts, Anons.
someone please respond
i mean private
slutty ~
>tfw not intelligent enough to play Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forumss
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +2 on NA.
Maybe it's for high ranked players.
Jungle is just knowing when to gank/counter jungle. A good jungle knows the times of the camps and looks at the map so they know were the other jungle is and control objects.
intelligent? what? just join m8ty its ok
no anyone can join there is literal bronze 5 that plays
shes allowed to dress however she wants user your opinion doesnt matter what matters is her love and that I am the sole dedicator
last time I checked it was up to Ivern, I can only dream that some day someone would update the splashes tho
As far as bruisers go, Jax and Irelia have the most broken "press Q to stick to people" ability. They can pretty much dash every 3 seconds.
who have cut katarina's arms >
so ward like crazy when you want to pay a visit to there jg and keep a ward next to your red and blue?
are you in the right server friendo
shes not dead though and you should shut the fuck up already