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>Thread was created with incorrect OP or a lot earlier than post?
Ignore and report; Wait for a correct thread to be made.

>Skyrim Special Edition has been released, and the original SKSE will not work with it. We are currently investigating the application to create a SKSE64 build for the Special Edition. This will not be a fast process. The update to 64-bits means a lot of investigation and changes. Much like the work that has gone into F4SE this will take a tremendous amount of effort. We appreciate your patience while this work continues. We have no timeline for a release. - the SKSE team 29 October 2016

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Wrathmen best conjured companion.

So since Orcs specialize in Smithing, who specializes in Alchemy and Enchanting?


Breton and Altmer

Because the mods are conflicting.

Load your smithing mod before Ordinator and see if that works. Though if said mod mucks with the perk tree, yer kinda fucked.

Reminder that all spiders, even those made of gold, are shit.

Vilkas is more like a husbando in consideration for Solveig.

Eniola hasn't really built any relationships with anyone so she has no one for now.

Wrestling Matches for later today

>Fester vs. Spookytree
>Orthal vs. Aylen
>Team Adventure vs. Douchebros
>Melissa w/ Melon vs. Woe w/ Ayy
>Yeza vs. Anne (Tables)
>Thurindir vs. Ser Knight (No Holds Barred)
>Bohan vs. Vlad vs. Tony (Determines Husbando Title challenger)
>Lilim vs. Zawadi (NASH Title)
>Beer Septims vs. S'witpac (Battle Sisters Titles)
>Bonapart vs. Bohan or Vlad or Tony (Husbando Title)
>Lenore vs. Bee (Waifu Title) (Extreme Rules)

Who's Team Adventure?


Basil and Nordguard

I need fun but not overpowered explosion spells please

Nice. When's it starting?

Colorful Magic

Explosions as in explosions centered on the player, or projectiles that go boom on impact

Colorful Magic has a few that aren't too ridiculous

psssh... nothin personnel kid

who's Orthal

About 1:30 PST give or take a few

It sounds specific, but ideally I'd want to touch someone with it, and then after a delay they'd explode.

what the fuck

Eiries' bald guy with a beard and an angry face.

>go to YuiH Tumblr
>SkyrimGTX being retarded again
At least we dont have that kind of cancer here... right?

I need some glasses for this stupid nerd. Where can I get some lore-friendly-looking glasses? Preferably round ones with wide lenses, but I'm willing to compromise.






Or nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13133/?

>bolted onto your forhead

Lore friendly as fuck.

Follower when?


You should make that r63 as his twin sister.

you gotta get yourself sum nice SLO stone walls now

this guy

>It's an "enemy mage spams fireballs for hours so you can't see what the fuck is going on" episode

I have a pretty nice waifu maybe you would like to see more?

Is there a way to reset Ordinator's anchorite?

>wide lenses
Here m8

What are the "Extreme Rules"?

>you gotta get yourself sum nice SLO stone walls now
I did, but I guess I moved around shit too much that it got overwritten

Sup senpaitachi.

What's the most important attributes to level up in Morrowind first?

Endurance? Since it gives you more health per level and doesn't work retroactively.

Also should I even bother with magic or should I just use melee or bows?


No DQ and stuff. Weapons allowed, no countouts, no ropebreaks, etc.

Pls no bully

Eventually. Currently I'm having my Dremora made into a follower so that will be something.

Endurance and intelligence are all that matter at the start.

Im gonna bully this little nerd so hard.

I'm running RaceMenu and installed an All-In-One body, texture, and HDT mod which has worked, but has left much to be desired to the face textures and mesh.

What are the recommended face or face mesh mods used? I like doing face construction, but kinda sucks when the faces are all blocky and shitty.

>Want to play as a serial killer
>Scared of breaking quests

there's only CITRUS and it's shit so don't bother, just use racemenu sculpting to minimize polygon jaggies


Get ready to be bullied, NERD!

I'm trying so hard to mod shit but nothing comes right and I still have a lot to do. Can't I for example download someone's mod folder or shit like that so I can use his mods?
I mean I always see people posting a lot of neat screenshots of their waifus

So all the pretty faces I see are just done using sculpt?
Sculpt is kinda.. I dunno, janky but it's better than it used to be I guess.


Continue to bully and lose your guar.

works fine for me maybe I'm smart

Hey, you're the one being bullied right now, you don't touch him until we're done with you.

yeah, just remember to adjust the brush size and intensity as needed

brothers/sisters would be just dead weight at this point desu

I was considering giving him a younger brother because Aylen would make a breddy gud aniki


So how does body slider work for outfits? Do I have to manually change every outfit in the game or is enough to change the cbbe base one?

Any shortcuts I should know about with it? Like position/rotation reset?

Also should I have that mod that makes face meshes look less blocky? I clean installed yesterday, so the body is the only thing that looks good after that all in one install, but I also assume that the textures from the all in one effect the faces too.

W-what does that mean? How am I gonna lose the guar?

Anti-bully rangers can't stop me! I'll just bully them too!

Pretty game

SKSE when?

Im gonna bully your prostate. And amputate Yarti.

Smething wrong with the current version?


Is there anyway to quick find which mod is using a certain hotkey?
F12 is not working for ss and Shift+Enter is not working for ENB. I assume something is overriding it.

>t. orc

It means I'll take him away and find him a nice home with a family that will care for him and not bully.

Fuck off cumtears.

Wipe this meme from the face of the earth.

But Kamata-kun has a great life! He has a girlfriend Mosura-chan, his own pen and when Snakestone is out on a job alone Yarti lets the guars into the house to eat at the dinner table!

Shift + F12 is the ENB turn on and off to my knowledge.


it is my favorite meme

Yes, Shift+F12 works fine.
My problem is F12 (steam screenshots) and
Shift+Enter (ENB live editor) do (apparently) nothing.

It's a pretty supreme meme

that's not as spicy as my favorite meme

all me

Memes are the daedras drug, please reject memes and accept the love of Mara. Thank you.


Except that image shows they're strapped onto the head
The mod doesn't have straps

I sure am having fun enslaving skyrim. Later tonight I think I am going to build a house dedicated to showcasing my most prominent slaves. Like Irileth and Rikke.

A serial killer likely wouldn't be interested in the kind of quests given by 99% of NPCs anyway

>Medieval glasses didn’t have arms to go over the ears at first; they were of the pince-nez variety with two lenses riveted together in the centre. This meant that wearers would either have to hold them while using them, or pinch them tightly onto their noses to keep them in place. Not super-comfortable, but worth the effort.

hmm i just tried to use MGXE and it made my monitor brightness and contrast completely whack

what the fuck

Given the space between the glasses and all the noses, that's not how the mod shows them either.

mgexe has its own lighting coefficients

okay but i closed morrowind and mgxe about 10 minuts ago, how can i change it back to how it was?


Went to sleep last night, opened this back up and after fixing some weird bugs like walking sideways constantly or having the hotkey bar open, I'm finally playing.

But how the hell do I pick this lock? The pin keeps falling back down and I skipped the tip like an idiot thinking it'd be easy.

Move the mouse up to push the tumbler into position with the pick.
When it reaches the top, click the mouse and lock the tumbler in place. You have to time it depending on the speed of the tumbler movement.
If there are more tumblers, move the pick to the side and under another tumbler, and press it up again and try to lock it at the top. Fuck up and previous tumblers might fall back down.


>this guy doesnt know how to pick locks

Thanks mate.

It's like playing EQ1 again with these graphics and janky controls.

>half an hour later
i-is Brave kill?

Why so much bully?
What about friendship

How do you fix the issue with skins that make bodies turn this weird color the further away they are?

Like, say you loot a bandit and take their armor. Up close they look fine, but wen you take a few steps away they start turning black. What's up with that?

You don't know how much your bullying ways affect them, bully. Deep down, they're gentle souls and only want everybody to be gentle with each other. It bothers them when you bully, and maybe they'd be better off in a bully-free environment with a non-bullying family that cares.

lmao nerd

generate mipmaps, your vram is shitting itself

Platonic? Sexfriends?

Multiple light sources, possibly.

You carrying a lantern or torch?

hitbox. tv/bravemustaine