League of legends general /lolg/

Best girl edition
old: Eyosongive.us

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xth for toxicity

So how does everyone like Mechs Vs Minions?



Xth for Katarina
best girl

xth for booty

Is this real? Its not mentioned anywhere in game

Yes but her normal attack speed growth is stunted because of it I think.

>in game
They don't mention fuck all in game my dude.

I been thinking for a bit /lolg/ should I just go the Shaco route when playing Evelynn jungle and go Smite and Ignite? Just to be even more cancer early.

Xth for drunk birbs

Boys in skirts are cute~

smash dat mufuggin tilde button

>its been 2010 days since yorick got a skin

fucking why?

she has lower base aspd than other adc.
They give her the extra 10% on her passive to even it out. But aspd items only increase base so a Cait with a daggar compared to any other adc will be a little slower.

No one gives a fuck about Yorick


how silly would it be to run 3 attack speed marks (and possibly the attack speed mastery) on ahri/lux/syndra for better last hitting

not that user but i do

if karthus got a new skin recently so can yorick, and cass, and viktor, and jhin, and illaoi

>no one cares

fucking garbage argument

Bitch thats retarded everyone knows you run the 1% crit rune and how overpowered it is.

Oh shit i just noticed that cass poster hasnt been on in a while?

unless I just havent been paying attention

Ahrifags do it but idk why you'd do it on Lux and Syndra? They feel fine.

I used to do it on Ahri but changed back and got used to it and don't notice. The main reason it's done on Ahri is to last hit under tower. The tower shoots faster than you can AA. So it's really hard to prep caster minions.

the reason smite ignite works so well with shac is that he has a built in flash, his q
eve has no such ability
you can try it out, and you'll run a train on fucking shit up, but you wont have much escape

>enter promos
>instalocking xerath scripter
Nice game lol

Daily reminder that camille is balanced :)

So does split pushing win silver games?

Fucking galio got a skin, i dont see why yorick cant

Whoopty fucking doo, two people. That's certainly enough of a following that they'll make a new skin for a champion that no one gives a fuck about.

Who are you playing?

What level is she?
What level are you?
What items do you have?

You've been feeding her all game haven't you retard.

Split pushing wins all games

You'll always have Protobelt that's like a mini flash minus being able to flash over walls.

if i didnt occasionally see the ward skin for it in the shop i wouldnt remember it existed


i spent 30$ on this shit game,what should i buy?no ultimate skin shit

t. camille main

>Riot stopped selling Chroma skins for IP every so often
>Riot only did +10 extra support champs for free rotation once
Why the fuck does riot try decent ideas then quit instantly.

thats not an argument

yes, but flashing over walls is like. 80 percent of what makes it good for escapes

I don't even own her. I'm not even saying she's balanced.

You're just salty a fed opponent raped you.

Anyone can do that to you when you're bronzie feeder. :^)

she's really not as bad as you'd think. I've dumpstered her as Singed in lane

>the "advice" is literally "flash away from her"
nice game lolbabs

The IP chroma sales were clearly stated to be twice a year and it happened so late in the year that the first one was only happening once. Calm your fucking tits you piece of shit, the next one hits in January.

early sale when?

how do we fix him?


Ignite when your laners can assist you with CC. Exhaust when they can't.

If you're playing her properly you don't need Flash.

t. camille main

if it makes you cs better and play better then go for it.

I'm not even that guy but shit lmao, is that your only response?

Don't even deserve a proper (you)

Yeah I never really used flash only when trying to steal dragons or baron using blast cones.

The early sale hits tomorrow. Source: I work there.


Flash just isn't something she needs. If you're new to her however and don't quite understand her limits then yeah, I'd say go with flash if you're learning you're bound to end up in a fucky situation where it will help you escape. But once you have a feel of her you shouldn't need it.

Which it seems you have.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results.

Results of Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums!
new one up on NA
pw: vidya




What a Janna rework or something?

Thank you senpai.


do I unlock graves or draven??

how did you get this fed on such a binary champion

what shitter did you lane against

Shouldn't it be Cassio stabbing her in the back?

Graves he's pretty good anywhere he goes.

how to get free s's play support
have already gotten 8 chests from doing so


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is LIVE ON NA
hey im not a freakin bully okay people just need to learn 2 step off

Saggy waifu!

it's why he gets because he's so binary
there's no avoiding his damage and he's very strong early game so he just fucks half of the cast
and because he's so binary and strong early, when he gets ahead in lane there's not much you can do

That seems like such a weird tweak..


>"Mordekaiser is not to be trusted, Hecarim."

what did she mean by this?

not to fucking trust him. are you retarded?

Goofing around in ranked

Graves if you wanna carry yourself out of low ELO (jungle tho fuck Graves ADC)

>full crit no boots noct
>orianna doesnt build a zhonyas until last item
>pushes all on her own
>wonders why she gets ulted

all I saw was $$$

Does anybody LIKE the new jungle? It feels hellish to play. For as much as riot likes to talk about how bad feast or famine systems are the new jungle is the very definition of it. It feels like there's just no way to come back from a deficit unless the other guy makes some huge mistakes

>not trusting morde
???? ??

Yeah, his early game is powerful but it's also equally predictable. In order to use his braindead kit he needs to always be zoning you, which makes him inherently very vulnerable to ganks--

>b3nb1llamy as jungler
Oh now I get it completely, he doesn't understand how to rotate as jungler AT ALL.

That's why I always vote the other team when b3nb1llamy is the jungler

mordekaizer and ahri are spiritual brother and sister!

increase damage as game goes on more so champs can't solo him


i mean, there are challenger pantheon one tricks
so yeah

yeah his jungle movement is actually pretty awful

>rotate as jungler
rotate what...

What's a decent Skarner jungle build?

>#1 katarina fan boy
>never plays katarina
classic imthem.

Post webbums or gifs you made

Okay, so? Does that contradict what I said about him being vulnerable to ganks? It just means challenger Panth one tricks are good at using their ultimates and knowing exactly how much damage their rotation does. A good jungler will still prevent him from going 22/2.

Mister Nobody is a shit player and a shit human being

Are you memeing or are you being serious? I'm not even going to bother answering. If you're b3n and you're actually confused then I worry for your family

I agree~

How do I Lucian? This champ is like false hope for the first time (over and over again). I can't do anything unless my reaction speed is god level or the enemy team goes full lomo.

>people are actually playing Kalista right now

Did she receive her buffs already?
If she did, how is she?

hes the worst he's ever been right now, dont bother

the only game webm which i ever made it was how i landed iirc a yak-3 (warthunder realistic) whose engine stopped (was destroyed or the radiator was destroyed and it overheated, i don't recall) and i did it to prove another user that you don't die if you land on the strip with a stopped engine

i doubt you would be interested

people who play stank pussy in solo que shouldn't be.

people who play her and duo with their support can do great things.

You don't.

He's in a very bad state right now.

I don't know what I expected

Who is a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums player that genuinely has fun, doesn't tryhard, and is always great in chat?

I was duo with a mate of mine, Kalista ult>sionq>sion ulti Is pretty gross

It could be you.