lol edition
/ps2g/ - planetside 2 general
Hello ps2g!
You guys are gay.
The MWR is cheap and I do a lot of work as HA, should I get that over the TMG even though it's not as good at range or just save up? I'm working to cert my tank mostly though since that's what I mostly do though so prowler builds also welcome.
Also is the prowler OP? I only have a halberd but have yet to not absolutely ass rape in armored fighting, not sure if I actually want the lockdown mode though since strafing is kind of the only reason I stay alive so long.
Prowler has 2x the DPS of either other tank before you even anchor it.
And you can get out of anchor mode pretty much instantly so it's not even a real issue in a fight.
Alright so I guess I take anchor mode and time it for that long ass NC reload then? I know a lot of people like stealth armor but as a just in case would front armor be viable as a cheap hold out?
Take stealth because armor doesn't even matter when you're doing a minimum of 2x the dps to begin with, and the prowler's also the fastest tank, so having stealth lets you get the drop on people when you flank, on top of having the highest dps and equal survivability to the other tanks.
If you haven't clued in yet, yes the prowler is unbelievably overpowered. Wait until you unlock HE ammo, so you can be an order of magnitude better at killing infantry and merely equal to the other two tanks at killing vehicles. You'll get 5x as many kills going with HE over AP, so it should be your standard loadout.
Yeah, not interested in HE since I'm already body shotting infantry at any range and taking home at least 10 infantry kills a ride not to mention my gunner and also not to mention most of my fun is in anti armor engagements.
Before I even started certing my prowler I used stock lightnings to fuck up armor because apparently people suck at armor except for one magrider I fought. I will take into consideration your stealth advice though.
>at least 10 infantry kills a ride
if you want to abuse anchored mode get proxy radar and HE rounds, otherwise get stealth, vulcan and AP rounds
I could get up to 40 but that's not an average,
Why would I ever get shit ass HE when my main goal is to fuck up other tanks? Also vulcan was pretty good in trial but outside of very close combat it took the same amount or way way more than volleys for the halberd.
>Why would I ever get shit ass HE when my main goal is to fuck up other tanks? Also vulcan was pretty good in trial but outside of very close combat it took the same amount or way way more than volleys for the halberd.
yeah the halberd is for those that wish to remain effective at long range. but nothing can out dps the vulcan at close range. combine the vulcan with stealth and you peel most tanks like oranges. I just love it so i thought i'd recommend it.
>If you haven't clued in yet, yes the prowler is unbelievably overpowered
Reported to Wrel you fucking cheater. Everyone knows that Prowler is underpowered, and it only got more kills than Magrider and Vanguard combined because Terran players are just better.
NERF fucking NC, a cyclone HA can easily solo an anchored max reload AP prowler.
Prowler should have a deployment shield in anchor mode, or else it will never be good.
hey guys its wrel here,
we have some exciting new nerfs and buffs coming in the next patch, both nc and vs are getting a 20% damage reduction across the board, and tr is getting a 100% damage increase for all infiltrators and light assaults, unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances the vs nerfs won't make it in the next patch until we sort some technical issues and hire a UI programmer.
In the meantime we expect the underpowered TR faction to finally be on equal footing with NC.
don't forget to like and subscribe!
why havnt u nerfed harassers uyet they killed mty lightning
lightning is getting nrefed >:(
fuck you're lighting
>Why would I ever get shit ass HE when my main goal is to fuck up other tanks?
trust me dude, you can get LIKE LITERALLY ONE MILLION K/D if you like certs you should look into it.
Hey gents guess who its reddit man back again don't you just wish I went away well too bad.
we've got a second attention whore on the front page envious of the first attention whore getting attention, so get your whiteknights and pitchfork investments lined up this ones bound to be a scorcher
Thank you werl!
>if you like certs you should look into it.
as far as cert gain goes, AV >>> AI
t. tank pro
What's the best NC shotty that isn't the memehammer, and is it worth getting over just keeping the mauler?
shotguns all got nerfed to shit
Pump actions are amazing but definetally only shine on a LA
When did that happen? I had a 9 month break and came back 2 weeks ago.
I play nc too.
Can someone explain why they ruined the T2 Striker? It was an okay Lock-on 5 shot when I used it, and now it's a fucking garbage piece of shit that does no damage and requires pinpoint aim. What the fuck? Did they just nerf all of the anti-air weapons because the game is 90% whining airchavs and the idea that they couldn't mindlessly farm infantry upset them?
How do airniggers actually defend this?
I just started skyniggering to see what it's like. Fuck it's addictive. Easy kills everywhere. This has got to be the most cancerous play style in the game.
I despise airniggers even more now.
Wrel thinks NC is overpowered, and he's friends with tons of heavy mains who hate getting dunked by shotguns, so he nerfed shotguns last week.
Really? I just started using the Mauler today and oh my god is it good fun. But yeah fuck Wrel.
I'm pretty certain that a few small changes could completely solve the A2G problem.
1. Get rid of thermals on aircraft
That's it, you're done.
Five minutes of playing and I already regret re-installing.
VS is so fucking broken it's not even remotely funny. This game is fucking dead and I am glad it is.
hi viz
My gun: recoils fifty feet (no exaggeration) into the air if I attempt to even burst fire it, does no damage
Their gun: kills me faster than the average human reaction time, has no recoil, has unlimited ammo
Also don't even get me started on how fucking awful the level geometry is, holy fuck this is the worst map design out of any game I've ever played, and I've played really shitty early access games developed by one person before.
Buy cowboy hat. It has a passive of reducing recoil by 90%
>VS is so fucking broken it's not even remotely funny.
I think that just for one day nobody should play any faction but Vanu. Just everyone be Vanu.
So then hopefully Sony or Daybreak or whatever fuck they're called understands how much of a fucking awful decision it was to add a faction that prides itself on being better and then never nerf them under any fucking circumstances. Fucking HORSESHIT.
I'm done with this, I'm fucking done with this game.
I'm tired, every night, EVERY FUCKING NIGHT, EVERY FUCKING DAY the same bullshit. I'm done.
It's ridiculous. And you know what? Vanu will always say "oh it's because you are bad".
BULL FUCKING SHIT. When I play Vanu I do substantially better, SUBSTANTIALLY! It does no comparison.
I think all heavy assaults should be given the same fucking guns, equalized - all stats everything.
Make them carbon fucking copies .
That way I will never have to say "oh Vanu heavy assault is better".
You don't understand, that's already the situation. Nobody plays anything but Vanu, they are constantly overpop on any given server.
it's been too long since I last some some VS overpowered copypasta
You guys need to understand that the reason people think NC is overpowered is because they are literally the overpowered faction. Their guns are overpowered with 200 damage bullets, their tank is overpowered with the strongest AP cannon in the game, their shotguns are overpowered being able to one shot you from 5ft. away, and even their sniper rifle is overpowered with the highest velocity of any projectile weapon in the game.
NC's all about being overpowered, that's why they need to be nerfed.
aim better
Where did all the high kdr fagets go
I logged in today and it was just 0.5-1kdr players at every fight, the hell?
Did daybreak finally ban all the cheaters?
Cheaters still around, just much rarer as they've mostly drifted away to other games it seems
I'm seeing more and more matte faction colored vehicles these days
yet the third anniversary package is yet to be sold
t. 0.5 ivi kdr
If a gun I don't feel the need of a compensator/foregrip, should I go with a flash suppressor?
Don't forget to buy the METALLIC PINK goypaint, available only today!
Close friend, 1.19 kd la shitter who keeps the score positive with the reaver.
The cheating cucks I encounter literally snap to my head and drop my and my outfit buddies the exact moment we turn corners.
Br8 players doing that is either godlike talent, king smurf or cheating fuck with wall hacks always knowing where 4 people are coming from
We are all in biolabs, since it's the only place where you are safe from airniggers
why is steam offline
Another thread about girls being bullied in Planetside 2 on reddit!
The time of sexist fucking white males is over!
Coz yer a cuckold. hehe
what gun
I'm a free man now, you can't touch me.
*touches user*
*unsheathes benin*
>no shitty pastebins
>no backlink
why bother even making a new thread?
literally 9/10 posts are the usual 'lol', 'aim better', 't. 0.1 ivi' and other shit stale memes.
just let this garbage general die
t. 0.1 ivi
aim better
yes, anyways use flash suppressors since werl's meme buff (by far the best barrel attachment, unless you're trying to be a sneaky cunt with a suppressor) unless you have smoke disabled :^)
>not liking menes
what did he do to flash suppressors spoon feed me mommy
fucking phone
they have basically no downside now, and you don't get blinded by le ebin muzzle flash covering a quarter of your screen
just downloaded planetside 2
what do
Uninstall now.
uninstall, you should have canceled at 90% anyways
cancel dl at 90%
inform everyone that this semen slurping game just isnt for you
Feel regret
Cancel at 90%
Feel confused
aim better
but I'm arealdy playing on my ps4
what class is best?
TR eternally holding The Crown is my absolute favorite meme. Probably the best time I've ever had playing PS2.
Class is irrelevant, just pick TR and be one with the cancer no matter what.
what's TR?
Save up your certs and buy useful things like vehicle modules, c4, and improved repair and healing tools
Pure underprowlered.
Enjoy your nerf :>}
we are all stuck in a giant team deathmatch
what?! what is werl going to nerf this time?
NC memeshotgun.
apex kek
Will the wall around Vanu Warpgate ever be built?
>have high capacity afterburner
>Also racer chassis
>some mossie chases after me
>he's 400m away, I start boosting to warpgate
>somehow he tails me the entire way there, while shooting almost as effectively as if I were only 50m away from him, not 300-400m
>make it to warpgate and turn around
>he fires coyotes at me before fucking off
Afterburners need a buff
I'm so tired of this shit, and if you don't go along with their little game then they go on a team-killing spree (which this guy did) and then log over to other characters to keep harassing you over and over even when you ignore or report them, I can take a "get in the kitchen hurdurrrr" joke or whatever, but when it goes to rape/molestation and telling people they're garbage humans and don't deserve to be on the planet.. it's starting to get too much. Not to mention the trans and homophobic crap he was spamming in yell chat all night, I have friends who are both and it was getting a bit hard to take after a while..
Like.. why? what the heck did I ever do?.. then I feel guilty when people like that start team-killing my team and squad because I wont give them what they want or I ignore them.. like what am I suppose to do?..
They went on a VS character after that and then another NC character...
it's not a "troll." well it is but it's "alt-right" views which is basically a troll movement now, and its infecting everything. If you don't believe me go look at Breitbart and some /pol/ forums or some other blogs, it's scary as fuck.
Yeah right. Because normal people go around telling people they need to be raped and want to be raped and their dad raped them and trans and gay people are subhuman and everything else. Maybe one day when you grow out of your middle school angst and get a job where you have to respect people who are different instead of blaming everyone else for your problems and taking everyone else down because you're unhappy with your own life you'll realize you've been brainwashed by a bunch of alt-right propaganda that's telling you what you want to hear.
What you're doing is not normal.
Don't try to justify it, it's not normal. Everyone here knows it, any human being with a heart and empathy knows it.
I've dated guys like you, they were abusive, physically and mentally, it's not right, you're not right, get some help.