/nosg/ - Nostalrius general

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Old PvP and Old PvE out now.
New PvP release date will be announced Dec 25.

>What faction are we rolling?

Horde discord: discord.gg/UNArm

Alliance discord: discord.gg/TvDzTmX


>Server homepage
>Vanilla WoW database
>Leveling Guide
>Nos Pre-Bis
>Leveling Specs
>Big Addon Pack

tags: wpsg vag wowg world of warcraft nostalrius


>Playing ally on PvE until fresh comes out
>Gonna play horde on new PvP

I'm having fun and you can't stop me

Same senpai

Hope you had fun getting shit on in stonetalon hordecucks

I'll be back tomorrow don't you worry

t. Druidwaifu


>tfw can't decide between tauren druidslut or nelf druidslut

which faction rages more when you gank them?

allies call hordes "dindus" and call getting ganked being "culturally enriched"

Goblin shortstack qts

I honest to god can't understand how anyone can play druid
when do they become fun
when do they become useful

Every Salty Dog piece of shit ganking in STV will be camped 24/7.

tanking 5 mans is fun

healing raids is fun

speccing into meme feral to gank shitters is hilarious

leveling is easy

very powerful in battlegrounds

>tanking 5 mans is fun

>healing raids is fun
>viable heal
lmao literally a wet bandage

>speccing into meme feral to gank shitters is hilarious

>leveling is easy

horde is the sperg faction, being a hordie is literally like being a nigger in detroit with white people being alliance

i killed 103 dindu niggers in stonetalon today while questing, nearly half the time it was a pack of 3+ people sticking together like some tumbleweed killing mobs they can solo easily

NE is superior to tauren imo simply because of looks

NE female looks cute af and catform is nice, horde femcows are cute too but that catform is fucking horrible and thats what you will spend the majority of your time in

REALLY does not help that horde moonkin looks like total trash as well, there is also the moonglade factor that NE literally get a free portal to darn while tauren have to fly half the continent to get to shitter bluff

Tauren do have the better racials but imo its not worth the awful forms and inconvenience

I'm 25 right now on my druid, I can literally 1v1 anyone my level and ive run away from packs of 3+ horde constantly if they clump together or pop up as im killing someone

Druid becomes a total blast to level form 20 onward, at 32 you get dindu radar and feral bite basically supercharning your leveling and ganking

>Enhance shammy passed glad chest to Alex
What a fucking beta holy shit, that would probably make him the best dps on the PvE server.

why is mage so much fun in pvp!?!?

>Talking about someone else being beta
>While having knowledge and talking about some eceleb
glass house etc.

is someone drowning that baby

/nosg/ guilds crying in the corner when i became the owner of the biggest guild on pvp realm by lvl 9

lol that makes me autistic not a beta. learn your fucking meme language you disgusting normie

it makes you both

>GM whispers: You're going to have to come up with a less obviously racist name.

WHERE DO THEY RECRUIT SUCH DUMB RETARDS? i made this gnome named Genocidelord because im gonna be ganking horde A LOT lmao

is the general consensus for people rerolling on fresh to go horde? undead spriest sounds pretty tempting desu

your lack of meme knowledge sickens me to my core

Literally made a character named Gookchink I can't wait to be noticed.

watch it chrissy

I'm actually thinking about going either druid or priest night elf, both are meant to piss people off but on one hand, druids are cute and fun to play around with, on the other hand, I can teleport people into the abyss and beyond if I can get mind control on them.

>tfw if you teleport someone into GM island they get banned

How does sitting and watching some faggot play a game not make you a beta?

Because I'm not sitting here defending him like a king, like you are.
Congrats user, you are the beta

who woulda thunk

>teleporting people to GM island

As a priest, HOW?

>no counter argument
I woulda thunk, only a beta would fold this quickly

is it worth leveling cooking to look like a meme?
or should i just toss it in the trash

do it

cooking is piss easy to get to like 100

Alright Guess i better learn cooking then.
Thanks guys.

Can someone with a discord account ask Pottu&co if fishing in AV is still allowed please.

step 1) make hax
you cant use public hax because nost will detect hax and instaban you
step 2) mind control
step 3) tp yourself to location, will actually tp mindcontrolled target to location
x= 1.623879980e+04
y= 1.626245996e+04
z= 1.482752037e+01

that is a very hard decision honestly

priests are TOP tier for fucking with the enemy faction, especially with the bugged MC on nost that lets you drag questgivers / mobs without them resetting

You can literally mc a inn keeper and slowly chain mc him into some obscure place he will happily idle in forever until the server resets somehow

Nobody can fucking find this shit out and its a absolutely massive way of wasting opposing factions time, people will literally sit around for hours waiting for the mob to respawn and then eventually give up

On the other hand druids are by far the strongest 1v1 class in the game as long as you do the necessary preparation of having resist sets, engi items and other junk on hand

Resto druid with a appropriate resist set is unbeatable for casters, there is literally nothing you can do as insect swarm and moonfire eat your hp slowly

With proper armor gear or consumables you can also dick rogues and warriors even if they are incredibly well geared due to how bear interacts with armor values


team up homos
you go priest, let the person playing druid play druid and dick people together

seriously, nothing more fun than being cunts in a group and if you honestly can teleport people away with mind control you're literally going to make the druid impossible to kill as he can't be grouped up on

where do i check for how long i got banned? lmao. made guild, it got removed within 5 minutes after i invited 100+ ppl, then started recruiting for and got banned

So I waited 3 months for this fucking server and it's only just some shitty remake of nost with my 60's on it? What a fucking joke

>Pet disappeared

im down for pvp shenanigans any time on the new server desu, i used to avoid pvp but ever since I slaughtered everything in stonetalon and ashenvale i feel the urge to make horde lives miserable

Made a dwarf priest on old PvP. Can I get an invite to Alliance guild?

>new server

can we get some new discord links for the OP that arent expired? thanks

holy shit relase the new server you fucking slavs i want to play already and not waste my time grinding in a server that will be dead with 7 oldcucks


just 4 more weeks away


>im down for pvp shenanigans any time on the new server desu
maybe I'll find someone to be a dick with though, happy hunting.


Ret paladin

well im currently leveling on the old nost as well but im only 25 right now

4 weeks of 4000 queue and lag

fuck me

Fuck off Sven you nigger lover

I haven't even started so I don't see how that's an issue

>Can someone with a discord account ask Pottu&co if fishing in AV is still allowed please.

Woah, wtf. Why did nobody tell me that Rogues are nerfed to shit in 1.12.1?

This. Rogues used to be the strongest class. Now they're the weakest class. World of Roguecraft was filmed in 1.9 not 1.12

Which class is the most fun for wpvp shenanigans? Rogue, hunter, or mage?

Post UIs


ye rogues are so bad omg they must be the worse class in the game

mage or rogue

LF port, SW>Darnassus?

The people most interested in the fresh server are the ones who will end up coming back when they realise they have to wait a year for more content

>be freshcuck
>roll fresh
>get to 60
>farm mc/bwl
>bored because no content
>actually level on old to get content
I see it happening

nah they're the people that will quit before hitting 60 or shortly after, like most of the salty dogs core. they just want to have casual fun with each other, don't really care where it happens, and move onto something else at a moment's notice.

I'm going to make a tauren druid and bully people because of you senpai I hope you are happy,

Do frost mages lose to hunters and WLs?

If I want to play casually and want to heal, do I need to be a healslut so I have someone to help make leveling easier?

There's a gold spammer in horde world chat that has been spamming
and hasn't been banned or muted.

Just proves chinks are doing bzns with Nost admins.

I don't want more content. No server is worth playing anymore by the time AV releases

can someone horde side hook me up with a wand or two for me and a friend, maybe some bags but if not thats okay

No. Druids have cat form, priests can wand and paladins are pretty shit at leveling, but you'll probably still be faster solo.

druids can tank 5 mans fine

druids are perfectly viable healers

>b-but I read on Veeky Forums they were bad lol but I've never actually raided past MC in my entire life!!

fuck off

hunter (rocket boots + reflector) > mage > hunter

soul link lock > mage > conflag > sm/ruin

Depends. Who are you?

whats the best coordinate addon

and what's a good local time clock addon

ty user

Are hunters any good for endgame pve content?

level 9 mage, just started, koofmen



Post you're keyboards. Pic related, it's mine.

What's the easiest way to get gold from ally to horde?

Yeah, but who are you?

>all these fucking different builds for PvE and PvP
>literally no idea what to use for what at what time
should I just take my time to learn what my options are or is there clear cut good/shit builds for characters?

>NE is superior to tauren imo simply because of looks
>NE female looks cute af and catform is nice, horde femcows are cute too but that catform is fucking horrible and thats what you will spend the majority of your time in

Night elves and orcs are my favourite races by far, but the problem I have is that I like the rest of the races on horde but I fucking hate all of the other races on alliance. And I hate their cities too save for darnassus which is an irrelevant city anyways.

But yeah, dwarves and gnomes are cancerous as shit and humans are boring as fuck and have god awful models.

Also I like the taurens cat model a lot too. The nelfs model is still good though so I wouldn't mind it.

I do agree that the majority of horde players are spergs that would probably rage. But alliance players always seem to be passive aggressive redditfags honestly.

Very difficult to decide. Good thing I have 3 weeks to think about it.

metamap for cords and fully discovered maps etc.


i am my father's son

>caps lock where ctrl should be
>No bumps on f and j

Don't fall for the alliance meme, you will regret it

lmao whatever makes you feel good about your shit raiding class

that looks fucking retarded. why would you use that? why!

If you're this shit you're probably not 60. Use a leveling spec. They're in the guide in the OP.

Fuck off Jaime. No bags for you

ah yeah i have my shift control alt windows key bound for blink, and shift control alt z is counterspell. pretty good setup m8