/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Grampy Bone edition

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>Official News & Known Issues
Year 2 has been confirmed. New CTU's will be Spain, Hong Kong, Poland, and South Korea.
Season 4 - Operation Red Crow is out. Patch 5.2 - Mid Season Reinforcements Live.

Heartbreaking Defeat

>no ts info
>triple embeds
uh oh

how we fix blackbeard?


I don't really get echos gadget. I mean I understand that it disorients, been hit by it before.

Does it auto fire or am I supposed to watch thru it's cam to use it?

You watch it like a normal camera and shoot your stun charge with left klick. Only Echo himself can shoot though

>Attack on Bartlett
>Half the team already dead before we get to the building
>The inside is also way too open so I hate playing defense on it too
This map was a mistake

>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
The password is: Operations
IP address:

>tfw 3 out of 5 teammates decide to roam around in 3 armor operators instead of defending the objective room
>tfw demoted from plat 2 to gold 3 because teammates flat out refuse to communicate

post in true thread

It really seems like the shock paddles were supposed to be Doc's gadget.

just bought the game suggest operators

Maybe Jager

Make sure to buy Fuze specifically for hostage mode

>everyone taking fuze because of the challenge
just end my life

>playing with randoms in ranked
Stop the autism and find people to play with

>just find some non-retards on the internet lmao
>just get friends, it's easy lol

>stuck in sliver because shit teams


Took me two months to find a dude and he introduced me to other non retarded players. Be friendly make call outs, a joke here and there and you are set.

I've been leaving games for the last 4 hours, it's that fucking bad
can't even grind the challenges
I have like 2 friends who play Siege but yea non of them have the time or will to play more seriously and go ranked, and I don't have anything else to play while waiting for them to get on

Sledge: flexible operator with good guns and tools to fill almost any role your team needs.

Ash: fast as fuck, good guns and a decent gadget. You can do whatever with her and you'll be fine.

Thatcher: easy to use and a great support operator. Just stay close to Thermite/Hibana.

Rook: drop the armor bag and your job is done. Personally I think he's the most newcomer friendly operator.

Mute: decent guns and c4. Just put the jammers on reinforced walls or near drone holes. While it's not mandatory you can relocate your jammers around to annoy the attackers as much as possible.

Jager: good guns, fast as fuck and useful gadget. He's one of the best roamers in the game.

Avoid Tachanka and Blitz, they're not good for newcomers. There's also a guide in the OP for more info.

>tfw just demoted to Gold II
the things I have seen are traumatizing, m-might be a bad day/night, r-right guys?

I literally just got killed by my own Doc while he was trying to revive me
this is it
I don't think it can get any worse than this
I really should start recording this shit, I'm having a hard time believing it.

Anyone got some OBS config or something for decent-ish recording quality? I don't feel like install nvidia bloatware for shadowplay

Maybe it was way more easy last year, but sometimes we meet players that flat out ask if they can join our ts the second they notice we are a stack.
Next problem is that 14 out of my 18 siege friends are silver shitters who only got in plat because the ranks are shit this season. And playing with them against actual plats is suffering. You cannot carry 4 guys against 5 when you are a legit plat 2 yourself.

which one should i choose?

all of them since they're OG cheapo operators.

Bandit or jäger.
Both a top tier

I haven't even played ranked yet because I don't know the maps well enough and don't want to shit up someone's game.

But seeing the state of Casual right now, I think I will have to start ranked

Oh btw, just got killed by the Doc on spawn again, only this time he acted like a Brazilian monkey and just randomly started shooting people, without even being provoked

>Playing Ranked
>Join party with teammates
>Play Thatcher and pocket my Thermite
>Make a nice duo
>End game with nice KD
>Thermite says we should back out and stack up
>We could probably win at least 2 more, we just 4-1 the last team
>Start to panic about him most likley trying to start small talk and having to get to know someone
>Panic about the possibility of me not having a good next game
>"Sorry I got to go"
>Add him as a friend and shut off Xbox and stare at screen for at least 45 minutes
I'm out of state visiting family for Christmas, but when I get back, I'll probably never speak to him again, too much pressure
Who else /JagerTierAutism/ here?
>End Game

> it's an user thinking that removing the TS from the OP will change anything
> 25 posts early
> double [embed]'s everywhere

Like fuck dude just copy from the OP pastebin, it exists for a reason.
Include the TS next time too.

Nvm its a triple embed

Which is even worse

Dead game? Bumping

>got a universal camo that I wanted for a while
>now I gotta spend 40 minutes putting it on all my weapons

we need more siege girls


Its christmas eve, and I do think the demographic for thia game is a bit older than most games. So people are probably out and about today.




You're literally fucking Scrooge and the Grinch combined into one, user.
I still wish even you a merry christmas though.

Merry christmas you operating faggots

>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
The password is: Operations
IP address:

Merry fucking christmas to you too, Mr. Hitler

if this shit continues after this thread (the whole making it early and making it wrong), I think we should reconsider our "le threadwar" policy and actually NOT flock to the thread that's first necessarily, but the thread that's both first AND correct.

Flocking to a thread that's wrong and that's often made with the intent to be an ebin prank makes no fucking sense.

When you find out how useless laser sight isn't

How is she going to drink that?


i think this makes sense, otherwise we're gonna have a situation of people making threads increasingly early to troll or correct each other and it's going to be a shitshow.

But there is no laser sight being used.

Nice backlightning, faggot.

This thread was made at like 4 AM

Well I'm a filthy kebab so

Got nothing to do ;_;

Go watch a christmas movie, eat cheese burgers and pretend to be american

>tfw the valentines day skin isn't usable on the newer operators

By a fucking sperg, 25 posts early, and done wrong on purpose.

idk man, even if it improves hipfire accuracy by a lot, I got 3 kills just today, because some dude on the enemy team had a laser sight on and I saw it on the nearby wall, keying me on his exact position
his hipfire accuracy didn't help him at all then

>That amazing feelio when a buddy got me the complete edition cause sale and I've been wantin to get into this for a while

So I read the OP bin and all, but the DLC shootmans descriptions are all WIP, who should I probably be running around with for my first couple games?

Also side note goddamn this game runs good, I've got a real 'okay' computer, but even with a lot of high settings it's still getting 100+ FPS, what sorcery is this.

>Also side note goddamn this game runs good, I've got a real 'okay' computer, but even with a lot of high settings it's still getting 100+ FPS, what sorcery is this.
Your game is bugged, it's not supposed to run good, re-install or get a new PC for proper (lack of) optimization

>this game runs good
Wait till the freezes kick in.

Why are laggers allowed to play Ranked?
Why is most of the game clientside?
Why will they never fix their servers?
Why do we continue to play despite all the blatant bullshit?

I'd advice you to not touch the DLC operators until you're at least past your first 10 hours or so.

This is because the DLC characters rely a lot more on game experience than the vanilla operators, and you will likely not be able to play them very well when you're barely starting out.

Once you feel comfortable to dip your toes into the water though, I'd recommend you try them all out since you have them unlocked anyway.

For aggressive attacking and flanking: Buck
For cheeky mind-games with traps: Frost
For crucial angle holding: Blackbeard
For godlike intel capabilities for you and your team: Valkyrie
For powerful area denial and killer utility: Capitao
For fun (but not very competitive) and solid snake-ing: Caveira
For a really good Thermite+Ash combo: Hibana
For Smoke+Valkyrie area denial + intel: Echo

t. salty fags whose PC's can't run the game well

do the operations, that should give you a lot of renown to put toward a bunch of normal operators. the dlc ones are all going to be hard without knowing map awareness/how the game properly works.

Yeah I'm most of the way through them now, they're pretty neat so far as well, better tutorial than the usual stuff I could think of.

werks for me :^)

The very last mission is a total blast. You might need to stay waiting for other players for a while, but it's worth it. Hope you enjoy



On the subject of laser sights, if you're the 1% of actually good players, there's no reason not to use them.

Reposting on the new thread because I'm still mad as fuck.

>lose on hostage because hibana grabbed the hostage but waited 30 seconds to get an epin kill on the last defender instead of just going to the fucking lights

They ruin your crosshair placement on AR's and SMG's bruv. It doesn't matter that the laser doesn't show, the pointer on the walls do. Bothering to hide it on anything other than shotguns can cost you, and not hiding it is horrible for you

I don't know what it is about hostage mode that causes people to go nuts. Half the time I play that gamemode now the hostage will either get shot and downed or just outright executed.

that explains why pro's use them all the time
oh wait
I mean unless those don't count as the 1% of actually good players :^)

we /christmas-ded/ now
i wish i had someone to spend it with

>tfw cute boyfriend to spend christmas with
life is suddenly okay

Trump purging all degenerates WHEN?

Forst here Merry Christmas, recruits

nothing wrong about genuine love, user

women suck anyway

Boys can't love boys, user

>These are your cuck teammates

they can
you just haven't found it out yet

not a cuck
not my fault women are parasites

>implying Trump isn't riding the pro-LGBT vote funride

faithful to the game, fag

dead threads are the comfiest kind of thread, user
don't tell me you miss the flaming posts that go around in circles

I dont undetstand how you can have no one at christmas. Surely you have parents, aunts or uncles, grandparents, brothers , sisters or friends you can spend the holidays with.


Insallah brother

Christmas Cucks won't bother us today

>Almost 2017
>Being sexist
Spoken like a true Cuck with a capital C

can we tone it down with the /pol/ memes please
let's just have a comfy holiday thread

why the fuck would I spend the holidays with people who don't give a shit about me and don't share any interests with me? talk about the most boring lame shit ever.

you're ruining it the comfy holiday thread
tone it down please it's okay

Post holiday siege images

> rook making christmas dinner. Everyone gets a plate.

shut up, white bitch


>choked defeat

Who else

/reinforcekidsbedroom/ and /placingRookArmorOutsideTheBuilding/

I seriously haven't had this much fun in a while. You should all give it a try

Thanks for the nice pun. Merry Christmas.

t. woman

>Implying I give a fuck about your armor when the enemy team is headshotting us

It takes like 3 seconds to Get took armour . Plus if youre rook you get first pick

>what I got
>trying to be funny with bunch of random meme shit stolen from other people
so original

>guys this opinion that i don't like but seems to be posted all the time all over the board is the minority can you please stop it

You're the minority, faggot. reddit has nice rules on this kind of stuff,

Fuck off, I just posted the better version of the shit you posted that was made in the same thread weeks ago
