Marvel Future Fight General /mffg/ - Merry Gwenmas Edition

>/mffg/ FAQ + resources:

>What is this?
A mobile/tablet 3D beat-em-up RPG where you collect and train Marvel heroes and villains. Includes multiple game modes and monthly updates.

>Is it free?
Yes, the game is free to play and offers microtransactions.

>Official videos and trailers:

>Alliance name: # of inactive days before being kicked: Weekly alliance xp required to stay
Mobile Muggas: 5: 5000xp
Veeky Forums co: 5: 5000xp
Symbiotic: 5: 5000xp

>2.7.0 Patch Notes

>2.7 Feedback Survey

>50,000,000 Download Event - 12/07~01/05

>50,000,000 Download 7 Day Check-In Event - 12/18~12/28

>[Community Event] 4 Weeks of Thanos: Finale

>T2 Patch (Loki, Angela, Jane Foster, Hulkbuster + BP rework)

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

>Christmas stuff:
>Winter Limited Quantity Sales

>Winter Token Event and Shop

>Winter Special Packages

>Winter Gift Boxes

>WB Relay Packages

>Special Crystal Packages

>Uniform sale - 700 shekels

>Special Holiday Tiered Sales


second for a Christmas with Pym Particles users

after cleaning out all my spare bios just getting proxima to 60 i can only guess i will have to put anyone else's development on hold when i start thanos/odin


While you grind BAM/CNS/gold for them you'll be accumulating bios so it's not that bad, especially with WBI dropping a lot of bios

>especially with WBI dropping a lot of bios
Just as I say this I get cucked by rng

Is there any reason to T2 wasp if idgaf about TL?

T2 Loki or Songbird?

as a cushion so Surtur, Amora and Midgard Serpent don't BTFO in the last missions and it makes easier clearing floors with her

Debuffing in BW

Neither 2bh but Loki

it still hurts


update info when

tfw no update till mid-late January

we'll all be ded by then

I unlocked Carnage some time ago using a biometric selector and got him to 6*. However, I don't have enough biometrics to increase his gear so I can't get him to tier-2. Do biometrics selectors even include him anymore? Or do I have to use a mega advancement ticket?

Also, is there a character tier list or something?

You can only get his bios from the special selectors you get from the monthly subscription, meaning you can't get his bios without paying.

What makes Proxima the best among the BO? I know BD's weakness lies in his vulnerability but doesn't Proxima have less defenses lie i-frames(BD has one 3sec invin skill)

Her 6* is the highest damaging ability in the game

Who needs i-frames if you kill everything dead.

>bring a character that is always in i-frame or immune to damage all of the fight in WBI
>still lose those characters in shared-hp fights
fucking hell

They're both fine at t1 but loki needs t2 much less than songbird
They both don't need it
T2 someone else


>nothing but norn stones
>impossible to get games done due to shitty servers (or I have shitty wifi)
I'm done with this mode.

>get Odin to lv55
>now don't know if I should delay a week his path to 6* to build Wiccan, Clea, Gwenpool, and maybe Satana, plus some others's gears for SL(in theory, by doing so I could probably reach floor 20 of SL)




>it's a new avengers floor episode

Is Star-Lord good for anything besides lead, or should I be fine enough with leaving his gears at 17?

wbi servers seem good to me, it's the co op servers that are killing me
>tfw spent over an hour waiting for a match up last night
Ultron rumble isn't that bad, I beat it with Loki and Ronan

On what character should I use a mega rank:
-shang chi
-groot (and get the throot uni)
-miles morales
Those are the ones at rank 1-2 that look kinda cool for the team.

It's the other way around for me, I haven't had a single d/c in regular coop for a month now, and I have to do multiple tries to connect to a WBI game regularly.



can goblin do anything at t1 on SL?

He's ok. He's probably one of the weaker Blasts now

Shang-Chi, Star-Lord, or Miles. They're the only ones you can grind for.

>x10 clear
>6/10 bios remaining

can beat destroyer bosses, probably RR boss too, probably more

>got CW spidey
>never use spidey

17-20 all give BAM/CNS which will boost Odin later. Go for it, pushing Shadowland is rewarding!
>Pic related
Sharon Carter is probably the least relevant though. Your mileage may vary.
Shang-chi is boss. Star lord if you don't have Hela/TAO leads already and need/want 45% energy lead for Blast.

tier list where?

dont tell me i have to go to reddit???

tier list for what

been thinking about getting similar stuff, any buyer remorse my dude?

tier 2

new to this game and i probably want to have an idea on what characters to t2

Have this one.

how are sif and sif at t1?

and shang chi*


be known that this isn't a character tier list, it's more of a guide for once you've accumulated a bunch of 6* characters and unsure which you should focus on to take to T2

Only Antman because I barely use the fucker. Sharon is fine for Speed AB as chain hits = more damage = faster clear, from how I understand it, it works just fine.
Used T1 Sif to clear a speed relay on floor 3 under Luke Cage Lead. She does just fine with Stark Backing and its fun to use.
Some user here uses T2 Sif to clear floor 25 so guess I'll find out in a few days when I finish up her 150 bios.
I just T2'd Shang-chi and he solo'd a floor 9 Speed Relay very easily, no idea how he does any higher myself.
My bad, thanks!

>punisher with coat not top tier

why the fuck are thor story missions on chapter 12?

which do you think i should prioritize more?

spooderman or captain marvel?

Captain Marvel

>all give BAM/CNS which will boost Odin later

I have 3.2k CNS and 4.3k R1BAM, so unless they give higher rank BAM, I don't really need those.

But then again, getting higher in SL means a little extra gold from beating floors, so I might as well do it.

>complaining about 10 bios per day from ch8
Newbies are the funniest

>5 black bolt bios per day
fun times

Fun fact: in the comics Proxima is the only surviving member of the Black Order.

>tfw getting BB to 6* from the 5 daily bios only

Man, that felt rewarding.

>Critical Damage +26.8%
>16% health shield when hit (10 sec. cooldown 13 sec., 20% when hit)
Is this obelisk good for anyone?

he's pretty good, at t2 with that uni and a high enough skill cooldown between the +25 dodge, 3-5 seconds of webs, the added i-frames on his 1*, and swing 3* he's pretty hard to touch

Can you guys post your SL clears again?

here ya go m8

>tfw remember farming BB 3 bios per day
it's so easy these days

oh shit forgot I was an idiot and used 4* Odin on f3. A more appropriate and accessible team for floor 3 Universal Relay that I've used in the past is Clea (L) + Jane Foster, and then Hela (L) + Angela + Blade for floor 5 Universal Relay.

A bunch of my unused characters could clear floors as well

If we're lucky. Let's not forget that they never did a November update. And the October update took longer than usual. They might be moving to a more "less updates, bigger updates" model given the fact that the last few updates have all been pretty major.

>Also, is there a character tier list or something?
The problem with trying to make a tier list is that different characters are better in different modes and in different situations. Like, Luke Cage isn't anything special, but with his uni his leadership is 10/10 for speed for male hero relays. Stuff like that where a character might not be good in one mode but will be great in another.

We have a "characters worth T2ing" tier list (though I don't have the newest one saved so someone will have to post it) that gives a pretty good idea of how useful various characters are but even that isn't a pure judgement of how good the character is (there's some that have really shitty T2s like the Ancient One or Ronan but are still really good at T1).

Do we get 3 Xmas chests at reset? It's gonna be the 25th in Korea
Can't wait for x3 norns, debris and guks!

>trying to T2 Moonie for SL and tomorrow's ABX
>20 fucking attempts to go from 18 to 19 in the first gear

That's 40 fucking bios, you're not helping RNG.

Let's see what we got boys

>100 GUK
>100 GUK
>4* Loki card


>30 speed norns
>100 lvl5 EXP chips
>100 lvl5 EXP chips
>25 energy


>100 GUK
>100 GUK
>100 level 5 XP chips
>40 clear tickets
Oh baby.

Can confirm 4 chests on login.
It's snowing Clear tickets for days!

>200 lvl5 chips
>200 debris

Well ok then.

>25 energy
>100 guks
>100 Clear Tickets
>100 level 5 exp tickets

so pretty gud

>30 purple norns
>40 clear tickets
>40 clear tickets
>100 debris


40 clear tickets x2
100 guk
100 lv5 xp chip

>MODOK card
>purple obi
>40 tickets x2

>3 Black Bolt bios per day
fun times

why is this wbi so hard? sometimes he can get nooblets stuck in the bottom left corner and there is no way to get the wb to move from there, so the shared hp just melt away

happened to me once and I had to use strange teleport to avoid it

its so annoying

>100 level 5 exp chips
>100 DD
>4* Shield (Young Variant)
>25 Energy
So mostly useless.

Dis gonna be good

>no ticket
seriously go to hell ????

Amora is such a cheesy iThanos win. Love it

what obelisk are you using amigo?

Yeah even at T1 she just shits all over it.

Do you have her at T1 or T2? I tried using her to clear iThanos but she doesn't seem to do enough damage and every now and then iThanos won't get charmed and then proceeds to one-shot me.

Worth noting that I don't have her built really. No obelisk, gears aren't maxed, and just has a filler ISO set so that's probably it.

Is she really that good? I was about to buy the bio sub, get Carnage and use my only mega ticket on him and advance him to T2 later

At T2 and 50% SCD her charm has 100% chance to work with a 5 second duration and a 5 second cooldown.

I used her with A1 lead and she shat on him

Strange doesn't need A1 to beat iThanos anyway

If I roll Binary Power ONE more fucking time

naw mate, I'm done with this.

Is A1 uniform a must?

Fuck it, rolled tenacious symbiote on Ironfist and I'm keeping it. I'm not made out of gold

>14 bios left to upgrade the last gear
>even if I get the 165 left from SL, I'll most likely won't end up having enough for natural T2

FUG. Pls don't fuck me over RNG ;_;

Is crit damage a good substitute for def pen? I can't find a fucking obelisk with def pen, help.

>100 DD
>100 DD
>100 DD
>100 lvl 5 exp chips
I'm okay with that

Well good news is that you can beat iHIM with T2 Loki. The bad news is that it's slow as fuck if you don't have the proper setup.
Mind you, my ronan and T2 Wasp are not really equipped to do anything worthwhile and my Loki is has an awful Obelisk and bad ISOs (Stark Backing). You can definitely improve on this time by a lot and I'd say that T2 wasp is mandatory.

is it me or enchantress dps is a bit lacking?