/feg/ Fire Emblem General

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Felicia is meant for cuddling and kissing under the mistletoe

I love Severa and so do you!

Azura a shit

With the Luna tome, Athos ORKOs all three enemies here

>CamillaAnon is the OP

Camilla a best!

Lucina a CUTE!

Next room

This guy has Basilikos, a weapon Raven will be using momentarily

He followed the rules better than the previous OPs did so I ain't complaining

Nothing wrong with that

>IP count didn't go up

I refresh Harken to kill him and continue on

Yes, I'm the OP. Did the image.png not give that away?

He's OP

Raven already has S-Rank in Axes? Jesus.
Why not Harken instead of Loiuse?

Felicia is pretty cute in fan art

Next room

Raven shows the power of Basilikos (traded from Harken) as he just obliterates the next boss with a crit


I'm stupid. I didn't noticed him

Better then cuckposting/circlejerk and shit. And it's actual gameplay. Fuck off

The bottom left room opens

Fiora destroys Jerme with a crit, and the following turn Fiora misses the crit but weakens Ursula enough for Louise to come up and finish (damn Louise is being much more useful this chapter than I thought she would be)

>taking the bait

Final Hammerne use is spent on the Rescue staff

Warp has enough uses for the small bit of game that's left

Now for the toughest room; Lloyd and Linus

Raven switches to a Killing Edge and advances

I wanted Athos to just weaken Lloyd but he decided to score a very nice crit with Luna, which I'll gladly take

>tripfag this salty he can't jerk all over the thread

Raven weakens Linus and allows Harken to finish him off with a Hand Axe, opening the way to Nergal

Felicia is for grabbing by the ponytail and force her to deepthroat when she fellates you at night.

Athos and Nergal begin fighting

Hey we had a smooth thread transition for once. Neat.

How about you stop stealthy trying to jerk your boyfriends dick with this unnecessary post and let the man above you LP, hmm?

With a Physic from Pent and refresh from Nils, Nergal goes down

The early thread 404'd for once. Even if other tripshits tried to bump it.

Dragon time

And Athos crits


The LP is pretty much over man

And done

I would have posted that regardless of who the OP was. Besides I don't see how my post would stop anybody from doing anything. I'm not sure what your logic here is friend. Not to mention your reply to my post was also unnecessary.

Nice. Show your turn count and ranks.


Godspeed user, you're the best

>taking the bait

Final kill count:

Rath - 1 battle 0 kills
Rebecca - 4 battles 0 kills
Serra - 6 battles 0 kills
Merlinus - 11 battles 0 kills
Ninian - 15 battles 0 kills
Dart - 3 battles 1 kill
Lyn - 3 battles 1 kill
Eliwood - 9 battles 1 kill
Wil - 4 battles 2 kills
Dorcas - 5 battles 2 kills
Legault - 6 battles 2 kills
Florina - 13 battles 2 kills
Jaffar - 6 battles 4 kills
Isadora - 7 battles 4 kills
Farina - 11 battles 4 kills
Matthew - 13 battles 4 kills
Guy - 14 battles 6 kills
Kent - 14 battles 6 kills
Sain - 14 battles 6 kills
Erk - 19 battles 7 kills
Priscilla - 18 battles 8 kills
Athos - 12 battles 9 kills
Vaida - 16 battles 9 kills
Lucius - 19 battles 9 kills
Oswin - 56 battles 12 kills
Canas - 21 battles 13 kills
Louise - 34 battles 18 kills
Hawkeye - 50 battles 27 kills
Hector - 58 battles 32 kills
Lowen - 71 battles 34 kills
Harken - 44 battles 34 kills
Pent - 47 battles 38 kills
Bartre - 89 battles 42 kills fuck you Bartre
Heath - 81 battles 51 kills

#3 Fiora - 171 battles 115 kills
#2 Raven - 230 battles 161 kills
#1 Marcus - 269 battles 205 kills

Fucking nice. Thanks for being the only good poster left in this shithole.

Wow, i thought Raven did more then Marcus

>that spoiler
Come on now. That was unnesseary.

>Come on now. That was unnesseary.
Did it hurt your feelings or something reddit? Calm down I'm sure the virtual man's feelings aren't hurt.

Everyone knows that Bartre is shit. I'm not defending him. It's just unnessary to say it.

That would be Delphi, not me

Why the long face user? Cheer up.


By the way, Lyon is a great Villian.
I would recycle his concept in a future Fe, if i would be IS.
But that's not the case sadly

He can't cheer up because then he'd having nothing to start shit over

I guess you're right. You post more like some underage tween from whatever came after Gaia Online

Favorite Knight in the series? My personal faves are Amelia, Gilliam, and Effie

Which FE needs it the most?

>already capped Skl and Spd

Whatever you say user


Doesn't Pelleas puke at one point? He probably could have used some.

Yep, he pukes his guts out if you make him fight Izuka.


>FeMui getting a figma over MaMui
Top fucking kek

She's the more popular of the two in contrast with Robin and Kris where the male ones were more popular.

Who cares about Mamui? He's ugly as fuck and FEmui is the most attractive FE girl ever created.

She's extremely generic.
>long white hair
That's literally all she has going for her. She's the blandest FE girl made to be a cutout for all the fat otome sluts who play fates

Tecchen's fanart is amazing


How to win:
1) recruit Duessel
2)dumb the Dracoshields ,you get so far, on him
3)A-Rank Ephraim, B-Rank Cormag
4)End turn


>slit pupils
>elf ears
>wears outfits that show off her thighs and ass

I've even seen waifufags that say Femui is the best girl.


>Nohr 17
Holy fucking shit I hate this fucking chapter.
I didn't believe in dodgetanking until all these fucking ninjas.

Or you could just have Seth with 0 Supports and 0 stat boosts kill everything with a Javelin.

He's also good, but i want raw defense.
I agree, that h's better then Duessel
A Rank Eirika

Post Christmasy fanarts

>IS programmed this and said that this is balanced

Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!

>those hands

But she's cute especially with an eyepatch.
>tfw no eyepatch Femui fanart


This. Without customization options she's really fucking boring and barely above average with. She's just a fucking manakete with white hair. Isn't as busty as Tiki or cute as Nah or Myrhh though.


Best pairing


>nohr 25
holy shit how do you do this chapter?

*gets caught fucking your waifu*
I-I can explain

>tfw user is my waifu

It's ok to masturbate once in a while, you know?

Swordbreaker Corrin

She ends it in 1-2 turns

Shit taste in waifus


It's this crazy bitch's birthday

Not till tomorrow senpai

Wasn't it more or less equal with Robin? Female Robin was/is above Tharja and Cordelia in terms of popularity, and most of the Let's Plays have people using female Robin, and female is also more used in Smash. IS and Nintendo just ignore it in favor of pushing male Robin.

Is probably just realized that giving preferential treatment is useless.

I love Pieri and so do you! Pieri's birthday is tomorrow! You bought a present for her, right?

Who should I just Peri getting fucked by for her birthday? No Corrin. Gonna cuck those annoying Peri fags

Peri has a terrible voice in both dubs and I hate having her around

Just let her die

Lucina was number 1
Femui was number 1

I don't remember Robin's placing but it wasn't 1st.

Laslow and Xander DP'ing her

I'm getting her some tinted glasses and a new chef's hat

Female Robin was number 2nd place, Male Robin was 3rd (Tharja and Cordelia were 3rd and 4th). So yeah she's pretty fucking popular.

Fuck's sake I can't even beat Soleil's paralogue.

I think I may have fucked myself over by not training units properly. Awakening and Birthright fucked up my FE discipline fucking fierce.

2nd place
