/4ccg/ - Angery edition

Previous Thread: >Main Page:

>Stuff you need to read:

>Where can I watch the cup
Literally Shitbox front page, or the wiki front page

This recently got updated with some 2016 Autumn Babby matches

>Archived games:

>Previous Cup
implyingrigged.info/wiki/2016_Veeky Forums_Autumn_Babby_Cup

>Next Cup:
implyingrigged.info/wiki/2017_Veeky Forums_Winter_Cup

>Winter Cup Dates:
>February 4th: Export deadline and draw.
>February 10-12: Opening weekend.
>February 17-19: Second group stage weekend.
>February 25 and 26: Knockouts.

implyingrigged.info/wiki/2017_Veeky Forums_Winter_Cup_Friendlies
20 spots open with some big market and/or elite teams like /asp/, /c/, /gd/, /out/, Veeky Forums, /u/, and /v/ still without any friendlies at all

>Upcoming Invitationals

>PES 17 Info

Logo proposals are here
>2 logos
Something to do with Lear and the PES 17 edit.bin, it's being worked on
Gay managerial drama

Other urls found in this thread:



last thread was really juicy, I'll miss it.

Australia runs the cup


Someone leak the twitter password so we can all have a go at drunkposting

/vip/ will win spring


>should be testing on 17
>I'm skinning boats instead
I have the most surprising amounts of dedication at the weirdest moments.

twain is a hack


>/vp/ sacking their only winning manager

He died

>/lzg/ manager topped their group and finished 9th overall during VGL7
>/aog/ almost made it through to the Ro16
>/lolg/ was one of the first confirmed dead teams
You were saying?

/aog/ lost 4-1 to furries my black man

>not the /mlp/ of VGL
pick one


>only winning manager

I will never understand why people are retarded enough to say this. That's not how council management works.

>/hsg/ beat both /utg/ and /5N@F/
what does it mean

this thread if full of jaded faggot weebs and bisexual sport fags

What's wrong with bisexuals?

Hi pf

Stop being excited for the winter cup.



hi I dont know what this thread was about but I saw a bird image so here i am. pls explain

Welcome to /4ccg/.
Now get out.


How about nooooooooooooooooooooo.


read the op


nako is so ridiculously cute

Why dont we talk about logos?

I am voting for A

And this is logo B

B will win, simply because of horsefuckers

I'm fine with either

Make something better and you have my vote.

submission deadline has already passed, and making something better hasn't worked the last 3 times.

Depends on your viewpoint.Do you want it well made or fun and shitty.If somebody could make it fun and well made it would win.

didn't work for the vapourwave logo

Logo A looks classy, like a brand, I will vote for it

Logo B looks like a "standard" cup logo, not bad, but between 2 I will go for A still.
Also cannot unsee >Winten

It wasn't its time.
Please be in spring

Bless you user Goat, and happy holidays. Thank you for the beautiful wallpapers.

I love how games like these sometimes generate hilariously cheeky events by accident.

I can't beleive it 's christmas fucking eve

Glad to see ya'll here again, guys.

Even the horsefuckers, why not.

/co/ deserves every bit of bad luck they get, th managers are elitist pigs who think that their shitty threads about batman comics are superior to threads like the homestuck threads which have been consitently on the forefront of /co/ and yet have costantly been ignored because "durrrrr homosuck lol", it's time we get a fucking rep, if if the rep is just "homosuck" at least it would be something.

Reminder that Delta has made back to back VGL finals

>99% chance to hit

Reminder the last 2 VGL champions are elite managers

I want to vote for the one JB posted.

Reminder that Delta is an actually good manager when he's allowed to run his own tactics.


>he fell for the VGL meme
My sides.

>4 fucking fonts
Holy shit, what the fuck is this mess.
A is nice and clean, it'll do, voting for that.


Good deal.

Is Himalayan pink salt any different from real salt other than on the color? I heard it's not even from the Himalaya

Merry Christmas!

fuck off horsefuckers

I find it peculiar that /ssg/ doesn't have a VGL team.

You mean

I'll merc them. Where do I sign?

No, it's not different. All salt essentially tastes the same, the only difference is grain size and iodine content.

Chefs use coarse rock salt because it penetrates meat more easily and is easier to take a pinch of.


oh also, it's mostly from Pakistan I believe.

For the sake of the environment and your wallet, choose any old regular rock salt over meme salt.

fuck off sillius

happy holidays

just to let you know, I've tried that and it's not cute and comfortable, it's claustrophobic and constraining unless you want the scarf to fall off as soon as you take two steps

>lesbians in /4ccg/

The scarf you used was too short. Normal length scarves will do that. Think about it this way: when you walk with your girlfriend holding your hands are you dragging her behind yourself (or the other way around) or do you match each other's walking speed? If you're capable of the latter, and you fucking should be unless you're brain damaged, then you should be able to share a scarf just fine, just not the normal, short kinda.

no, I'm male and tried it with a girl after seeing it in a picture like this.

although she is a lesbian now so i'm about as close as anyone in /4ccg/ gets to one

i feel like a long scarf would have just fallen off. i don't know though, you're right in that we just used my short scarf. maybe i'm just autistic.

>i feel like a long scarf would have just fallen off.
Just wrap it properly and it won't.

i did it with a long scarf with 2 other people
it was fine walking between them. it was a very long scarf admittedly though

>3-way scarf sharing


>is lovey dovey with a girl
>she ends up being a lesbian
dude I guess you were really bad at this

Merry Christmas!

pretty much yeah but i've learnt to laugh at it

What you get for going angel mode Accel you cunts.

He died for us

Doubt it since all he does is chill with Last Order in the LN's. Unless he died NT Vol 17 which my memory doubts. Reminder Othinus best girl.

it didn't end in a threesome

Oh... i meant accelspam
Old /a/ i think. I never learned much about it

Accelspammer was like 2011 or something wasn't he? that's actually a long ass time ago FUCK

Rakko is best girl.

>page 9

RNG Championship dates when?

This has to be intentional.

OMG so salty /)

Hi Koala



Stupid of him. Yeah, give the horse persecution complex more ammo.

I do like the dipshit that tried to make #bentforcommissioner a thing there, though

How can a group of people be so unable to handle the banter?

>I do like the dipshit that tried to make #bentforcommissioner a thing there, though

hahahaha wait what, that happened for real?
I need to see this

Guys, please, you cannot have salt all the time. Balance it out with other tastes. Try something with some umami.

I want to believe that most horsefuckers aren't such faggots and that the ones there are just the idiots that circlejerk endlessly on twitter.

like soy sauce? :^)

>not naming it k.png

Step up your game

>/mlp/ will defend horsenews if they can scream "SALTY XDDD"

>I want to believe that most horsefuckers aren't such faggots
Go to their generals when they are playing in the cup, i feel for the "our threads are better :D" meme and all they do that shit.

the reason why most horsefuckers who browse /4ccg/ end up hating the /mlp/ team is because that's sadly not true.

It's the first reply in that screenshot