/wfg/ - Warframe General

100 shekels edition
previous thread:
>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/14PT5m4.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: gist.github.com/JustEndMyLife/8d7d68d5ebdffe5995a53c42edf43663

> forums.warframe.com/topic/715768-update-19-the-war-within/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/723544-the-war-within-1907-valkyr-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


>sexy roller edition.

19.5 will be a disappointment.

REMINDER the OP stole information from the frame guide while keeping the shitty info of the old OP, and everybody who reads the OP literally supports plagiarism.


Nezhas frictionless boypussy

How does it make you feel to know this guy is getting a rework?


absolutely no tierposting below this line


>roller anal beads

Jesus christ how horrifying
Good buffs or bad "buffs"?

tips on finding ferals? I usually find 1-3 per run at most

Cats? More spawn the more people you have in the cell.

REMINDER that TQ stole faggotry from the OP while keeping all of his own, and every post he makes is a desperate plea for a million dicks at once.


>God tier
My waifu
>Shit tier
You're waifu

Best warframe: mine

Worst: your favorite

But you said having your info on the OP meant that you won


literally worthless

when the fuck is Killgore coming out?

I'm sorry for your lost.
Have a Banshee

>shit tier.
your english.

If you farm then in full squad then they spawn in packs of 5. Also do it on extermination, try running equinox, ivara or max duration/range frost.

i have the glimmer of hope that he will do something interesting instead of being a frustrating experience that lets you be lazy in a couple mission types.

But what if my favorite warframe is yours?

That's not grineer enough. We are talking people who fly space ships with cogs and vacuum tube electronics, and also use a teleportation device just so they can punch you in the face.

But what if your best warframe is my favorite?

>"Fuck this weapon, lookat what I can do!"

Then Youre a big guy

Does anyone knows what darvo has been putting in discount from this event, i wanna know if the deluxe skin of rhino was in those deals

theres a dna alert up right now

He joins your team in Shadow Lords

So once my Staff of Fireball finishes building and I goy out for the ember graxx skin I'm going to do some sort of fire-wizard thing. What's a good secondary and melee weapon for wizardry? The more aesthetically close to fire or heat-related things, the better.

Atomos and twin basolk for the fire thematic.

Was that reveal trailer for him a few days ago for him outside of that or what?

atomos is a flame thrower secondary thats actually good. as for melee, people will probably recommend silva and aegis, but just use any weapon and equip heat damage for the flame effect.

basolk does fire and has that arena mod to make it not absolute trash, I don't think the heat sword can claim that. jat blows guys up, that's kinda like fire.

atmos is a heat ray.

Do runners not explode anymore or am I imagining things?

They can't explode if you kill them

>nidus could've been cool new ways to work in gameplay in the game
>4 metamorphs him into a juggernautlike creature
>all other 3 abilities change with the metamorph
I guess it's too much to ask for

instead we got shitty inaros with some other frames abilities frankensteined in

have the resources for crafting nidus been datamined? I doubt it but I'm paranoid I don't have the materials and I want him ASAP without spending platinum

10 mutagen mass
screencap this

>>nidus could've been cool new ways to work in gameplay

user have you forgotten Oberon, Titania, Limbo, possibly Hydroid?

Does Intensity effect the power of Excalibur's Exalted Blade? Also, does anyone have a spare Serration Mod (or two)? Thanks in advance.

>nezha with the mesa noble animation set

Nuptia was a interesting time where they stuff themselves live.

no DE, please dont

what a fucking meme
One of the DECENT ones
I got him, ranked him to 30 and never touched him again
Nah mang

I don't know man,I'm just mad his ulti looked so awful. Maybe they had some other crap that could happen with it that they didn't show, I doubt it though, it just made me mad since it's so lackluster.
>Evolved jugger
>Spawns maggots
1-800-cmon niggas

No way theyd have that done in a few months, theyd need to rig new skeletons and can't mocap

I took a pic from dataminer user

Why did nekros skip leg day?

>nidus ult isnt him transforming into an infested behemoth that pounces enemies and infests dead corpses.
But why


Some faggot posted this on Reddit, then some other faggot posted it on the Warframe Forums. Now I post it here.

>How Hentai is made

at least you're honest

Oh good I can craft it as soon as I have the blueprints.

Nidus is going to be a huge opportunity wasted. DE is so fucking full of themselves that they will circle jerk each other with "GREAT JARB!" and be out of office until mid February.

Because they know they're going to have to rework almost every frame when Damage 3.0 comes out anyway.

I expected it to cost more.

At least I'll have more than enough for the new weapons.


Wake me up when Zephyr is not a magical floating balloon anymore.

i just noticed the moon plants

So an eternal slumber. Good night sweet prince.

>try to do defense riven mod challenge
>grineer are somehow able to damage me and the cryopod while it's inside the snow globe



>these neptune junction requirements

What epic fucking memer was in charge of this planlet

>start regular void mission solo
>as soon as I spawn in Im dead from one single shotgun shot from a corrupted crewman
>respawn, try to go about mission ignoring the sleek
>literally every corrupted crewman kills me in one shot, doesnt matter how far away I am
>only level 40 enemies
>with excal with max armor/vitality and shields
What the fuck is going on. Bombard rockets werent even taking my shields down all the way. Playing sortie 3s I can survive. But these corrupted crewman with struns are fucking my asshole in impossible ways.

>doing a frosty defense against anything but infested

How do I even purposefully look for cephalon synthesis target? I've never bothered with this shit before and of course my first riven has condition linked to it.

No, it's the regular Lancer units that are somehow hitting me through the globe

post-TWW AoE attacks can't damage you while you're inside the globe

If I'm not mistaken some missions in void still have the enemy damage multiplier.

It was the sabotage

My bad then, I forgot about that globe change.

>tfw I have a vore fetish, and I get a boner every time I hear Phorid in the dialogue box.
Maybe I should farm Mutagen Mass more often

what website can I use to set up alarms for alerts?

>cat dna alert

my sentinel has stopped shooting, no matter what gun I tell it to use. how fix?

deathsnacks.com/wf/ or Wardroid for your phone

anyone got an amprex riven

Not bad.

Stop telling him what to use and equip it on him instead

Weren't we supposed to get boosters for the Tennobaum thing? Where are the rest?

been catching up for the past month
finally reached the point where my progress is gated exclusively by nitain extracts
why the fuck is this a thing

The jew-o-meter has basically stopped, next reward is 200k gifts.

>why the fuck is this a thing

The same reason Argon Crystals decay. There's usually three Nitain alerts in one day.

>telling him
dont you dare assume my sentinel's gender. I'll have you no that xe does NOT like being misgendered and a transphobic bigot like you wouldn't understand that. good day.

Does your sent have the mod equipped that enables it to attack enemies? If not it wont attack even with its weapon equipped


Were they behind cover? There's still a bug in the game where Corrupted Crewmen get retarded firerate on their Boars while blindfiring from cover

oh cool
i only need 20 of them

>this used to be a joke.

Is Sayrn Prime worth the upgrade

> offer


dat +zoom tho


1p, always.

how much for X?
>his face when