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>Barrier D.Va
>expect her to fly in or play even mildly aggressively
>instead she stays exactly where she is, miles away from the enemy team with her guns revved up and 800HP, as blissfully unaware as ever that Defense Matrix even exists
I love this D.Va meme.

Pretty early just to get some blue in the OP

Just got to masters and every game so far has been amazing. Finally getting good teammates


>tfw haven't ever played ranked
I have Dota for serious gameplay

Why is she so perfect, lads?

>Climbed high enough to start get putting into masters matches even though I'm diamond still
>Great teams all around usually very close games
I love it compare to diamond teams, those are always flaming each other like they think they are grandmaster status


I wont play it because I hate king of the hill.


why does nobody like it when i play pharah?


She just is

What if her girlfriend is Doomfist

How can you worship some autistic flying muslim when you have this kind of girl

You're supposed to bubble them when they're already flying in.



I love Hana.

>no blueberry to spend christmas with



>Nigger beating white women





She never did. I'm not even sure if I saw her fly to the frontlines.


but whats her last name

>brazilians into raping little girls

I am brazilian and I endorse this. I love to shove my cock in high school bundas in crowded buses.

>being reminded of this feel
>tfw no blueberry to whisper French in your ears
It hurts.

new balance patch when?
current meta is really boring

>Emily voiced by Terry Crews

>the discord teenagers are making new threads 100 posts early just so they can include the discord link in the OP

I'm having fun with the new symmetra.

I already had 32 hours with her before hand, but now I'm starting to use sombra as well because she's currently the shittiest character in the game

I wish Widowmaker had a normal pre-Talon skin, like how Reaper has Reyes, 76 has Morrison, and Ana has Amari.

Give her a more puffy hairstyle and some actual clothes and she'd be cool.

Jeff said they were going to nerf Ana but who knows how long it'll be until that happens.

That would be so cool.

Does anyone have the graph for the different ranks and what points they equal

Symmetra should be moved to Defense

>pick first
>get flamed for picking genji
>proceed to carry team

Symmetra is a frankenstein at this point

Because "she's not meta". People are obsessed with meta even when they're at ranks where it doesn't really matter.

Why is Lucio so fun?

i dont like playing tanks
its not like i lock pharah every time either, i play torb and mei too

>Genji main daydreaming again

Gentlemen and ladies, how do we fix him?

My suggestions:

1. Make his gun ignore armor, or at least partially ignore it. He's supposed to be a Rein counter (getting through the shield) but his gun does so little damage that it hardly matters.

2. Buff the damage to his gun, especially if you're damaging more than one enemy at a time. This will reward you for jumping in to firefights/clots of enemies and causing some havoc.

3. Give him a larger armor-to-health ratio.

Should Overwatch have a loli hero?

everyone at my mmr is fucking blind and never notices flankers

how do I stop myself trying to kill them alone and dying 50% of the time?

It's really fucking lame how Blizzard pushes their characters as icons and shit, attempting to characterize them time and time again. The Tracer comic was fucking awful. Wow, Winston is sad. Wow, Tracer buys someone a gift. It was just a vehicle to reveal Tracer as gay, which doesn't matter. Shit like that (the whole comic) is so irrelevant to the game that it is actually cringe. None of the characters should have backstories. The game shouldn't even have a backstory. If you like OW's story, you are a retard.

they shouldn't touch him and just nerf the relevant heroes around him that have crowded him out

A word of advice for people stuck at a low rank that think their teammates picking retarded shit is the problem:

People will NEVER stop picking weird characters. Last masters game I played had an attack symmetra and a Widow as our singgular DPS character as well as a Winston as a tank versus 3 tanks. We still won. Game before that we had a Symmetra and a Torb on a KotH map.

It is all about communication, positioning, and executing the role of your character well. Do not shout at your teammates to switch since the most you will end up doing is tilting them and the rest of your team which just makes it more likely you will lose.

I encourage you to remain calm and even urge other teammates you hear are being insistent on someone switching to give people a chance.

I am just a mastersfag so I am not that good, but I suppose I have seen enough games in enough SRs to draw some conclusions about what types of attitude work.

he's not picked because of tank meta, I don't think he needs much changed maybe less cooldown on shield or more health on shield but that's it.

Ignore them.


-1s jump CD
optional: gun deal more damages against shields and barriers.

Hey you! Yes, you!
You can do it! Whatever your dreams are, just do it! Believe in yourself! And if you can't believe in yourself, believe in the me that believes in you!
Never give up! Never surrender!

>they aren't banned

actually, a lot of characters are hybrids and fit into multiple roles.
Sombra is more of a support than attacking hero, symmetra is defensive, roadhog is pretty much an attack hero with a shit ton of hp, ect.

Heroes in need of fixing:


Lower cooldown on shield

That's literally all he needs. He's perfectly fine and seeing play as is.

Wont be viable in every mode but a lot of heroes are like that but it will make him amazing in control maps

Tesla coil ignores armor and deals +25% vs. shields (the HP kind)

This cute girl should be a hero.


D.Va isn't a loli.

No one ever read the OP anyways

More damage is a good idea.

I'd make his weapon have infinite ammo. It has 0 burst damage, just like d.va's minigun, but for some reason they make him reload

Also it's a crime a gorilla punch deals the same damage as the one from a skeleton robot kick or a fat ice scientist punch, it should do more damage

the 3 tank meta IS what screws him the most. All tanks but roadhog have armor and even then they didn't have armor they'd still wreck winston.

D.va, who hard counters winston, got buffed to have 600hp, making all but winstons efforts useless.

Is Reinhardt really as team reliant as he feels? I feel so useless if my team behind me isn't fucking shit up


Post character you often play and a song you often listen to when playing them.

I will start.



>if winston's tesla gun electrifies an enemy for more than 5 seconds it 'fries' their abilities or heal blocks them
fixed? the main problem with winston is that most teams run double healer, and he doesn't do enough dps to kill them if they heal each other

>different kinds of HP
>different behavior of weapons towards a specific kind of HP
We Mass Effect now?

If by team reliant, you mean reliant on your team not being fuckups, yes.

As useful as your shield is if nobody's standing behind it and shooting, you're just sitting their wasting an idiot's time.

tracer is a FUCKING IDIOT

I'd almost rather they just get rid of D.va's infinite ammo rather than give it to more people. She's an absolutely braindead character right now, nearly all her buffs have just been giving her more and more stats and that's the only reason she's in every single game now. Giving her the health buff was so stupid.

What's a 'good' ranking? Around 3.5k?

I feel just fine in 3100. Not the best player, but just above average

Since Plat is average, Diamond is good, master pretty good, and GM really good.

Armor is the only one that affects current weapons. Damage from everything but beam damage (symmetra, zarya) is reduced by a certain amount each hit.

Since winstons gun hits every time it damages instead of a constant thing like a beam it's always reduced damage

Because she's cute.

under 4000 you're a retarded shitter.

What number does diamond start?

>gest one buff
>still pretty much troll pick starting mid plat the whole s2
>gets another so she is finally viable
>omg so overbuffed, why do i need to learn deal with another barrier, rein was hard enough

Yeah. I honestly do try but my dps either can't kill anything or just herps and derps all over the place and gets themselves killed. At least on d.Va or Zarya I can take killing shit into my own hands if the need arises.

>Quick Play
>Suffers the worst from the holiday and quality has dropped significantly, two snipers on every team
>Any deathmatch mode
>Was shit from the start
>Winter Mystery Heroes
>RNGfest determined by who can roll D Va first, but honestly the same quality as QP during normal times
>CANNOT touch it during this shitfest unless you want to be gold for the remainder of the season
>Bot games
>Still comfy

Server browser can't come soon enough.

...yeah, right.

>bot games

Shitter detected

>tfw such a long winstreak that I'm getting 80 rating per win

This is a good feel.

The cutest.

>He's serious

Reinhardt's ult should auto-kill any one non-tank hero caught directly underneath the hammer.

> two snipers on every team

Glad it's not just me and I was wondering what was happening. You just made me remember school's out.

1 AM Overwatch feels like the most condensed group of horrible players. It's almost unbelievable. It feels like I'm playing a totally separate game from everybody else. Offensive Bastions that can't aim are in every game, I keep seeing Lucios that have healing on 24/7 and run in straight lines and just randomly stop so often I'm convinced they're bots, Pharah will be crushing our team and people will go from Widow to Hanzo and Soldier to Junkrat in response.

Fun fact: Reinhardt voices Samuel Hayden.

>hanzo has the word "carry" in his name
>zen named "mercysucks"
>he's rubbish
>widowmaker named "iamgod"
>she's in a 3-stack with genji and hanzo
>symmetra named "cancerousmei"
>someone else is already mei on her team
>this is competitive

Reinhardt is the one balanced hero in this game

Don't mess it up

Diamond is a good ranking.

Of course we are.

>tfw no Long War for XCOM 2

>3+ stack
>They all go dps