/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1203

■ Current Update (12/21):「幻創の母なる月光」 Part 3

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└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Scratches: pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/
├ Sacred Star Keeper (until 1/11)
├ 2017 Year of the Rooster Accessory Collection / Lucky Bag G (from 1/1 0:00 until 1/11)
├ Phantom School Life (Persona 5) (until 1/25)
└ [SG] Bright Dark Heroine (until 6/14)

├ General Information: bumped.org/psublog/
docs.google.com/document/d/1Ml9MGiN2Ich09mDtR82N1zn62oa1Mp6x6yzRjHrEf8c/ (Last Updated: 7/25/2015)
├ Basic English Patch: psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=206
├ Buy ARKS Cash using PSO2es: pastebin.com/raDBtSpa
└ /pso2g/ Discord - discord.gg/0sog9XJpU6zGLpEV

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pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
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pso2.arks-visiphone.com (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Tree: arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affix: pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage: 4rt.info/psod/

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Asking again here to see if there are other answers:

Where are good places to hunt for shifta and deband discs?

Play bouncer and do XH xmas.

On the field.
Rare dorios

how do i be top dps force

light talis

talis fast throw on and off


compound tech

what do when i run out of pp after 5 ragrants and my pp convert is on 90s cd?

talis fast throw at the thing you're fighting if you're lazy and regain the pp with the normal hits

queen viera


anyone know if lilith is online and what blocks he frequents? someone told me B1 but i never see him there.i wanted to ask him something

Who's this Clover team I keep seeing

SO I can just use an Astra Talis and fuck off the other ppregen equipment?

does ghidoran have a chance of appearing in all ride missions or just a few?

you can

i never actually use orbit for anything other than guruguru EQs and viera is more valuable in TDs than it is in boss EQs

talis isn't for everyone

12 hour Christmas Eve livestream starts in 5 hours and 40 minutes.


they'll just be goofin' off tho, there won't be any new information will there?

boxes is where I got mine

Who is responsible for this game being dead

But they just blew their load with info in the last stream, the heck will they have to keep people watching?

>japan celebrates christmas
literally cucks

you mean they celebrate yule

Maybe they'll bring back that girl in the swimsuit, she's still around, right?


Anyone else noticing a glitch in ES where it shows a XH trigger but then when you go fight it it's just an SH?

No, because nobody plays PSO2es

whats this newtype bullshit
is all of my gear shit now?

But I just got a Rig Rod


Your gear might be shit, but it wouldn't be because of the new system, only that it's old shit

I've been having that AND it freezing when I select which chip loadout to use.

Not a fan of the XH trigger update, can't take it as easy on rankings anymore because points are doubled with SH Triggers always spitting out an XH.

That's been around for 2 EQs. The tell is actually pretty obvious but I'm not going to tell you what it is.

So what do you think the new fashion system is going to be?

A third body paint

It's got to be something on the level of layering wear's introduction

what new fashion system, there was nothing mentioned on the livestream


ファッション機能 新システム実装

The bottom is where the lesser raids tend to go.



>Spread needle's spreadshot is purely cosmetic
>Is also weaker than austere for ranger mains

I hope that somewhere along the line Sega will allow us to accept multiple COs at once like you do when starting featured quests.

Hearing Franka blabber on when turning in 10 COs and accepting 10 more COs for my support partners is kinda tiring.


That option is also available from the interface for any quest, but it's questionable for certain quests (like seasonals or LUQs with a huge mix of enemies, etc.)

Also it's never been a complete listing, which is also a little annoying

Yes that is literally what I said. The only time spread needle comes on top in that calc is when it has both its pot and sharpshooter active, which is literally impossible.

Not impossible.

You want to elaborate? Because from what I know it doesn't kick in until enemies are closer than sharpshooter range.

I bet you were one of those guys who thought Rays didn't boost compounds

I can't read korean.

So Gix is worthless now right/
I fucking hate not having to mirage dash, switch weapons or change area as FO

>not using tech parry
fucking casual

that depends

the real question is if gix is better than astra with astra having that nice attack pp bonus, that is almost at orbit level.

like, is there any gix still actually worth it with that? it would do more damage if at max (with ramp up) for a set of PAs but over time the pp regen of astra will let it get back to using PP faster than a gix would (on top of no playstyle restriction)

so really, what gix is still just flat out better.

Piece of cake.I died because I tried to use friend assist too late and had to revive myself with a medal


what does cast cunt taste like?

I think gix td and sword are better maybe but I'm replacing all my gix with astra either way


>discounted 50% off
S-see how much japan loved it

Persistence pays off.

well at lease we got some of the outfits crossing over into PSO2


Someone came to /gbfg/ to give us a code earlier.

Here's one for you.


Merry Christmas from /gbfg/

y-you too

Any restreams of the live stream?

Will the lucky winner come forward?

swiped by a silent user

It wasn't me, I went to claim it but it was already taken.

They don't even have one.

Do they have any hole to take in fuel and such? You could probably put your dick there.

>Spread needle's spreadshot is purely cosmetic
What, the first line in the potentials descriptions is 'Adds area attack'.

Depends on your class and the situation.
For FO in particular I'd easily take Gix over Astra, you are literally never attacking to restore PP, usually switch to your desired weapon way in advance, and Mirage Dodge is almost never needed anyways. You lose out on raw TAtk not switching to a rod for compounds sometimes but the extra 8% Dmg from the potential easily makes up for that.

tfw got the last gix ill ever need
tfw i will literally never have to do ult amdu again
feels good man

Spread needle is pretty crap compared to the other two to be honest

It's really just the rod that's insanely good.
Kektana is a complete joke and raifu pretty underwhelming

Which AQs are the best for exp?i always seem to get nice bursts in the city but are there any others?

Exit Bursting in +50 Risk Urban is by far the best exp. You only do the others to get capsules.

>Mirage Dodge is almost never needed anyways
So you don't play Force then?

Katana is fine, depending on what it actually means by strengthening katana gear and you don't have to worry about your gear drying up
At least it has an extra class also

But I do. Using a Talis lets you stay out of harms way and for the big obviously telegraphed attacks you can easily Tech Parry, the timing is about as lenient as JGs if your ring is grinded.

So you have never done amduscia UQ, mother or PD then? Nevermind that rod Ra Grants DPS is far ahead of talis DPS and you have to switch to other weapons to to regain PP constantly.

gear dying is never a problem, so the gear boost better be good or the weapon is just worthless

Let's not pretend having to hold kazan between movement or downtime is not inconvenient, especially when you're low on PP
It is not a problem as long as you have something to hit, which is not all the time

I haven't done Mother on FO/TE yet but for UQs and PD you don't need Mirage Dodge and from my experience with Mother there just straight up aren't any good uses for it there, Mother doesn't have anything you don't avoid by positioning.

theres rarely any downtime in endgame content, and it lasts so long and builds so fast that you can keep it up for pretty much an entire quest, not to mention if you lose it you can get it back pretty much instantly.
if i'm already purple 95% of the time the potential really doesnt bring anything valuable, especially for something so hard to get

Are you tank specced or something? Tech charge parry isn't quick enough to parry a lot of the multihit attacks PD throws at you. You are aware that charge parry will only ever block one hit and only if it hits you from the front, right? You can't just stay at a save distance either because you need to be close for barantsion and there is no save distance on that fight anyway.


goodnight sweet prince

rip hadred
you caused everything wrong in the plot
I hope you're happy

Does this Xmas EQ drop anything unique?

Does it drop any of the Ultimate eggs

Dual Blades from Rappies and a Katana from Nyau.


What do I spend SG on?


fuck this enemy how am i meant to lock onto his weakpoints?
i can't free aim for shit

You lock onto his head which is also his weakpoint?


nigga it's literally the broad side of a barn

I always thought it was the red spots

How the FUCK does the new EQ work?
My flypod always crashes.

It's the red spots, that guy is full of shit, I don't think the head is even a ranged weakpoint

Is Mother going to give me a 14* for Christmas?
I hope so!
Merry Christmas from Australia!

Kill yourself star

I'm not Star, sorry.


Fuck off Star