ot: eyosongive.us
wiener edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for Draven is best ADC
Xth for Katarina
best girl
>leona will never cook wieners with her solar powers for you
funnily, but with auto-fill queueing mid/supp gives you mid pretty often
inb4 leona guro smut how leona is cooking your "wiener"... brr
this guy gets it
That's it! If I tilt, I'm taking you all with me
what are you still doing here?
i am home from work and sitting in the lobby right now
>no in knows about dick ass tf in the thread
>no one was around for the saintvicious hotshot days
>no one was here for the Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums with qt and saint
I miss the old days
i mean delicious sausages, don't be gross pls
having "i'm a tank" veigar top btw
send help!
Tell me stories brotha
give it to me straight /lolg/
how bad is Ivern?
hi lolg!
ban vi and camille!
check your runes and masteries!
remind your team to check runes and masteries!
care for invades!
play as a team!
remember to ward!
stay positive!
every match is an opportunity to improve!
be humble in victory and graceful in defeat!
good luck in your ranked games!!
How the fuck do I carry this shit??? I've had these shit teams 9 FUCKING GAMES NOW IN A ROW~
What are some meme champ/builds to tilt 9 people simultaneously?
he's fantastic, especially if you have a duo that plays melee top laners
Good morning lolgen
Time for finishing cleaning up and putting up the xmas tree, playing some soloq and maybe some other vidya with buds, f-fuck you all:^)
The new support items and the locket change really boosted him by a lot. Hes the only viable support jungler around.
triple proxy singed so your team doesn't get farm ever
>The other games
But thats viable, singed420 said so
>ban vi and camille!
>not banning Lee and Yasuo
what the fuck is wrong with you
>banning Lee and Yasuo
>banning Lee and Yasuo
>banning Lee and Yasuo
>banning Lee and Yasuo
>banning Lee and Yasuo
by not playing a shit ADC?
I get that playing against Yasuo is annoying but is he really worth a ban?
>Join lobby
>Don't get a ban
>Say "Ban lee sin or I int, I'll fucking do it too just try me"
>Team bans lee sin
Works every time.
does that have anything to do with making your teammates "tilt"
in all of his videos you can see his mid laner get mad about losing farm by pinging his experience to next level
>not banning lee
Bronze detected
>spent 8 hours installing league due to shit internet
>gets to 99%
>an unspecified error has occured
>tfw im about to stop playing this game forever because of this shit
>fidd acting like a retard because someone banned his pick
>literal 4v5 all game
no really. im not having fun anymore. im really tired of playing Urgot and losing. Hell, I can't even play Call of Duty for too long anymore.
I'm stopping after i get gold in flex and solo. what other games are fun/good rn. I really want Crackdown 3 to come soon.
Explain to me how yas and lee arent viable bans
i mean imagine if you got 28 kills on a good champion
>not banning Lee so your team doesn't pick him and becomes a useless nigger that will solo lose you the game
>1LP away to leave Silver
xth for Boxbox as cutest streamer
>not banning lee
its almost like you want him to carry his team to a win by minute 25 because he is 12--0
>Mundo into Fiora
>Already tilted that I forgot to ban her, figure I'll just try not to get too tilted off the loss-
>First item Sheen
>"well that's weird I thought they rushed Cleaver, oh well Triforce isn't THAT bad on her I suppose-"
>Second item Glacial Shroud
I felt kinda bad for that victory 2bh.
or even better, your shitter lee gets lucky and feeds off other shitters then thinks he can 1v5 the enemy team and throws
Results of Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums!
thanks for playin tonight guys im done for now but host ur own it will fill for sure
>using korean
kek you fucking autist
>You will never spam Kpop links and ship Nyjacky and Saint ever again
>No more mang posting
>No more Cursemas
Take me back.
Talons pretty fun~
I forgot how much fun Sion is.
Wait, qt as in Imaqtpie used to play Veeky Forums games?
I knew he lurked and met his team here, I just can't believe there are people in this general who played with/against him in his shit days.
Was he different before the money, success, and irl waifu?
>Complaining about normals
You realize people don't try in normals and it's where people go to test shit out, untilt and troll right?
he got good playing vvv
>a good champion
Yeah, about that. Urgot is the only champ that I
find fun in this game. I play ranked for Victorious skins that I dont even use, and I play support to get them every year.
It also doesn't help that you just get that one game where everyone around you makes the shittiest of plays, and are feeding just as hard as you but because YOU were there trying to back, you get blamed. OF FUCKING COURSE RENEKTON, I WOULD LOOOOOVE TO STUN RIVEN FOR 1/2 BEFORE HER AND JAYCE DELETE US BOTH! EXCELLENT PLAN, YOU FUCKING INBRED APE!
Could be worse user. You could be a Mundo main.
I appreciate your answer, and I like that link and will watch it when I have time, however
I bet Evelynn is secretly CLASSY
seeing as it is 4 am where i'm at, and im kinda tired, its not best to play in a playlist where winning matters
but you bet your buttery ass that it sucks massive dick to lose in this fashion.
She's probably into super degenerate shit like missionary and hand-holding.
>tfw girls that tease and like to wear slutty clothes but are secretly abstinent is my fetish
wat is wrong with you you got it the wrong way around what the heck
>my sexual preferences are the only reasonable ones
Planning a trip to a gay bar anytime soon user?
what do you mean? you like the bookish girls that are secretly skanks?
what are you some kinda cuck?
>DL only made $6k for winning Summer split twice
Stay in school kids.
this nigga knows. those were literally the peak of /lolg/
any Veeky Forums v Veeky Forums up or going?
>Go through a shitty game that we win
>Everyone was playing like chimps
>"Fun game"
>"Wow, what a blast"
I fucked my mmr so bad I get paired with shitters who unironically find these shit fests fun
I utterly and completely hate Rengar players, I hope they all die in a horrible manner.
I miss when we had actual quality posters like Marine or Neryth. Now we just have a bunch of low-elo fags.
now its all literal who fag posters with no personality
hey fuk u im G00D
yeah but he probably doesn't pay for bills/food/clothes/house stuff.
Evelynn probably just uses her feminine wiles when on a job, but dreams about having a stable and pure monogamous relationship!~
>ywn propose to Evelynn
>ywn honeymoon in Demacia and take her to the finest restaurants
It's not fair sometimes, user.
>be extremely toxic
>just got off chat restriction
>unable to not flame people who are feeding
>decide to channel that into giving words of encouragement
>"it's okay", "just play safe", "you can come back"
>tell them "good job", "we got this" etc when ever they get a kill or do something
>they start playing less like shit
>may still end up losing
>not as salty about it
Hm...I may be onto something here.
Why are we so dead?
its 4:41 am
who is the best mid and why is it malzahar
i just had a game where we fucking stomped the laning phase completely
then kat and ahri literally just started spontaneously flaming eachother in a winning game, both tilted started making stupid plays and threw
how the fuck
>always thought sion was a meme champion
>just played against support sion
This is some incredible cancer, senpai. Who do i pick to counter him?
His poke is unreal, hes slowing you while hes doing it, his stun is fucking huge and bigger than the hitbox and his shield does huge damage, you cant even pop it thanks to courage of the cuck.
>enemy picks Teemo, Zed, Soraka and Vayne
>my team picks Yasuo, Lee and Kata
Glad I dodged.
This game is asscancer.
Im not sure if i like baron being an auto win now
but at least it makes games shorter
metal never sleeps
Except right now
Metal sleeps now
fuck this 4 am crap, goodnight /lolg/
Where are the Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results? I'm curious about what happened!!
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results!
team succ gg i wasnt even tryin
>Yasuo maynes
there it goes
I got yell at because I was playing morde champ I love to play /:
wasnt even tryin
Is knights vow even a good item? 12% of carries health isnt much
Who yelled at you? I thought they were just sperging out over Janna and GP?
wasnt even tryin
wasn't even tryin
The enemy jg. I don't really care but it was unnecessary. Its just a game!
>check for the early sale
>its another fucking regular sale until the 26th
kill me