/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, December 23rd:
484 – Huneric dies and is succeeded by his nephew Gunthamund, who becomes king of the Vandals. During his reign Christians are protected from persecution.
1783 – George Washington resigns as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army at the Maryland State House in Annapolis, Maryland.
1914 – World War I: Australian and New Zealand troops arrive in Cairo, Egypt.
1916 – World War I: Battle of Magdhaba – Allied forces defeat Turkish forces in the Sinai Peninsula.
1941 – World War II: After 15 days of fighting, the Imperial Japanese Army occupies Wake Island.

CK2 DD35: Who ordered these monks?

EU4 - 13/12

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI4] - Après Moi, Le Déluge

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V9

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.



>9 seconds
laddos what if he is a bot?


>9 seconds

There must be some sort of way to ban your retarded ass for good.

Old Thread

Absolutely based.

>9 seconds
What the fuck is wrong with you?

k lads

I want to ____ Il Duce!

stop giving him (You)s you cunts

>stop giving him (You)s you cunts


Doing God's work user.

blease resbond

Eat pizza with!

is there a better way to blob in ck2?

it's a pain in the ass to build stuff and vassals never build on their own

t. bolshevik scum



Who should I go after next?

I'm Portugal btw


>Be Il Duce
>get shot


Convert to Sunni and reunite Hispania under one banner

you should go select the most recent patch and play with that


i dont trust paradox w/updates

le back up

How do you micro in DH when you're the Soviet Union and have like a billion divisions spread across the East Bloc?

>There's no such thing as a perfect wor-


by not being shit?

not rejoining

>that half assed Romania
>Germany in France-Comte

> windowed mode
>Not borderless

Explain yourself

>red Germany

>red germany
>upside down french africa

Don't use this shit it's too early
and r and I kys please

Is there vic mp going on rn
What mods

Comfy desu

I can't find a changelog, what's so bad about the newest versions of NWO? I haven't played since 0.9

You better not make a new thread again you buttblasted mong

I didn't make it dumbest r and I did because he's that much of an autistic Brazilian

>t*rks still exist

Not white and not based.

realistic liquor mod- changes ideal percentage of liquor factories as industry from 90% to 95%

>landlocked colony
>43% war exhaustion
>still 2nd, even after a commie revolution
It's fucking impossible to stop this behemoth.

No u
>people are still using this thread

post more aesthetic


Fixed my atrocious screenshot.
It hangs a little every time I alt tab.
Shitposting speed > muh resolution.

Lads, in the NWO files I see something for imperial federation (tag IMP) but what are the steps for it

Why not use the [spoliler] Steam browser [/spoliler]?

>Belgium still exists

My phone fugg'd up that spoiler

>fugg'd up
kill yourself

fugg xD

>no appchan
>giving Paracux money
Good goy.


stop shilling your shit here gary grigsby

*unsheathes liquor*

>how can teutonic boy even compete?

Seriously tho, wtf mane, i cant expand into Germany because HRE will fuck me up, and Scotland is allied with England and France, plus this big Polish blob south of me will fuck me up. All i can do is vassal feed my catholic russian client state aka Pskov and hope for the best.

>Not enjoying gourmet Finnish memes

>tfw no napoopan mp

>emoji shit
>f*nngol "memes"
kill yourself


>triggered by based finland
butthurt polecuck/cucknadian detected

really makes you think. you seem pretty angry user and its almost christmas. do you want to talk? we are here for you laddo :)

>frozen up, culturally enriched, shithole
get your shitty memes out of your head you delusional retard

That's a Facebook reacc, you uncultured h*ck ÙnÚ

If I wanted to have an event nationally increase the literacy of a nation, how would I go about doing that? The command specifically. I know nothing about how to mess with literacy like that.

>soviet satellite pooland in fucking tears

>Anglo """superiority"""

fug, that was directed at

GroB Bulgariums or GroB Magyariums for a comfy Vic2 game


mfw over a third of people here browse paradoxplaza regularly

rate my meme

Aside from my good expansionist start and prestige I'm barely scraping by and I might actually go bankrupt, since I refuse to have anything less than 100% education spending, because I know once pops in BA get 50% literate I can start having capitalists and clerks meaning I'll encourage them and craftsmen there and get some industry going. But for now I really can't do shit, my taxes are at 100% and I don't know what to do.

What's acceptable for colonization? Anything at all?

dank/10 ecks dee

Austriums here from MP, KR is actually bretty fun

>falling for the literacy meme

Forgot pic

that's my screenshot

why haven't you taken those 2 cores from Bolivia?



how do I go from Krakow to a Poland?

based kotposter

They are literally nothing to me
Also I'll take them when/if I form the united provinces and invade all of bolivia

Isn't Ukraine part of Mittleuropa?

They rebelled


Ok... though there is an event right at the beginning of the game that gives you 5 prestige for going to war with them, and after that there is some more prestige for winning


I want to not be a shithole, I am right now it's just that I'm a prestigious one enough to be considered a """""great"""" power

nice kot

>this is the type of fanart nu-KR fans make