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First for fuck trump and fuck white people



Would you dance with Widowmaker?





>19 away from Masters
>get Nepal KOTH
>stomped first round
>teammates are getting angry
>two of them start to argue
>Ana gets them to calm down
>we proceed to stomp the enemy team the next two rounds
>I get Master
>the Ana player and the guy he was queued with also get Master




I want her juicy ass.

I honestly think I'm taking the gay Tracer thing worse than almost any Overwatch fan. I have spent too much time imagining myself dating Tracer. I have tons of cute pictures of her saved, I still have the Taco Bell cup with her on it, and all kinds of stuff. It hurts looking at her and hearing her voice now. Imagining the lesbian art that will come out soon hurts me. I commented on Overwatch's facebook page, but they won't reply. I feel like I've been rejected or dumped by my gf.

>tfw you finally figure out sombra's spray pattern

lol her dmg output is ridonkulous

Reported, to be desu.

Wait, what the hell?
Anyone else notice this?

are any of you fags actually good at the game?

try me

I'd dance with her and enjoy a lapdance later.

fuck this shit, see you nerds in season 4

you are genetically inferior and should kys

nice trips

No, I just play quick play and try to have a good time.


Make Widow Happy Again


What was your first legendary commendation like /owg/?

>back before ranked was a thing
>King's row offense as Mercy
>60% Damage healed solo
>18k heals
>15 rezzes
>potg of me 4 man rezzing a graviton on the final point on overtime
>everyone in chat saying how good/unkillable I was.
>been an attention loving healslut ever since

>play 1v1
>see this

Tracer is canonically homosexual

>tracer waifufags on suicide watch

why did they remove the mouse4 being back in the menus

that was one of the best new features

I can make her happy.

Please stop. I can't take anymore. I'm going to cry.

Fucked up from shitposting in other threads.

>g-give me replies!

Better start HRT now, user.

>tfw I'm one of the GenjixMercy shills
>even made and tweeted a bunch of art of it to Chu because I got tired of Pharmercyfags spamming /owg/ even though I was also one of the early Pharmercyfags

First this now Tracer

What the fuck is going on over there bongs?

>100 hours played
>never gotten legendary commendation

I didn't get it, but the only one I've seen is when our Mercy got 9,999 heals and everyone voted for her.

>are any of you fags actually good at the game?

I'm a top 100,000 straight male

Tracer is gay now, the games creators have made that official, cannon decision and you can't change it

In beta for a 5 man mercy rez I got 10 votes

Now I don't bother voting at all

If the ring on her pinky finger is a Canadian graduation tradition, what do you suppose she was studying?

Quick play sure.
All I have gotten for team mates in comp is a bunch retard babies that can't tell their ass from a fucking phone book.

Im really bored and placed in silver now.
Should I try my best to reach rock bottom on the ranked leaderboards?

>official, cannon decision


>Play mystery brawl to get my last 3 win for free lootbox
>Enemy team get to roll that shit
>We actually win because they got so cocky they started to ignore the point and someone creeped up on it while they weren't looking
>Also get my third Santa Toblerone from the lootbox


>Pharmecy shippers are buttblasted
I thought i'd be a bit angry at Tracer being homolomo, but I gotta tell you it is well worth it if this is what I get in return.

>tfw no Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Overwatch hero to represent me

jebem ti mater u picku Blizzard

I got placed in the middle of the rankings (55 S1, 2500 S2) from placements and never bothered to play comp again.

I'm average I guess.

Top five longest things in the world:
1. A blue whale
2. My dick
3. Symmetra beam
4. The Eiffel Tower
5. Batman v. Superman

>want to get better at widow
>cant because her only good skin is noire and i only have noire on ps4 not pc
>i am that autistic that i cant play something unless im fashionable

>the comic only gives you more evidence to support the inevitable

God damn Chu you really fucked up all of these delirious shipper fags huh? I appreciate it, now others can focus on the people who knew the canon all along. It's a good feeling to win.

>TFW no DoT poison based character

mystery brawl is rigged as fuck

Who is 76's picture of?

Me crying over Tracer as an old man with grey hair.

I used to be glad I wasn't Anthony Burch.

But now I'm glad I'm not you. This is clinical levels of delusion.


The ring is supposedly for people that graduate with an engineering degree. So I guess engineering.


There are other fish in the sea. You should learn to diversify your assets.

Which heroes sexualities do we not yet have blizzard-given confirmation on yet?

huntress is the superior skin, the weapon also looks better and it has a unique voice line for the ult

I have both and always use huntress

I will agree.
>attack hanamura
>our team gets torb after torb
>enemy on attack hanamura
>multiple pharahs
some fine bullshit right there

Fucking this.

I played it ONCE and got Tracer 3 times in a row. I thought I was playing No Limit shit for a second until I got Sombra after dying the third time to the enemy team which was fucking meta as fuck.

That sounds mighty fucking retarded.

>Pharmecy shippers are buttblasted

I find that whole thing hilarious, like a major issue I've always found with hard core shippers is that they can't seem to fathom the idea that the couple they ship could have meaningful relationships outside said ship. Like they seem to think that the fact that Mercy and Genji are friends means that Blizzard is shitting on their ship

Man does someone need to spell out for you the evidence we saw? Oh wait, you're just a salty shipper fag who got sunk today. Carry on. Kek

Please, someone ask blizz about mercy.
I want this pharah shit to end

jack isn't pharas dad
Ana you whore

yeah or

>last 30 seconds
>enemy team gets wiped but rolls literally 3 reins 2 healers and a soldier
the outcome is predetermined 100% of time

Shipping is tumblr-tier bullshit and if you engage in it as a male you should fucking kill yourself as you have let down your entire ancestral lineage


Oh no now I can't wank to tracer and other overwatch sluts doing lesbian things oh no

Howling at the gay boys and ultra sjws mad about this.

You knew this already.

I think you need serious help. And I'm glad you won't seek it out.

One less faggot, the better.

I don't care if she's over the rainbow! I will never not love Lena Oxton!

How far into the Overwatch timeline does Widowmaker NTR Emily?

>season 1, 60 was top 10%
>season 3, 3500 isn't even top 10%
I guess Blizzard did actually fix the ranking system.

Milky Mercy

>thinking lesbians are real

Every girl is a "lesbian" you fucking idiots. They are programmed to live in harems

>I need serious help
>glad I "won't" seek it out

Literally kekking over here fuckboi. To be this blow the fuck out must hurt.

Doesn't even matter. That's the first and last time you'll see the red head.

>brits are gay
Welcome to the 18th century.

I have ~350 hours played and have yet to get one. I've only ever seen 2 actually gotten though.

That only implies someone connected to her.
Could be a parent, could be a sibling, could just be someone shes close to like a teacher.

Lewd things with Widowmaker!

>Play Sombra
>Get told to kill myself

What's with Hanzo and that cake?

tracer has a girlfriend and widow still loves her husband.

Japanese Christmas tradition.

Her husband's dead and Tracer could break up or have an affair!

Don't think I've seen anyone react well to someone else picking Sombra. If she's on the team she's the one that gets blamed if their team loses.

What if they made a different girl a dyke? Gay Mercy? Gay D.Va? Gay Mei? Even gay Symmetra?

Widow got some tiny fingers here.

Reaper is a dyke

This is true to a point. The ugly ones are full dyke though and hate men.

Tracer is around men all the time and probably gets hit on and flirts back. She just prefers to clam battle, but get her drunk and she'll sit on a benis.

Just like drunk college girls make out.

All in all this is a win for straight dudes and a hollow victory for faggots who care about representation.

>widowmaker wouldn't break out the mind washing to get her some when she wants some

user there is nothing adulterous about naked cuddles.

Wouldn't it make more sense that the reason they're butt blasted because Pharah is on a date with a guy? Of course, that date could easily be platonic for any number of reasons, and your point still stands, but just the fact that you point out Genji writing a letter to Mercy as the thing they're getting butthurt over, when it seems it would be the lesser issue to them.