/simg/ - Simulation Games General

Battle of Okinawa When? Edition

Previous Sortie: A thread for all vehicle simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

>Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/

>/simg/ TeamSpeak:

>Experimental website

>/fsg/ Steam Group:

>BMS download links

>Planefag pastebin:

>Tankfag pastebin:

>Boat- and subfag pastebin

>Repository of various aviation related material:

>OP pastebin:

>Example of welcome sims
Falcon BMS, DCS World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Euro truck sim, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Silent Hunter, Dangerous Waters, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X, OMSI 2, DiRT: Rally, Ship Simulator

>Example of non-welcome games:
Arm*, Ac* C*mbat, W*r Th*nder, W*rld of _____, The S*ms, S*m C*ty, G*at S*mulat*r

Other urls found in this thread:




does tony play bms?

>big things on friday

Friday's already over mate

Nobody plays BMS

>you can smash the lights on the DCS forum banner

This is what they've been doing instead of the F-18 and 2.5

Post your best Flight Sim webms

I don't have any anymore :^(

>posts some garbage
you wot?

Why do you think I'm asking?


Why is air combat so fucking aesthetic?

The webm stops there, because everything explodes after that, right?

How do I stop my friend from wasting $200+ on a """""saitek"""""" x56 Rhino?


2017 should be lit.

Battle of Kuban adds something tight basically every month.

2.5 for DCS might come out and might be good.

I've been hyped before tho so I'm not getting my hopes up too much.

Thoughts about Project Cars?
Is it worth buying the GOTY version, is the DLC necessary or is there a decent number of cars already in the game?



BoK will be worth it alone

pls reply
im literally shaking right now

Buy him a warthog

let him play with your warthog

There's nothing wrong with the x56 since Logitech took over, let the man buy his stick

>recommending X-50 anything

I didn't recommend anything, I just said that there was nothing wrong with the stick pal


Why not let him purchase it and decide upon his decision?

What's the official simg patch

F 1 5 C


Guys im in a discord with ralfidood what do I do

call him a paki

xaxa no

How's the Mi-8TV module? Are pedals recommended//essential or is it fine using a joystick

The Mi-8 and Huey are really enjoyable to fly they have some nice ass flight models. You'll be limited of what you can do with them though. I've never flown the Mi-8 without pedals but I have the huey. You can fly it just fine without pedals especially with rudder trim.

Thanks for the insight, I'll probably pick it up.

I have an old ass Saitek ST290Pro

But thats not what this post is about. I wan't to know if my Logitech G27 pedals have a use in DCS.

anyone wanna play some DCS?


Hell yea

It's been that way every Christmas the past, I dont know, 3 years

How about DCS WWII?



cant wait for you faggots to cry when normandy comes out


>found the bos faggot
come back when your shitty """"sim""" allows you to refuel/rearm on the ground

>implying i would play shitty WW2
fuck off you cancer

Fuck propfags

>No 4th Gen
BMS Ops when

>muh shiny lit buttons

autistic kids 101

btw is there a discord for simg?

no we use TS.

no because discords kill generals

Arma now welcome next thread

All of us play it anyway.

So this is how simg dies...
to thunderous applause.


30, oldest person here I guess

Long overdue baka desu senpai

>No more DCS ops
>Actually no ops announced in the thread anymore. Ever.
>No new content, everything is recycled shit from older threads and life support bumps

Just let this general die, it had a good run and there is absolutely no shame in that, but it doesn't need to exist anymore for the time being. The thread flourished with the release of DCS 1.5 and we really had something wonderful but sims are slow as shit when it comes to new content so the original hype died off. Make a steam group to round up the people who still play shit together and leave it at that for now, and remake the thread again when something new happens in the simulation community and hypes it up again, like the old /fsg/ days.

My only issue is that most of y'all don't even wanna touch DCS unless it's for ops. It's plenty fun to just team up on the different multiplayer servers.

Reminder that if you want the thread to die just leave and stop posting it will be better for all of us.

When blueflag comes back up I guarantee a few of us will be playing it constantly, I know I will.

Also when the viggen comes out it will give some people a reason to play DCS again.

Fuckoff if you don't like this place. It doesn't effect you in anyway if we continue to talk here.

generals don't die for a bit and come back when there's new content. they just die

Have one last free bump.


oh even better we're losing a slavaboo


Thirty-three, mother fucker.

And I wouldn't be surprised to find a few older

I dont know, with the amount of shitters here who dont know what a mission editor is, or think BoS is a 'sim', I'd say 99% of the posters here are teenagers

Fucking dadposters, just die already faggots your wives son won't miss you.

When the literal fuck is blueflag coming back anyway.

They've been testing for round 10 for like 3 months.

By what I assume is your definition of a sim, there was literally zero sims until DCS Blackshark outside of Falcon 4.0 and Microsoft Flight sim.

god FUCK I want the F-18 or the F-14, carrier ops are so fucking lit.

Is anyone here actually excited about the Viggen? I dunno if I wannt buy it.

Last time we announced ops it turned into autistic shitflinging because some people in here can't deal with simulating ground ops in a plane simulator.

Are you the guy who was being a total arsehole about forcing a ramp start and was then somehow surprised that nobody shard your autistic desires.

Join the fucking air force if you wanna cold start an f-16 every day.

I knew they have hidden meaning in it
I found it
When you smash a light, you hear a unique distant sound of main ED head saying something they promised but didn't do this year, and laughing like a jew then
Just record the smash sound, and slow it down 1 terabitlion times, and you will hear it

>air force
>not chair force
They released new flight models for chairs and tables

We just need to have more regular ops.
DCS PvP ops are actually good so I say we do more of them


A3g is deader than the dodo.

I think it's time to plug off life-support for this general
Everyday we discuss something ED promises and never or delivers 3 years later when it was supposed to.
BMS is ok game, but graphically old, and everyone makes it meme-tier
Whole ts is arma 24/7, but arma is not welcome here, because of past
Small sims post rarely, and if they do, they get no attention or questions are not answered and that disencourages them.
BoS doesn't seem like a bad game, never tried it, looks good on webms

So what's the point of even bumping this general if it's on terminal illness

Just wondering, why the hate for Arma? Just asking what is the past issue that causes this? Is it a3g cancer?

>now we also have our own tripfag
This thread is truly finished.

It was normal when separate but when is with simg, rare pepe posters here don't liked it, and shitpost, and makes it look like it's arma community, even if they lurk here, and not play arma

>Is it a3g cancer?

And you now.

Is completely correct. RIP /simg/ she was only 1 year old

Use pedals (CH pro pedals or preferably MFG crosswind) and an FFB stick (G940 or preferably sidewinder FFB2).

or u wont get an accurate representation of what the actual controls are like and it will be harder to fly

>he flies with a guncam blocking the glass

>expecting tony 'favelamonkey' kito do not be shit
top kek as they say around here

because turnaround time irl is totally 30 seconds right?

Also reminder that DCS WNormandy will only be the size of the two bottom left squares of CloD's map, embarrassing:


don't let the door hit you on your way out

This, you won't be missed.

I'd be game, the latency on public DCS servers is an absolute abomination

>autists reee-ing whenever someone points out this general is shit

You don't need pedals for either, you can just map them to the twist on a cheap stick. As for the flight models and systems modelling, they're both about as close to immaculate as you're going to get with a flight sim on a PC.

You got it backwards, I simply stated that I wish to cold start the plane and you autismal fucks flipped your shit. You then got blasted for sperging out in the thread and reminded that this is why we have no BMS ops anymore.

Honesly, ops are just cyclical, we'll come back around to BMS again soon.
IL-2 is in vogue atm, but there have been times in the past when BMS or DCS have been all we fucking played. If you play mini BMS ops with just a few people, others will likely join.

Also we should really announce more ops in the thread, but it just doesn't happen anymore. We play ops every other day, if not every night. We're the least ded we've ever been in that regard.