/svg/ - Shadowverse General


Shadowverse is a free-to-play, class-based collectible card game.
The next expansion, Rise of Bahamut, will be released on December 29th.

Official reveal site:

Compilation of all cards revealed, including leaks:

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database/Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Get your cheat sheets here: imgur.com/a/Dpbmh

All-in-one Steam undub and uncensor :

Decryption key: !tsu910nR6lT_xTQAx9QUNI_96DLJ0mvgIwwThp5lPS4

Artwork of all the cards, ripped from the game:

A growing collection of animated golds/legendaries:

You can listen and download both EN/JP voices for cards at this place:

Get your iDOLM@STER Emblems and Sleeves with this guide:


Other urls found in this thread:


I was mighty but too proud

>opponent plays a card

>Albert thread never

first for fuck drumpf

Play Discard Dragon

He's so damn cute for a class with zombos and spooky skellingtons

Rachel? Natalie?

Dragon will be competent soon.

fuck haven
fuck rune
fuck d shit
fuck elana
fuck seraph
fuck ancient elf
fuck this unbalanced game
fuck CyGames for giving Shadow literally nothing.


He's a cutie.

Discard Dragon will be stealth S tier next expansion

screencap this


>no /hsg/
>no card art sites
>posted before last thread hit bump limit

Threadly reminder that you're in the wrong thread, don't reward this shitter's trolling

>thread wars
cringing my tits off.

>Giving a fuck about this /hsg/ shit
Hearthstone General is dead as fuck, let those idiots remain dead.

so any cool shadowverse doujins for C91 announced?

How do you play against control blood as midrange sword or tempo elf. Do you just concede when they drop dire bond? Like I only win 2 times against this fucking matchup. Inb4 git gud.

>making shadowverse porn when you could be making granblue, fate and kancole porn instead for 10 times the profit

I am expecting all the lewds.

I saw 2 on pixiv.

granblue might as well count as a shadowverse doujin though

>got memed into crafting a dshift deck
>its fucking shit

Git gud works.
Seriously though? Their only real threat in both these matchups is revelations, which means as a Sword you have to race them to either set up lethal from hand at turn 8 or end the game at 7, without putting them into vengeance the turn before. As Forest you can literally just shit roaches and Liza up their asses.

D-Shift is fine, it just autoloses to fast shit and autowins against slow shit. Most of the lower ladder is fast shit. Most people playing it also fuck it up and the deck is better higher up in the ladder.

The mirror match is the worst thing about playing D-Shift.

>wanting to play brainless cancer deck

You deserve it.

I know of at least this one. Check on the C91 tag on pixiv.

I don't even know though, like these fuckers have diabolic drain and vampiric kiss ready every fucking time when I play sword or just drop righteous devil right into my fucking minions. I never ran into control blood as forest though that's why I'm asking how the matchup goes.

>oppai luna
no thanks

Except control blood has no real problem to dip themselves into vengeance for revelations, and midsword doesn't have either Lisa or heavy burst tools to deal with that. This matchup is in blood favor, the only thing sword can do is not let blood go into vengeance for free


When will my waifu be added to the game?

post card that always came just at the right time to save you from lethal

>Not loving all sizes of breasts

No genitals

you're waifus a sloot

>Running Cleric Lancer

Holy Sentinel is better
2pp and stop flooding nicely

>playing haven
kill yourself, cancer

she is for hot gluing

All our fault, yeah.

I mean, Righteous is only a real problem if you put them in vegeance before you should. It's pretty difficult to play versus control blood as a mid-range sword, I will give you that, there almost none in my experience so you don't get to actually feel the match up.
I think my best bet was always Sage value, be it on Otohime or not, into storms from hand. Control blood is going to shit on my throat when the expansion hits unless Albert has something to say about it.

It's not just a matter of size. I have no problem with oppai Isabelle. Oppai Luna isn't Luna anymore.

The issue there is that blood can dip into vengeance on its own for that value real easy turn 6+ which gives swords a

what are the alternative?

They can't just go from 15~ to vegeance and clear you shit that easy, you don't put them at 11 hp and expect them to stay there. You try to burst as much as possible as quickly as possible AFTER you have lethal from hand. Or you pray for no revelations.

Will Control Forest like archetype be a thing in RoB?
Something not using PtP but underappreciated cards like Selwyn,Robin Hood or Forest Dragon, maybe to run with the new wolf lego for combo Silver Bolt or memeing Rose

Like this guy said , they can just razory claw or hit themselves with wraith or claw and drop that annoying righteous devil. But. I guess it's just normal that control shits on tempo and midrange deck.



The only really good 5 drop that Haven has is Radiance Angel

I really wish it become a thing but it will just die to fucking d shift when control blood become a thing. Then, everyone starts playing ptp and aggro forest again with burds.

Where is sword?

>Put elf two times in OP
>Don't put /hsg/ in OP
>thread wars now
Who /mastermind/ here.

sword has alt otohimeme
it's been leaked already but gamepress is slopokepress

Can control blood beat elana?

Turn 7 allows for dire bond into righteous combos from 16hp

blood has a lot of options ones it hits higher PP for vengeance combos. Makes it a shitton of fun to play



>People are genuinely upset about the lack of /hsg/ in the OP
Why though?

Yes but you need to tech 2 Odin.

I'm aware, but you can't play around everything, usually you pick a line of play based on what you've seen and stick to it until new information is given, that's kinda how I navigate card games.
If we're going for the perfect scenario then Blood wins that match up every time, but we don't really have these very often, which allow Sword to snag some wins.

Yes, fairly easily.

Revelation wrecks elana boards, as does righteous demon, allowing you to trade 2:1 or better.
Dire bond allows you to draw hard enough to not lose to card advantage, while you have enough dmg straight from hand that you can generally keep them in mary combo range so that if they try to seraph you just murder them.

im running pure seraph though

>the Blood deck is actually a control deck and not just aggro bats with 2 leggos thrown in

Surprising, I like it

Trying to attract shitters from /hsg/.

Oh, I know, it's generally a matter of baiting well and trying to abuse the fact that Queen Vampire is a free Aurelia proc.

it's not the /hsg/ being removed, it's the useful content being removed

Also, fuck you and everything you stand for

Well aside from the obvious I guess. Let those niggas be mad at their shitty game. If they had any sense they would have dropped Hearthstone by now anyway.

Why though?

Personally I think it's funny when retards can't even look at the OP properly and mistake this general for the other, but I don't really care either way.

I'm the OP, I don't understand why the art sites were ever removed, but any time I make a thread I just copy the OP of the previous thread.

post more brown console slut

Control Blood is extremely expensiveve to run properly and hard to pilot too, we will see how RoB will turn out for it

>it will just die to fucking d shift
i really don't understand this reasoning. ptp and elana lose to dshift but you see them being played a lot. dshift isn't even an auto lose for control. it's a tough match up and you rely on luck but it's not anywhere close to being unbeatable. seriously if a deck wouldn't be played because another one can beat it then no deck would see play at all.

on an unrelated note: why do people keep their sylvan justice, whole souled swing, etc against rune? i see it almost everytime i play a minion on turn 2.

>Why though?

i can never draw elona before turn 5 and all the aggro on ladder makes me want to kill myself

also wards are nice

I think you missed the entire point of doujins.

This is Luna.

Will you run lesbians?

What's that book? Is it interesting?

I probably gonna run Grea for ramp dragon. Lucifer is fucking useless. I've lost count how many times I lost because Lucifer could be Odin or anything with storm or rush instead.


It's a detailed guide of how to play D Shift

I mulligan these kind of cards everytime agaist rune because i expect DShift and this how it goes most of the time
>Rune was DShift
I get back my removal
>Rune was dirt
I don't get my removes back for the wall

Think the 1AoE and 4/4 rush will cut it?
Since I doubt you'll be evolving Grea most in order to take advantage of her double attack.

post underrated qts

Paper and printing doesn't pay for itself. Artists are natural attention whores as well.
Successful doujin groups are nomadic in nature and go for trendy shit for money and exposure.

I'll put her in my Evolve Dragon deck to make it easier to trigger Mushussu and Demonic Simulacrum.

>running lucifer in ramp dragon ever
What is wrong with you?

She's still better than turn 8 drop that only heals for 4. Anne can remove anything with 5 defense and gives 1 damage to other enemy followers. If enemy don't kill Grea you can drop Olivia for 8 face damage.

Dragon just don't have any other good 8 drops.

>not Xmas themed

Why you OP makers are all assholes that cannot go with the festival?

>evolve dragon
Shine on, you crazy diamond.

>Demonic Simulacrum.

Please no.

By tomorrow we'll have another thread you fag
Only shitters start Christmas editions 3 days in advance

Sure that's why did I write that but saying they are profitable is just silly. The only who is making real money is ZUN and a few others but they are exceptions.

But some doujins artists started at doujins and then got their own TV series and whatnot.

> Exception
More like based god


That's a big hat.



it's funny how a dude and his quality drawing could go that far. That's the power of fanboy, I suppose.