/nsunsg/ - Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm General

ITT: We celebrate the birth of our lord and savior.

Coming soon: Road to Boruto

Gameplay: youtube.com/watch?v=4J6y8_1w4ns


Other various info:

>Steam Group

>Discord group

>New to Storm and/or coming from "traditional" fighting games?

>How to force a jump blocker to do something offensive

>/nsunsg/-approved fanfiction

>R20 GM's summaries of the game so far
dropbox.com/s/uds093rtywlm38k/Game Summaries.pdf?dl=0

>Hall of Anal Devestation

>TLAnon's Patreon

>Naruto Artbooks, Music, Manga, etc.


Other urls found in this thread:



Best of the best OCs

>money's no object
yeah she's really rolling in it after betting on job squad. wonder how she's gonna spend all that jewgold.

Does this mean she's going to mooch off some poor guy

How would Naruto and Killer Bee fair if somebody else came to back them up instead of Kakashi and Gai?


they'd just have to scream harder and pull out more beast power

that's a real pretty cemetery. I hope I'm buried somewhere nice like that.

> we celebrate the birth of our lord and saviour
Awh thanks bud, but I wasn't born in December.

Anyway, summary time, from the Sunshine Coast!

Before the game started for reals, R20 GM Claus brought presents for the players, in the form of HP boosts, all thanks to an user in the previous thread, because of whom I went back and re-read the levelling up section in the PHB, and realised I had been jewing the players out of health. As such, they all rolled 6d8 and added their respective CON mods to the result. Waniko gained 29HP, to a total of 40, Renya notched up 32, to a total of 43, and Arata and Fugetsu both got 19, for totals of 29HP each.

So, the game began where we left off last week - we had finished, I think, the third round of combat, and we started on the fourth round. Sarada opened up first, moving east past Inojin and Renya to fucking wail on an enemy Genin with her twin Kriss', landing with both hits and caused 8 damage, putting him down. Inojin, recovered from his last Dancing Leaf Hurricane, moved south towards the mass of enemies and threw himself in, launching another whirlwind of three attacks at an enemy, hitting with all three and causing a total of 17 damage, dropping him like a sack of fucking bricks. The players could all see that two in a row was starting to take it's toll on the Yamanaka.

Arata, deciding not to heal himself, instead lashed out with his kusarigama, hitting on a nice roll of 24 and causing a solid 6 damage, also putting his target down for the fucking count. Take no prisoners. He then Disengaged using his Bonus Action and moved south-west, hoping to set up a Noxian Diplomacy proc for Waniko.

Mitsuki's turn came around, and he decided to say 'fuck that shit' to being a pussy, and rolled a solid nat 20 to hit against the Genin to his immediate south. Doubling his d6 damage roll, he ended with a nice 11 damage from a single hit, bringing his target down to 1HP, so not quite a OHKO.