Old: champion.gg
League of Legends General-/lolg/
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I want to pleasure Kled!
Shota champ when?
early sale's up for anyone who was waiting
Literally one of his best works, I'll give you that.
how do i play shen?
xth for fuck anyone who tryhards in a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums custom game
That means (You) fag
>no qt spider waifu champion
But at least you have time to react to it. If Yi or Eve just look at you, you're dead
When you kys, pedofag.
xth for breast waifu
third xth for ONE MORE GRAVE
fourth xth for HEAVY AND METAL
fifth xth for THE MIGHT OF LOKFAR
tfw have become the singed main
I want to TAINT Fiora's pure and noble bloodline with my peasant seed!
also tfw you accidentally E gp's barrels as ryze and fuck up his triple barrel
sorry ganplank ;_;
Is nashors a normal elise item? She also had a spelltheifs and a dark seal at one point, she started out 5-1
it's fucking fun dude.
also, post/rate?
Here was the old result
>diamonds and plats have to """""try""""" to stomp the bronze and silver filler
It's pretty OK on paper, skittering frenzy gives her a ridiculous amount of attack speed to make use of it. It's not normal as far as I know though.
new bara champ when
also never
Why are mundo mains so based?
I wasn't even trying
Aw stop it user you're making me blush.
I want to hug Nami as we fall asleep in shallow water under the moonlight.
Actually kind of weird. The last bara champ, Braum, was released in 2014. Didn't think it was that long ago. But I mean, there's already a dozen bara champs! And you guys got Christmas skins, meanwhile there's not a single shota champ. Ezreal is fine, but it's not like Riot's going to release a Pool Party skin for him anytime soon, if ever.
Also why never?
>deliberately going in to the water with a creature that is meant to drown you
as if being a waifu fag wasn't a clear enough indicator that you're retarded.
Do you think Pentasona could handle more dicks than eve MF and ahri combined?
Never happening.
Don't love the Tumblr Girl, user.
Fishes aren't for pleasure.
Post s7 waifu stats
Because they're generally non-toxic.
>inb4 toxic mundo
Don't even bother, it's not that funny.
>tfw play Pantheon '''''''''''''''support''''''''''''''' and shit on the enemy bot lane level 2
yeah easily
I don't have to love her to want to impreg her.
because bara > shota and riot knows it
also see, we need a new bara champ
Yes. Her Pentakill version makes her more of a slut.
>mundo mains aren't toxic
>people that play TOPLANE aren't toxic
holy shit they're literally tied with ADCs for 1st place, stop pissing in my face and telling me it's rain
Oh god why did I do this
How do i draw jinx's hair in ms paint
she looks like a teletubby
I expected it to look like trash but its worse
only reddit would make that joke
What's the best jungler to carry low elo?
With the new splash, Toxic Mundo is more of my "I'm tilted off the face of the earth" skin. I don't really rage, just silently cry.
You could just inseminate her instead of just fucking her. She don't deserves our dicks.
The answer was no by the second word.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA.
AD snowballing champs
yi maybe
probably still reksai
Pentakill is the ultimate semen demon
She'd rape every man in the room
Then she'd rape MF, Eve, and Ahri as well.
Are you joshing? Mid laners are the single most toxic lane in the game.
Not to be confused with toplane which has the most toxic CHAMP in the game, riven.
Depends on how much you belong there, shitter.
If you're really a diamond player in disguise and are just being held back by your team, lee "cancer for 5 years and still strong" sin.
If you're actually just as shit as your teammates, just pick amumu.
>Not LITERALLY RAPING her with the power of your patriarchal cock
They say that too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Just toss me a bone why don'tcha?
But what's actually in that for me?
It's not even worth coming to these threads for waifu posters anymore.
How the fuck do I play lee sin?
Is he hard?
I want to fuck cassiopeia
Alright folks, I need a new name, sell me on something stupid?
I main Veigar
This champion has literally never been a bad pick since its release.
Who is it?
>She'd rape every man in the room
>Then she'd rape MF, Eve, and Ahri as well.
Goddamn it, user.
Ahri, Janna
leagueoflegends () wikia () com/wiki/Shen/Strategy
Thresh. I wanna say Gragas but I swear there was like a 2 day period back in S4/S5 where he wasn't OP as fuck.
they just get bullied lol
>How the fuck do I play lee sin?
You literally walk into lane and press Q in the general direction of the enemy. Did you land it? Good, press Q again and you get a free kill anytime before 10 minutes.
Teamfighting? Just walk into their team from behind and ult their carry. That's about all you need to do if you're bronze.
He's been "bad" for about 6 months in total out of 5-6 years, which means he had like a 47% winrate, boo hoo, but lee sin.
Gragas is terrible right now and has been for months
Well Gragas is shit right now so that kind of fits the bill.
lanklets beware
>High heels
He's not shit you autists, just outclassed as of now. He's like a high B maybe low A as of now.
She probably have two dicks to rape a person.
Why is there so much SonaxKog art?
>autofilled to adc
>pick cait, just go farm mode
>jungler has no idea what he's doing and the only reason we get kills bot is because the support is a god
>twice in a row the enemy gets away with about 20% health
>so our jugnler dives and dies
>this was apparently my fault because i didnt take the kills earlier and therefore didn't have damage to kill them from tower distance away and apparently i control his character
Because Sona's a slut for Void Cock.
Heh. You act like that's a bad thing.
There's that one guy on pixiv who's drawing all that Kog x Slut art right now
also because they share a skin, which sucks because there are other champs that Kog shares a skin with
>this will never be u lif
Kog is like a child and Sona is motherly
>tfw almost Christmas
hopefully I can win some ranked for Christmas
>Not wanting a qt dragon wife instead
So is there going to be a big sale on skins this Christmas or should I just buy stuff now
QT gets outplayed by syndra
People are getting really upset
thank god, i'd be a horrible father and husband
>can't play with my friends because they're always tilted
>rarely have fun playing alone
wat do
What do you want Santa Draven to get you this Christmas, /lolg/?
Cause it is.
>also because they share a skin
Which one?
I'm a god
lee sin
malphite (?)
lee sin
jhin, lee sin, ekko, reworked poppy, ryze 3.0 syndra
>shit on lane opponent massively
>goes 0-8
>procedes to shit on everyone and carry the game
Skill. If not that, Armor of the Fifth Age Taric.
Functional, and stylish~
>tfw ezreal will never kidnap you and tie you to a bed, then ride you cowgirl style
>tfw ezreal will never force feed you viagra to keep you hard after you've already ejaculated 3 times inside of him
>tfw ezreal will never kiss you and whisper sweet nothings into your ear as you whimper from your sixth orgasm within an hour
>tfw ezreal will never milk you for all your worth until you've become a mindless sex toy that can't even utter a single comprehensible word
>tfw ezreal will never fuck you and your mouth like you're a living onahole
Why even live?
that's rad as shit. Zac's body looks kinda weird but thanks dude!
you play yasuo
Decent team mate and the will to refrain from being toxic.
I just want to be a decent nice person and climb. I don't want to be mean to people
Sona and Kog "share" the christmas skin. If you alternate taunts with them, they sing deck the halls.
the team without taliyah