>What the fuck is this shit? Dirty Bomb's a free to play FPS and successor to games like Enemy Territory or Brink
>Is it p2w? No. Merc unlocking system is very similar to LoL's champion unlocks. There are also loadout cards with different rarity, but those aren't going to make you less shit at the game, and everything above bronze is purely cosmetic. You can easily craft them by trading up the dozens of crap lead cards you get
>High Fps config (Useful for comp): (outc1der's cfg) pastebin.com/H9Q6uDt4 Copy everything into shooterengine.ini don't forget to change resX and resY and set it to read only
>Wanna change the UI? Replace the [ShooterGame.SGUIHUDPlayer] part in your ShooterUI.ini with pastebin.com/ZXPbmy4e and make the file read-only! (the hud is made for 1920x1080 resolution, others don't work)
Faraleth December 2015 Dear God... I saw my name on there, and decided to search other Dirty Bomb stuff on Veeky Forums for my name. These people are sick. xD I can't believe what I've just been reading.
Side-note, I apparently have an impersonator "FARAL3TH" on Veeky Forums. If anyone happens to read Veeky Forums, please note that account is NOT mine, I do not have a Veeky Forums account.
Gavin Ramirez
Delete your Veeky Forums account, Kelmi, and stop dating Yuki-Chan.