
wolf schröder edition

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grats on the worst op this year

more like the cutest OP this year :3c

its not psychosis i know what he means
when youre living in someone elses house and ur older than 18 then normies start to play manipulation games and they do try to hurt you

reminder based wolf is famous in korea


we should all aspire to be more like wolf

[News pick] "I miss the bag stew" ... Do you know "American"?

hope i dont get let down


perfect beard

little do they know I have a surprise in store for them ;)


soju is liquid garbage

>Chinese Food was nice, but a Korean american needs Korean food, so he had some delivered to the hotel in china.

probably better than "beer"
worlds worst shit on earth

im so excited for the new grappler baki anime!!! it's gonna be the convicts arc with hanayama vs speck!!!

why do people buy these cheap shitty processed instant ramens when theyre in fucking asia and can get a real ramen at a noodle shop

fucking pisses me off

instant ramens are kind of like this weird niche nerd thing cause in asia a lot of times they do these limited release runs
based korean patriot

you sound mad

ah crap i was hoping i'd wake up to bitcoin 1k :/

imagine how much pussy you would get if wolf was your wingman

imagine how much pussy you would get it you weren't ugly gay balding poor depressed gay

i dont have to imagine

why would i want "pussy" that sounds disgusting

a avg white gf sounds nice tho


someone tell the gooks that wolf has done x

steam friends has been down for so long...


i dont have any friends on steam

I don't have any friends

you could be my steam friend if you like

i used to have an internet friend, a polish girl, but she stopped talking to me once she graduated college.....

my post fap depression is setting in

what do internet friends talk about?

holy crap sickzii that girl sure is festive

anime and video games

whats ur favorite video game

video games and blogging



adopted korean daughter 2017

top 5 video games of all time

5. undertale

Merry christmas anons

her clothes are too lewd...

i played the demo for 2 minutes and i deleted it

just play any old rpg on like the super nintendo


i haven't worn a turtleneck in like twenty years lol


no its good


I said: Merry christmas anons

christmas is sad now

not what it used to be

fuck u christmas sucks dick

rip christmas

imagine going to a christmas party with sickzii and k*ssing under the mistletoe...

stfu jews you want to take the CHRIST out of CHRISTmas

it isnt christmas yet

christmas is a pagan holiday with jewish roots

how many games have we bought in the sale so far

me : 1, axiom verge, a metroid type game but i want more :)

most of us know that but still #aware
my nigga jan irvin:

axiom verge is good! i'd suggest valdis story: abyssal city as well if you like metroidvanias
as for myself i havent bought anything yet, nothing looks appealing that i dont already have

MATT DRUDGE @DRUDGE 2h2 hours ago
I just loved 2016! Big, bold, crazy, sad, happy, fresh, scary, dramatic, lonely, thrilling, frantic, romantic.
Easily my favorite year.

word tobh



hmmm i'll check it out
but steam seems to be down right now what the heck!

+1 just this once desu


steam store is being ddos'd x_x

baka senpai desu

So is this general pretty much the bottom of the barrel on Veeky Forums?



whens bwhd

after ow 2

wtf slug looks 20 years older and fat on this pic?????


we've been lied to >:|




a chubby 42 year old seulgi

evens: fap
odds: kfap
zero: dont :/

i thought we stopped pleasuring ourselves

sickzee @sickziii 7m7 minutes ago
@kenzi131 @Allaryce__ wtf why did she blocked me? Ask her please...


thats just a meme
nobody would actually stop fapping, right

id smash

i have no idea who allaryce is, so i googled her
and i fucking puked my guts out after seeing this pic

what the heck i havent pleasured myself since sunday i thought we were all doing this.....

from left to right 5/10 0/10

honestly id be pretty fucking happy to get blocked by that thing

fucking hell spoiler that shit


wtf this emo faggot hasnt offed himself yet

feel when you'll never get invited to artosis xmas party
feel when you'll never play in homestory cup 3 and eat whitera's bbq

im still feeling about not havin a christmas party with slayers

tfw gay

frig off homo your not welcom here!
