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>How do I setup Battlefront II?

/swgg/ Guilds
Legio XVI Coruscantia - Tomb of Freedon Nadd (Imperial)

- Ebon Hawk (Imperial/RP/Memes)


>KOTET Trailer

Previous Thread:

"Ruining" another thread with first for qt Chiss.

I bought Battlefront exclusively for the graphics.

No regrets.


Any Imps on Ebin want to join my personal guild? I bought a flagship but I'm the only one in the guild, so my cantina flagship is just sitting there

Sorry but Chiss are dead to us since that "jedi" ruined them.

The Shadow(lands) Realm

So? Fuck the Jedi. Fuck them like always.

Bitch ain't even Ascendancy. Filthy, outcast force-ho.


That sounds really tempting. Too bad my main is pub on harb.

>cmon senpai, only one snowball
>fucking no anakin, fuck off

I'll just be here on my Cantina

Theres a steam sale on all Starwars games right now btw everyone.

With all this talk of the spaceship base I kind of want to make my own guild now just for that.

How much does all that cost to get?

50 million, but the expansions are ridiculously priced. If you were going ti expand the whole thing you'd have to spend 125 and then farm for items from the commanders

Can I dress up like stupid sexy Mara in TOR?




too late

it was always too late

Please join us Pubs

Holy Christ, how much is that in CC?

>lana fucked koth

You can't spend CC's on it. If you're on Ebin you can join mine

Yes you can


Harbinger, unfortunately. So far I've turned down all guild invites. I like making my own guilds and grinding out rewards and decorating massive bases in mmos, but this seems ridiculous.


If I could I would. I am in my cousins guild and here I am stuck. he puts the scrub in scrubs - always stands in the fire - is useless in every category - but he is my cousin and I have to put up with him. sometimes I wish I never told him about this game.

fuck you with those mounts. I don't even have one. You have all of them. I hope those grapes are sour as fuck and your droid drives you off a cliff

No, there's no armor set or combination of armor that looks like what he wants

Raise your hand if you've literally driven off a cliff while staring at that holodancer.

Judging from the occupancy sizes, the fully upgraded ship is designed for guilds with like a hundred people, so that's probably why. I don't really have a use for credits, though, so I'll probably just continue to save them up and if I get enough to unlock the whole thing I will

>When you get distracted by a slut on the fleet and drive your speeder right into the cantina

how pathetic can you get

the graphics aren't even good

Do you know how tedious it is to trek fucking Belsavis? I space out staring at the animations and listening to those jaunty tunes.

>Driving through Tatooine
>Get distracted and trigger a bunch of tusken raiders
>I'll just ignore them and get out of aggro range
>They knock me off


>The only thing that pisses a Sith off more and pisses even a Jedi off
>Is getting knocked off their speeder

Did you kill all of them?

>those fucking cats(strong) on Quesh
I never knew my blood pressure could spike so hard.

reinstalling now, how bad did they fuck shield spec vanguard?

i havent played in a year

My friend and I were thinking of going through swtor just for the story together. Can other classes do story together? Do we have to be the same class?

I killed all of them
And then it turned out they were part of a bonus mission
There wasn't a heart left beating

You should both be able to do planetary quests together, and flashpoints, just not class quests.

If you're the same class you can't do them together but different classes should be fine.

>make character
>give them shitty name for giggles
>end up really liking them


Are class quests just solo instanced things or they just don't allow the same class to be in the same story cutscene or something?

Same class can be allowed into story instance through options but all they can do is help with combat and stand around when you're talking. Other instances they can roll the dice during conversations.

>Make character
>Do it just to unlock race and story completion
>Ends up being my main

Damn it

Reminder that Skywalker, a fucking nerd whose only sexual experience was being kissed by his sister, tapped that.
What's your excuse?

Not so bad here, but I try out the unconventional faces that you only really see on NPC's. I gave my Mirialan IA one of the african preset faces, and it's working pretty well for her.

>driving through Oricon
>"these bitches aren't daily material, let's just run past them"
>get shot to hell and back, slowed, everything
>still get away because riding Denova tank




Pre-Rishi SoR was good but after that it was dragged out for too long. Rise of the Hutt Cartel was pretty sweet for imps.

This is as close as I could get.

headpiece - Martial Pilgrim circlet (or hide it)

Chest - Gav Daragon's Tunic (with Blue and Orange dye - I could not find a blue and yellow one so this was as close as I could find)

Gloves - Sensuous Dress Gloves

Belt - Mountain Explorer Belt

Pants - B-300 Cybernetic Greaves (dye kit Black and Blue)

Boots - Fortified Defender Boots (dye kit Black and blue)

Wrist - Covert Wrist Energy Armor

Lightsaber - Serenity's Unsealed Lightsaber with Advanced Pink Core Crystal

Hope that helps. It was fun trying to put that costume together.

Do we know what engine this game is going to use?

SJW's are trying to make him gay.

I want off this ride

Probably some sort of version of the Frostbite engine.

>Making Luke gay

Do you have 180 Cartel Coins?

If so you can fix this. Transfer your alt - say the name "sithdudelulz" to another server. Before you transfer to that server create a level 1 throwaway alt named "sithdudelulz" on that server. When you transfer there you will have to rename him (or her). So you pick a new name.

Then you use another 90 Cartel Coins to get back to your regular server with your new cool name.

>he did it.

Originally they wanted him with some Gray Jedi that was disembodied in some kind of tech, but Mara came about as an authors waifu who was a force sensitive assassin. I never cared for her, but the cosplay she has is pretty damn good.

>Mara Jade falls for goodie two shoes Luke Skywalker.


only in fantasy written by betas would that ever happen.

blame JJ Abrams for that. He rekt Star Trek and then decided to lay into Star Wars.

I am sure that won't go anywhere right? Luke won't be gay...right?

good job. I didn't think it could be done.

What's up with Alignment? Reaching a tier takes ages now.

Take diplomacy and farm up those points. I reached light V at Voss but I afked quite a lot.

>want to get sithy eyes
>too much of a wimp to play consistently DS

you madman, i love you

>tfw my assassin is darth imperius
im a fucking wimp

Seriously, nigger? You're scared of pressing buttons?

Shit, DS has so many options that just forgo so much more difficult shit you have to do by saying "fuck the story line" and pulling a quick kill on whoever it is you're dealing with.

Being a dick saves time and effort. It's why people do it in the real world.

>Sith Inquisitor on Alderaan
>Trying to go full DS and get Khem Senpai to notice me
>Tired of Alderaan
>Options: Save allies from Jedi or throw everything you've worked for into the trash
>Throw it straight into the trash skipping the rest of the story
>Khem Val falls in love
The Dark Side can be beautiful

>BH fucking anywhere
>Face-punching, dick-shooting, womanizing, sarcastic, amoral, self-centered piece of shit, greedy egomaniac that bullies doddering old men and little girls
>Still makes it entertaining

>Lana fucked Koth

Anyone know who to fix this fucking fps stuttering i have? It''s making the game unplayable.

For some reason mine does that unless I'm in Windowed or Windowed Fullscreen mode

Thanks for the tip.
t. other user


>Disable Droid has been removed.


lol what server is this



but theyre fine tho
not merc/sniper level kinda good but still decent

Please tell me that is a 2nd or 3rd instance.

Nope, it was Ebin late last night. Dunno what happened, there were 50ish people and they all disappeared

>BW Naming sense
Starru Warru: Eternalu, Galacticu, Commanduru!

So how do you think BW is going to write itself out of KOTET?

Also post favorite armor sets.


Unstable Peacemaker Lightsaber is still +80m on the Ebin Hawk

Simply ebin


Ideally they would do a wrap-up expansion where you wrap up all the unfinished arcs from the class missions and later expansions and use that to reintroduce the companions still left, but this is Bioware so
>Stuck in Carbonite again
>Koth is now transgender
> still fucks Lana

The Force Witches on Dathomir put you under their spell and had fun at your expense. You have been under their spell since the end of "vanilla". Everything that happened in the Rise of the Hutts on is part of your illusion and dream.

You were then kidnapped by rival witch clan on Dathomir to spite them and then banished from Dathomir and told never to return.

You then go home and find out something new has destroyed your homeworld and your waifus are still vanished.

Only your strongholds no longer exist. So you have to do a series of quests to "buy" them and then put your furniture back in.

lightning tuning is 83m on harb
ya fuck that shit

>Shadow of Revan never happened
Sounds worth it to me

>Dude it was all just a dream lmao
At this point I wouldn't doubt it.

post fun name + legacy name combinations

I see some really clever ones once in a while at the fleet.

WTS> Shae Vizla Helmet // WTB> Red Blade Boots on the Ebin Hawk

>kotfe chapter12
>marr turns into a bitchass
what a pussy
im losing my immersion to EDGE here

>walking around fleet on Ebin
>vibe is people in a really bad mood
>Say hello to several sluts doing the slutwalk around. Nothing.
>anyone else feel that vibe? or is it just me?

So I decided to play some Battlefront 2 and EVERYTHING IS RED! What is going on?!

If you ain't paying, they ain't talking.

>has title The Wealthy
>has fist full of dollars
>Wants to spend
>Not even a peep.

fuck it. I am going to bed.