Classic Debate

What do you do when you park your manual transmission car? Do you just pull the handbrake, put it in gear, or both?

Here in MA it's pretty damn cold right now so I've been avoiding the handbrake, and I'll just put it in first.

I've been doing it the same way for quite some time, but I've recently been that it's better to park in reverse regardless of uphill or downhill slant, since that gear provides the most torque. True?

who cares. shit aint going anywhere.

AZ here.
I set the handbrake, leave it in neutral. Habit I picked up driving diesel trucks with mechanical fuel shutoffs.
But yeah I hear ya on the cold thing. Don't want the handbrake freezing up with it on lol

Sometimes I forget the handbrake and just leave it in first on the driveway. It's pretty level and I wake up to go to work and notice to say "oh fuck I totally forgot" and just go about my day.

I really treat my car like shit I should feel ashamed. All those years of automatic has spoiled me.

>using your clutch plate as a parking brake

I shiggy

just leave it in neutral

If the handbrake fails (you say it won't happen, but so did everyone else this happened to) shit does go somewhere, and when it does you'll land somewhere between bankruptcy from fines and prison time should that actually end up coming in contact with any property you don't own or other people.

But the guy who sold it to me left it in first. And the guy who changed the oil left in first. Then the guy who did the key FOB left in first.

Is neutral really right?

Only cucked leave their cars in gear on level surfaces.

And hand brake on level surface
In gear on inclines/declines

No exceptions

Is your pic the engine bay of an ion redline?

Pretty much this

this. 1st or R depend which way I'm facing on the hill.

Unless you drive a saab then it must be in R to get the key out at least

Is that your car? Naisu reddo rinu! Treat her good famlay

handbrake and leave it in whatever it was in, R, 1, or N depending on how/where I parked.

> you'll land somewhere between bankruptcy from fines and prison time

You mean you'll land somewhere between an insurance claim and an under the table paint repair

Why dont you just leave it in park...?

What's that?

Parking brake + 2nd gear master race

Manual driver for 20 years.

Never put it in gear unless it's some extreme situation (think San Fran hills)

Always disable the safeties (thank god jeep just uses a fuse) so when people at emissions leave my jeep in gear against my express request and I turn the key it jumps...

Driving automatic for years I used the ebrake every park without any issues, like 50 times a day for 3 years.

Now on my manual I park, put in clutch, pull ebrake, and set into 1st or reverse. Usually reverse because that's the first gear I'm going to use.

Flat surface: First gear and handbrake
Uphill: First and handbrake
Downhill: Reverse and handbrake

In every case, I always make sure to let off the brake and make sure the handbrake is holding the car, not the transmission.

Nothing is right. Personally, I always leave it in gear (Handbrake should hold the car though). The way I see it, there is no reason not to have it in gear. It doesn't do any harm at all.

>they have to keep holding the clutch in when they start there car

Yeah no. I leave it in neutral with the brake up. When I get in my car I start it and let my foot off the clutch and sit an idle for a minute or two.

5 times out if 10 when I leave my car in gear with the brake up on a hill for example I let my foot off the clutch when I start and end up stalling it like a cuck

* Method to finish the process of parking the vehicle.
* @param incline An integer representing the incline of the surface which the vehicle is parked upon. A positive value denotes incline going upward past the front bumper of the vehicle, negative represents that the ground is angled downward past the vehicle's front bumper, a value of zero indicates that the vehicle is parked on a completely flat surface.

public void parkVehicle( int incline )
__shutOffEngine( );
__setParkingBrake( true );
__IF( incline >= 0 ) { selectGear( "third" ); }
__ELSE { selectGear( "reverse" ); }
__return void;

Handbrake on, in neutral.
Parking it in gear might lead to me forgetting I did so. One time I did so, the car hauled itself off across the car park with the handbrake still on.

Shit doesn't just randomly fail for no reason unless you drive a >10 year old shitbox that never gets anything checked or maintained.
> America
> Veeky Forums
Well, there you go, I guess...

Is if you don't put the handbrake on.

Paint repair for all the Jerry's kids your runaway el Camino flattens

Usually first gear+handbrake.

e46 tho, so the handbrake is pretty close to worthless

I have to put it in reverse to get the key out.

OP again.

Does it matter if the car is in first or reverse? Someone was telling me that even if he's parked uphill he puts it in reverse. I'm not an expert on this mechanical stuff, but that seems wrong considering gravity will push you in the direction the gear wants to go. Is it a myth, is torque all that matters?

Depends on your box, highest ratio will have most resistance.

afraid your car might roll back? put it in first
afraid your car might roll forward? put it in reverse

always put the handbrake on

are you supposed to turn off the car in neutral, then clutch in and put it in 1st? or is it fine if you turn off the car clutch in already in 1st?

assume handbrake as the final step in both scenarios.

>turning the car off before pulling the handbrake

Damn, what is everybody on Veeky Forums retarded? Why does hardly anyone do both?

>pull handbrake so car is held by brake
>put in gear

That way there's no stress on anything but your brake. I bet you retards just put an automatic in park and leave all the stress on the transmission too.


I use the hand brake no matter if its manual or automatic. I just like the sound it makes

foot parking brakes and buttons are cancer and manufacturers that put those in cars are cancer and should die

I'd never leave it in gear in a car park or where other cars may be travelling because if some retard decides to hit me, I could lose the clutch or worse the gearbox from the impact.

Not everyone sticks around if they hit a car.

It's why they say to never put an auto in P when waiting at a stop light.

>If the handbrake fails
Oh ok so never.

>because my car broke
are u literally retarded

it's not on the transmission. it's on a park pin.

who the fuck would even think to put an auto into p when at a stop light? that honestly sounds like the most retarded thing.

my c900's key pops out while driving, but i do R just to be safe

Ah, the Parking Brake, transmission, clutch, one of the belts, and somehow the Cat all grenaded simultaneously (???) in my first car which was a manual

But on it, I always used the handbrake and first gear no matter the incline.

Yeah, but if reverse provided the highest ratio and my car is uphill would it still work best even though gravity will try to push the car back? Or vice versa with first and downhill

Your parking brake won't freeze if you actually maintain it like you're supposed to and if it does stop being a pussy and get under your car with a torch

If they're hitting you that hard your shit is totaled and being written off anyways. If you have a car with a gear box that expensive to where you want to salvage it you should have off street parking. No excuses,

Regardless I've towed away hundreds of totaled wrecks like this and I've never seen a broken parking pawl/damaged trans from an impact unless the impact physically broke the housing itself.

I leave it in second with the hand brake on just because

I always leave it in second. I used to leave it in first but second is more comfortable. I drove a 5 speed Saturn with a non-functioning hand brake so I got used to leaving it in gear when parking. My current car is front wheel drive so using the hand brake and leaving it in gear locks the rear and front wheels, respectively. This arguably adds another margin of safety. Either way, it doesn't hurt anything so I still do it.

My handbrake used to freeze in winter, I think the cable should be replaced, water gets in housing. Last year once I couldn't go to work. Therefor I leave it in first or reverse in winter, but I use handbrake in summer.

1st or R and parking brake.
Fucking Americans. Why is this even a debate?

I don't put it in gear unless I'm on a hill

sometimes I even forget to put the parking brake while at home

> using magic strings like a cuck
> one line if/else
> passing an argument to a function that toggles some value
> returning void

>I'm too dumb to pay attention to what gear I'm in when starting
>moving into neutral after starting the car is haaaaard

Tripfag on Veeky Forums being a dumb, irresponsible, passive driver

>What Else is New: The Post

Both because why not.
Never had my handbrake freeze on me despite living in a place with -20c every winter.

i NEVER use my parking brake.

Only 1st Gear, Uphill, Downhill or flat surface. I don't give a shit. What's the worst that could happen?

>notice a Miata on my way to class
>walk by, owner left top down while parked
>no handbrake, car is in neutral
>push the car about 10 feet forward and go to class
>when I'm coming back he has a parking ticket on the windshield
I love naive faggots lol

>not having the presence of mind to look down and slip the shifter to neutral after starting

Handbrake then into reverse is how I've always done it.

I put it into gear in such a way that it wont roll.

Hand brake off. Left in first or reverse depending on the direction the car would roll.

my dad still thinks he drives a 20 year old Old Beetle so leaves every single car he touches in gear with the handbrake pulled as hard as he can, even on a flat road

Where do you live?

I never heard of a place where people go to jail when the car crash.

If a couple of twat kids can't see a car coming at a speed of at most 10mph they deserve it

i never put it in gear when parking

for starters, i live in central florida, hills are non-existant

and everytime i leave it in gear, i dump the clutch after starting it b/c i forget it is in gear, 99.9% of the fucking time.