christmas edition
Other urls found in this thread:
christmas eve*
this thread will last till christmas dont worry
i wanna die
so ive noticed some of the patches of dirt ive been hitting with my bat to wake my neighbor up are starting to go soft and not making as much noise
any ideas on what i should do?
so ronery
came home just in time for christmas eve with scvs
happy holidays
Fruitdealer where are thou????
I'm not gay!
more like.. GookDealer
what does it say
our girl
dont like the unsolicited nudes
im lactose intolerant but still omo
she put the milk on are kimchi hole...
i only know ohayou gozaimasu
kero kero
what the H*CK
ara ara~
shut up you dumb baka pabos and give me my present
chotto matte
good night
Another Christmas alone in the scv
scar scar~
what do people use as an instant messenger now?
aim and msn are dead..
use xmpp you fucking botnet enabler
*randalls the tranny*
botnets are okay
Merry christmas, nerds
what about skype?
do people still use that?
scarlet looks worse and worse each time someone posts a pic lol
skype is even more botnet than steam
merry christmas gmnp post the elf pic again
merry christmas eve, gmnp
i love this time of year :3
Merry christmas m10!
did you get your family anything good?
cookie angle-pants
sounds gay
Well, maybe the elf chart is on to something
so this year i left my own birthday early, i skipped my grandpa and grandmas birthday, my mom and my dads birthday, easter and thanksgiving. and now im going to go to christmas
hope it wont be too weird
gmnp just roasted that fag lmao
[Milena-Velba] - 2016-11 - Milena, Hitomi & Anri - Language School [1280x720][MP4]
they didnt want anything particularly extravagant
does a paper shredder count?
A paper shredder? For like office use or what
sounds a little strange
scarscar: i dunno about that...
for shredding documents yeah. her old one broke and thats what she wanted
what about you? you get the family anything neat?
why dont you just rip the paper up?
i got them mostly kitchen equipment and some sporting clothes
adult gifts are boring
the shredder can cut them into really small bits and you can use the paper as mulch
also the pieces are harder to reassemble it if youre paranoid about that sort of thing
what sorts of documents are they dealing with since they need a shredder?
very sensitive legal documents!!!
who knows!
the shredder knows
if we ask too many questions maybe the shredder will know us too @___@
how big are SCVs irl? i had a friend in high school who told me irl they were like 5 metres tall
*shreds up the scvees so no-one will ever know about us*
~12 feet tall according to the wiki
nick lied to me
what build should i kearn first for terran as a total novice? i can beat the AI by just making marines with stim and attacking like 10 minutes into the game but the moment i try to deviate i dont really know what to do
terrible sim city...
an expand into a timing attack sort of build would be good to know
happy gay christmas idiots
im not gay
then whats my peewee doing up your butt???!
wish i wasn't poor
he said poor not cute
I still have to do all of my christmas shopping
get me something nice!!!!!!
get me some chocolates
no dark ones idiot!
didnt even check the steam sale this year
didnt even bone you're mom this year oh wait nevermind i did rofl
imagine sending sickzii lewd pics of yourself while hes at work to distract him...
Perky McJingles
literally testicles
some people prefer dark ones...
perky poiny-toes...
ask her for dark ones yourself if you want them
not that cute cartooner
9 mins to 9min30s lol