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Reapfield Christmas edition

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Just got promoted to platinum. That means I can post here now right?

first image for blue

I love Hana.

post cool fan art


do you guys have any skins that are "sentimental" to you? I've put a good amount of time into Reinhardt and have a couple of legendary skins on him but I feel like the first colored skin I got for him looks better because I've had so many clutch plays with it anyone else feel similarly?

What is Tracer's gf named?

Daily reminder that Hanzo is now a hipster fuccboi.

why the fuck did you have to go and ruin my OW husbando

he's almost 40 why is he dressed like an art major


>Americans need their fictional women to be straight or at least bisexual to consider masturbating to them or having fantasises about them
>them being homosexual straight up ruins them

How can one nation be so ass-backwards?

Who is Jack looking at?


Emily. Queen of the Ginger uprising.

The nose and ear pierces and are worst of it.


that's adorable

I-is that a septum piercing? Who drew this? Who got paid actual money to draw this and why?

Nobody! This man's eyes are closed.

Because hes a Japanese sadboi.
They love their fashion.

For self-insert faps and waifufag money. Japan does it too.

>not liking street samurai hanzo

Looks cyberpunk as fuck.

The jacket and quiver are cool and all, but why the piercings?

Guy's in his 30s-40s

>why is Jack so busy looking at that photo?

That's what almost 40 somethings dress like in the 2070s.

We don't know if it's him in the picture.
We don't know if they are male or female.
We don't know the setting the picture is in.

It's so fucking blurry there is no way to tell what the fuck it is. The truly best guess is Jack keeps old pictures on him of Overwatch in the good old days and he is just looking through them on Christmas Eve feeling sorry for himself while Ana sits in the corner fed up with the sorry man he's become.

All it does it confirm Jack was the one with his picture, and dropped it, in Old Soldiers.
That's it.

Emily is a lucky woman, tbqhwyf.

>be silver/gold threshold
>no one going healer apart from me (ana)
>pharah wrecking our shit on defense turn
>everyone asking the 76 to hunt her
>"not my job, plus ana is a sniper"
>"You couldn't just do your job, could you ana"

You missed important stuff here guys

That line when Ana gets asked about how she feels about Jack makes a lot more sense now.

See :^)

Yea, reaper is missing his legs.

>kneeling down in some dirty wet alleyway in his terrorist outfit
what went so wrong, reap

Which one?

>Emily gets to fuck that
>Tracer gets to fuck a hot redhead

I'm a little jelly tbqhfam

>I really wish I were with my daughter and husband right now.
>Why did I listen to this charming idiot?
>What the hell happened to Gabriel?
>I'm getting way too old for this shit

The troubled past thing was canon. I don't know how much more clear they have to make the fact that Jack and Gabe's feud put a giant rift in Overwatch and Ana was caught in the middle trying to mediate. It was probably hell.

Actually, you should have taken a few shots at her. As a Pharaoh player, I'm afraid of Ana because she doesn't need to aim well at all to kill me.

>not knowing that hanzo dresses younger than he is to slay some sweet sweet young boi/girl pussy

normally, i do and would, but as sole healer, i weighed in on healing, with the occasional scoped shot when pharah got sloppy

meanwhile 76 couldn't help but be garbage

>Reaper gazing wistfully at a happy family, thinking that no one will ever truly love him and his Cotton Hill stump legs

>76 telling Ana to get his pick
Jesus Christ, that sounds fucking awful. I'm getting a headache imagining it.

The piercings just seem so out of character user. What the hell happened? Why did they jump into character development with no explanation?

I feel like this moment is supposed to be heart wrenching for reaper because he can never have an intimate relationship or family like that anymore but he looks hilariously stupid here that I can't help laugh at it

Yeah, then you're fine. Unfortunately, we all have to accept that a lot of times in Overwatch, the luck of the player draw matters the most.

The """""""art""""""" ruined it.
But finally someone gets the fact that Reaper probably saw couples and families on christmas and just starts to hate himself more.
Because he had someone special to spend christmas with and he threw him away.

>implying reaper doesn't just hate fuck sombra or mercy whenever he can

It's mostly because of his mask, I think.

It looks a bit off-model and is very bright and obvious, it's the equivalent of him being drawn with a goofy face. The effect would've been much better if they just left his mask in shadow.

mid-life crisis?

If it weren't for his trademark bangs, and the Japan pin, I would've assumed this was Gabriel.

Maybe it's all a disguise. I'd assume as an assassin, and being a strong connection to the Shimada clan, some other bad dudes are out for his head.

he looks like lil' reap

You know what sucks is most of Overwatch are already old so even if they do get back together they die of old age at some point. I wish blizz made them a bit younger so they still have a good amount of time left.

>morning in EU
>Thread is getting progressively more shittier.

Can somebody care to explain?

Are they mad that their shit waifu is gay now and their no-sunlight-having basement dwelling ass is never gonna get with her?

>think mercy is some sort of hard to play healer
>most of my games are the mercy playing tag with bodies/players while running away
>divebomb rez
So to be a good mercy, you just have to avoid conflict as much as possible?

Who claimed these sacred octa

I at first thought the artist got lazy and didn't want to shade in some of the white in his hair. Until I saw the piercings. What? Have they ever seen Hanzo before? Did they just take a basic description of his appearance and phone it in? So fucking weird.

First time in Veeky Forums?


>all these braindead mercys on right now
I just want a 4/10 team comp

>implying mercy wouldnt use her healing tech to give them back their youth before they die

>fuck forgot the tactical viagra, guess I have to get hard the old-fashioned way

They grow penises user. Imagine futa, but with less horse dicks.

>the only way to get intimate with someone is through penetration

Laughin @ your love life

>People on the WoW forums have more logic and understanding than those on reddit and /owg/

Is it really that hard to hire a competent artist? What the fuck is she even doing while holding those mugs?

You're a faggot. Delete this.

At least don't drag Ana into your bad edit and joke user. Jack clearly makes Ana as dry as the desert.

yet porn of them exists...

They all become monsters like Reaper. Yeah I am sure that will work out swell.

>user is impressed by typical 13 yr. old logic
loling @ your life m8

I can never get lucky with these fucking lootboxes.

I just want the winston and zen legendaries, and the rudolph/christmas pachi icon.

>both look sad as shit
>obviously a somber scene
>Ana is supposed to be primed for sex

only reaper became a monster she fixed the bugs and saved soldier with it after she did reaper

Aren't the comics in their own universe? Kind of like the TF2 comics?

I mean, in the video game its self you have people seeing Ana for the first time and seeing she's alive, in the comic universe she is "dead".

So in reality it doesn't matter what anyone is in Overwatch, this is just people obsessing over stories.

And yet i'm sure he was one of many who wanted tracers pose swapped out. even though she "lacks sexual orientation"

I'm just commenting on that user's comment.


I'm guessing Mercy's Healing tech has a 50/50 chance of failing.

Fail you end up like Reaper where you are alive but need Souls? to stay alive because your cells are dying at too fast a pace.

Success where you are Genji but you don't need anything special but you're basically severely handicapped for the rest of your life but hey you get to live.

that jacket is cool as fuck

Doing some squatz in those delicious yoga pants. Gotta be in top shape to bang your hot superhero gf.

Lesbians do use dildos, double dildos, strapons, cucumbers, etc. Women do need to be penetrated for a proper orgasm, that's how biology works.

That smug could use a hug.

user you have an internet connection, you can figure this out I'm sure of it

Yeah. Although I dont think it'd work well in rain

I want the valentine's comic to be about widowmaker and Gerard.

I wouldn't say that Genji is handicapped seeing how he can do things most humans could not possibly do.

can someone explain to me what the point of McCree is with the soldier buffs? soldier literally does everything better than McCree now and can even self heal

Maybe she's her sister or something.

I'd agree with that but Widow's had enough attention desu. Let's get someone else in the spotlight for a change.

McCree is a lot more fun to play

I thought that was only because Overwatch transformed his body into part machine which why he's able to do that stuff.

>what is the clit

Why did Blizzard turn best girl into a disgusting half leaf?

Soldier doesn't have any crowd control you stupid fucking piece of shit, holy fuck you're one dumb nigger jesus christ

Your picture is problematic user. Please delete. It is non-canon. Thank you.

Please don't use that word

To make her even better than she was before. Canadian girls are the best.

have they confirmed she is half leaf or is she just into older men and in canada?

Mccree is there to buff later on so Blizz keep the meta fresh by switching between him and 76

Tracer being the gay character upsets me, but for a different reason.

Them choosing the absolutely least offending possible lowest risk option means that the probability for male gay characters, or god forbid trans characters, is close to zero.

Not that I'd explicitly want them, but I would have loved to see the public reaction, and they would have been great if this Tracer fiasco is anything to judge by.