Tom Clancy's The Division General /divg/

From Ashes Edition

I will post this general everyday until you like it

>Update 1.5 patch notes


>Best guide is best

>Wiki is dead but we have this

We have a Discord:

Last Wave:

Other urls found in this thread:


this thread is no... just, no

Stop being mad salty and start playing :^)


nice quads asshole!

They're just fucking with me on these requirements now right?


4790 toughness is nothing. I have around 6k with 5k firepower but my electronics are lacking.

I meant because I have EXACTLY the requirement and it's not giving me the mod.

>those stats

Well what should I get? I'm a newfag. equipped the nomad set so far, so that I don't have to take a healing skill but I doubt that this is really a viable thing to do. So what should I get instead?

first off you'll want to put a not-shit scope on your G36! literally anything is better than 1.0% extra headshot damage. Second off it's not so much about stacking insane amounts of firearms as much as it is Stamina > Firearms > Electronics, for most DPS builds. Which is, to say, two firearm pieces + four stamina pieces. Lots of armor. Damage to elites on like, two pieces.

Nomad is pretty shit of a set for various reasons, unfortunately. Some good sets include Alphabridge for DPS, uh... that's... really it, as far as I've seen. Typically. Your skill power isn't too big of an issue but I don't know what the fuck you non-skillpower folk actually do in life, and this is coming from a meme-tastic Tactician


get a real fuckin pistol mate
add me on uplay: HungryMungry

hi it's me again. read this but replace the dots n shit since Veeky Forums thinks I'm spamming
goo gl/dJkHQg

Here my 3 characters, they are all good!



Just added you, sorry it took a while, my auto update didn't auto-update so I went to netflix for a bit.






Here, specially for you!

>hungry hog

I fucking hate you


I had 3 of them, I also have all named gear, 3 times Barret's bulletproof vest, 2x MC Gloves, 3x Ninjabike Messenger backpacks, a lot of named weapons, and all gearsets. Have over 2100 hours playing hours now.



im thinking about getting this for me and my two brothers. What do you guys think this or the destiny expansion rise of iron

Are you there? You're not showing up on my Uplay.

What is going on here??




>this general exists

why? It was fun while we had the hope the game wouldnt be shit......



Sending responses, idk if uPlay is behaving
urzorn right?

I play both and honestly haven't touched destiny in over a month even with SRL on going.

In fact it was shit posting about The Division in /dg/ that brought me back to the division. Have had a blast over the past 5 weeks. Whole the division isn't perfect it certainly has come a long way since release. Especially survival dlc. Man it's fun as hell.


Has the bullet king exploit been patched?

right. try steam, same name.




Took on on two of those cloak wearing ones today. My team and I almost had the sons of bitches. It's a tough fight. I love it.

Here a recording of Bullet King when he was a child!

I killed 2 of them today, so easy! I use pulse and throw a turret! Used a high end M60 and they were dead within 15 seconds! It should be easy if you know what to do!

Forgot pic, lol.
Here Bullet King as a child!

I said that I had to step out and pee while we were in the safe house. Next thing I know I get there in time to see one member down and another fighting hard. I pulsed and pulled my m60 ought. Both hunters turned around and raped me. We would have had a better chance if they had waited.

You pulse and then throw TURRET (if possible infront of the hunters) They will be suppressed by a turret! They are easy to kill when suppressed! Don't just stand there, also be in cover when you throw the turret!

so I stopped playing since the first DLC. what sets are good now and can I farm them anywhere?

When I killed the 2 hunters I was alone fighting them with my turret and the hunters in cover, the other player also hiding in cover, like 15 seconds and I had both hunters dead!, Easy if know how.

Dead games don't get to have generals

AlphaBridge is good. Also 3 Sentry/3 Hunter's faith combination is good! And also 4 striker with Savage gloves and/or Barret's bulletproof vest or Reckless chestpiece. I also use 4 Banshee with savage gloves and Barret's bullet proof vest for in the DZ.

You are a bullshitter! Game is better and more alive than it ever was!!

Game's been too much under the water
Even if it's still "alive", nothing will get it out of the coma it's entered

Well it is clear to me you don't play the game, otherwise you would know it is doing great!

>game has more people playing than launch
>haha its a ded game lol dont make generals anymore ecksdee!!

How can I make Shotguns viable? They are so risky.

This game could benefit from a DLC with the same theme/objective of the movie The Warriors

>Expansions DLC are just randomly generated loot caves
>Game still runs like shit
I was rused into reinstalling this piece of shit for the last time

selling it honestly

i wish they were good but i just cant get behind it mate

>logging in after come back from work


how come I can't join any matchmaking game?
My privacy is already set to Open Group.

If you're reading this general and wondering if the game is worth buying
It is not
Don't buy it

They did. Its called survival.

>lose all hope ofgetting ak-74
>try alpha pakhan build
>bring it out for a test to a daily hvt
>get ak-74 as a reward

One of you versus a bunch of other people saying otherwise

people are still free to try the disappointment for themselves if they so desire
If anything, they can take solace in knowing that it's but a fraction of what people that jumped in on the game at launch felt

I hadn't touched this pile of monotonous garbage since two weeks after launch.
Then played the free weekend, then kinda liked a few things again, then bought the season pass, then started a twink, now I kinda like a handful of things about it again but I doubt I can endure it for more than short bursts.

Is it worth it?
Maybe if you get the game + season pass for

Stop typing like a fag!

If you can get the base game and season pass for 30 then yes., With 1 more major DLC coming, free updates between now and then, and how much fun survival mode is, its worth it imo

the last dlc is probably just horde mode, im not all that excited

Is there something special I can go for the Alpha Bridge set or is it just random luck? I bought the gloves for PC and I have another set piece but I don't know from where.

set gear drops pretty frequently from almost every mob in the game. it simply takes time to accumulate a a full set.

>tfw want to use black market ak because it hits harder, and has fire bullets, but the lvoc has a higher rpm and that's what matters

Have 450k toughness like you should anyway and use strikers. Strikers 4 piece with a shotgun and the talent that gives you a chance to refund your bullet on headshots is a nasty combo.

What this game needs is a lever action shotgun.

That'd be cool, 'course you know they'd make it shit and not worth using, like the double barrel.

Or they could make it a powerful one shot machine and save the shotgun class forever.

they really do need to fix this, its stupid how half the full auto guns in this game are obsolete simply because they shoot slow

Hey! What are y'all scared of over there?

Also question. Can I do the incursions without any dlc? I was under the impression I wasn't able to, but as the servers were going down last night I stumbled into a sewer while getting collectables and a swarm of fucking drones out of no where assaulted me.


Those guys wigh a yellow name and shield icon are such fucking bullshit, holy shit. Pure concentrate of all that's wrong in this game.

just shoot them in the head my man

Oh wow, fucking genius there, user.

its an fpsrpg, im not sure what you were expecting.

The good parts of both, not the bad.

if every enemy dies in one hit to the head then theres zero room for difficulty progression without making the enemies have aimbots.

I am sorry if you cannot even kill a mouse ingame, not my problem!

>I don't like the game
>No one can enjoy the game

>jumped on the game at launch
>full game + season pass
>still play it to this day with no regrets
>tfw user's shitposting is invalidated
On the way back tell /v/ I said we're here to stay.

So what builds are there for normal dpsing besides AB, Strikers, and 6pc gold? Looking to use an AR with a versatile secondary.

just anything man.

if you don't want to min/max and use a certain set that isn't meta, you can still do a lot of damage.

I already have the base game from when it launched. Got bored of it. So serious question: is the game fun now? And if so, how has the game changed to make it fun?

lots of endgame now, survival dlc is pretty fun, pve in endgame is pretty good

Redownloading it now. As long as the endgame is good, I'm willing to give it another shot. I really like the idea and setting of the game. So hopefully it will be more enjoyable this time around.

redownloaded it like a week ago, hit max level and max gs in around 3 days, it's pretty good

>max level in 3 days