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old kogmaw edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
first for fuck any adc
>posting your shitty webm as the OP
Kill yourself
are you upset my guy
xth for /r9k/
Is Lucian the ultimate win lane lose game hero?
Death to all Soraka Mains and Sorakafags.
What did you ask for christmas this year /lolg/?
>when you acccidentally que ranked
Everything went better than expected
I want to massage Janna's ears!
here have another
a qt bf ;_;
Is Camille the most overloaded champion to date?
>mordekaiser at the top
if you have over 70 IQ you know he's garbage and you never play him again
>ASol anywhere near the top
not, that's azir
He loses lane to Jhin and Cait who are picked a lot in this meta, so not even win lane hero. As fun as he is, unfortunately he is uber trash with no redeeming anything.
Draven actually does damage.
to get the fuck out of bronze :^)
post more aka6 art please
good evening lolg
Why is Jax so perfect?
same here my nigga
She's for breeding, user. Janna's a slut.
No futas and no furry fox.
Riot should rework these categories on champ select like Fighter, Tank, Assassin, etc and just put Top, Jungler, Mid, etc there, it'd be far more useful
Lulu is cute and adorable! CUTE AND ADORABLE!
>tfw no adc gf
Too bad she's an awful support.
>tfw the ranked season ended before I could play my last promo match to silver.
I wanna cuddle and protect lulu!
only because riot a shit
Game's been dead since season 4 anyway.
Post em, guess rank.
I'll start.
i am good champ for winning - kleb 2016
faking liar
White privilege is not having to not having to be the worst ADC in the game for 6 months
I'll be your ADC gf(male). :3c
gold 2
me: Lulu 100% winrate, 9001 games
50 kda
He was the best ADC for like 6 months.
Gun nigger will never be balanced.
He's like the Nidalee of ADC.
He just does too much too well that when he's good you don't need anyone else.
No argument there
What could I have picked (I was last pick), as a player that never plays support? adc isn't adc main anyway
Red Team.
replace thresh with zed and put bard in the middle
Blue Team.
youre toast
Braum is fine, I think you guys have a good chance as long as mid doesn't feed TOO hard
same thing happened to me
I wanna cuddle Jinx
Peace of mind (and gold this season)
No one saw that I forgot my file, understood?
Guess the others first you all-cap prick.
How do I reach mastery 7 on Jinx?
It's fucking impossible for me.
I haven't gotten one S rank; plenty of S- ranks, but no S.
Just how many people do I have to kill and how many creeps do I have to steal?
What other champion except Annie is fine to get good and learn the basics of mid lane? I've played like 15 matches in the mid lane and Annie is pretty fine but I want something else.
I was thinking of Aurelion, but people tell me it's a bad idea, but he's based as fuck and that voice is GREAT.
Silver 3
Silver 2
Silver 1
>getting hooked by blitz between minions not once, but three (3) times in a row
hahaha thanks riot
Playing Aurelion to learn the basics of mid lane is like playing Singed to learn the basics of top lane
Is that good or not?
Go to sleep, user. You're drunk.
Silver Blastoff
i dont read posts with this pic
No. Definitely not. Especially if you're still learning mid and/or are new to the game.
He's one of the hardest champions to master and he was gutted a few months ago, he's bad now unless you happen to have A LOT of experience with the champion and aren't laning against any mobile, gap-closing assassins.
He's an amazing champ from both a kit, voice, lore and visual perspective imo, but his stats are just dogshit right now and Riot STILL won't allow him to double-q as a mean to stop assassins from deleting him.
Just wait until he gets buffs. And that probably won't be for a while
Something like Veigar or TF will teach you the importance of farm, wave clear, and map awareness.
No, Singed is unlike any top laner in the game. Hell, he's unlike any other champion in the game with the way you have to play him.
vlad the bloodmancer
even if you screw up hard you can heal back almost to full with your q/ult
>tfw I get S's on her multiple times a week
>but than again I'm a one tricking asshole
From what I know about masteries its all in the cs and Jinx is very very very very good at cs'ing. Aim at least above 200. Be involved in team fights and objectives the more objectives in your name the better. A for sure S for me tends to look: 200+ cs with above 10 kills at least anything better than this is good. Always look for cs'ing opportunities hoard that shit like it's crack. that's all I got though. S's come naturally to me for her at this point I don't even know what I do all I know is is that cs'ing is key.
I hope that was at least somewhat helpful I'm sorry if not
Sh-shut up I'm not!
Lulu is the sweetest lady!
You gotta snowball the game. Try and play with a kill lane and get fed and just take over the game
You also have to never neglect CS
Whens the next 10 gem skin coming out
I already got the ward and I don't like annie or vayne
git gud
that shit actually takes skill to pull off
Good mid-lane mages to learn from:
>Twisted Fate
And if you want to learn mobile (sometimes AD) assassins
Zed isn't in a good spot right now and takes some real practice and skill to learn, but he's very fun once you do. Ekko is in a decent spot and is fun, but also takes some skill and practice to learn in mid. Leblanc does damage like nobody's business but is also has a very high skill cap to master.
You're pretty good/10
Speaking of kill lane Bltiz or Naut are super ideal for that Morg is decent too. It's all in the chompers/chain cc play.
The blitz himself was saying "how did i pull you through the minions lol"
The third im not sure if i was close enough to the minions, may have been a position error on my end, but the first two were just straight retareded
I love Lissandra!
I also need some insight
Riot said that if I made a proposal on the LoL forums I can marry ice waifu
but what do I say?
Twisted Fate teaches you the MOST important parts of mid lane
which are farm since his passive makes you more gold and it feels like a waste when youre not abusing it, roams since his ult makes them INSANELY easy, and respect for the enemy laner since he gets punished easily
when I get S- ranks, I regularly end up with 200+ CS in the 220-230 range. I generally have 15-19 kills, but 5 deaths. It's probably by death count, but I thought the max death count number permitting you from a achieving an S rank was 5? Or is it even lower, like 3-4?
Damn, that's sad as fuck, bro. Aurelion is pretty fucking neat.
TF seems pretty interesting even though I kinda hate the fact that he's "RNG" centered because of cards. I dig most of them actually, Ahri, Ziggs, Twisted, Vel'Koz and Lux.
TF must be the best for me because of map awareness and managing the waves, etc. I've seen Apdo TF vs. Fizz and it was sick all around.
Vlad? I thought he got nerfed hard and was kinda shit. I don't wanna be that guy that pulls the excuse of winrates, but he seems low in winrate hardcore.
Thanks a lot, lads.
I hope riot rips off Tamatoa from froaman just like they ripped off Kled from Labyrinth and Camille from Kingsman
What about Katarina?
New player here. Twisted Fate confused me more than helped. I also have problems with getting the right cards on w. Maybe not my champs but I find him really difficult to play.
ryze teaches you to combo properly (although the effective lack of ultimate at lower levels of play do handicap him a reasonable amount)
tf teaches you map awareness
TF's draw a card isn't actually RNG, iirc. Besides, you can just wait for it to cycle back.
its not rng, a good TF knows how the order goes, and at what cdr percents you can doubletap yellow cards
the best TFs can lock a yellow card on the first cycle
thats assuming you know the basic functions of the game already, new players should stick to playing garen until they understand the game
>tfw too smart to play non-meta champs
TF's cards are not RNG, the way the work is that the timer ticks even without you casting the spell (ie the cards change even if you can't see it), so if you keep a mental count you can predict the next card accurately
TF's cards aren't RNG.
its on a timer that cycles even when you aren't using his W.
Gold 3
Plat 5
Gold 1 on promos.
>Speaking of kill lane Bltiz or Naut are super ideal for that Morg is decent too. It's all in the chompers/chain cc play.
I pretty got my m6 and m7 tokens on jinx by winning my kill lanes hard
hook/binding into trap is a guaranteed kill
though that goes to say for any champion
Just say that you'll give up on the Ice Witch and go for a 3D girl.
Do you think if I bitch enough Ill be able to make my ship canon?
or do I actually have to be good at both?
Lulufags are always right!
>Damn, that's sad as fuck, bro. Aurelion is pretty fucking neat.
He's a great champion. Before his gutting from a few months ago, he was secret OP and rewarded highly-skilled players who were willing to master him. /lolg/ thought he was dogshit for the longest time thanks to his high skillcap, that is until he started seeing LCS and Korean play.
But because he's so strong in LCS or Korean plays with pros, yet isn't isn't popular with a majority of the playerbase due to his high skill cap, he was gutted. He basically became the new Azir, and it's sad. But unlike Azir, his kit isn't extremely overloaded and he has blatant weaknesses, so he was spared, somewhat.
Hence his winrate is at 49% instead of something abysmal like 45% or lower. So he isn't THAT bad despite the circumstances, but he's definitely become a niche pick now, and not a good choice to learn mid.
Maybe you can learn him later down the line, when you have much more experience with the role.
I tried Kat, Viktor, Vlad, Zed, Ryze, Brand and all of them were easier to play than TF. I just really suck with TF I guess. I just feel like he is a high risk high reward champ. Any tips on how to get better?
It wasn't correct tho. Close but no score, bitch nigga.
Who's your favorite Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums player?
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