/meg/ - Mass Effect General

i hope i did this right edition

MEG's updated updated Pastebin: pastebin.com/0326Anr2


Andromeda information: pastebin.com/BiK2KhPw

Thread Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=Mynzbmrtp9I

>shitty Waifuposting

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Claiming this thread for best girl.

I like Jack

Reporting for duty. Also - merry Christmas everyone even our autist


2nd for best girl

Terrible. Take a lap.

Have they stated how travel to Andromeda is going to make any fucking sense at all, or is it going to be "mass effect fields, go with it"

>mass effect fields, go with it

It's possible that Andromeda, being closest to the Milky Way, was also ravaged by Reapers. If that's true there will be mass relays

God I would be so fucking mad if the best bioware can come up with for Andromeda is Reapers, again.

>being closest to the Milky Way,
Is it really? What about those cloud galaxies?

I bet they'll mix something in like the reapers.

all they had to do is watch avatar and get ideas

Maybe my simplification was too big. Andromeda is the biggest galaxy in Local Group and closer to us than that thrid one i can't recall. I think Reapers could also invade dwarf satellite galaxies, why not , they have 50k years for that and it takes them only few hundred to do Milky Way

Andromeda is the nearest major galaxy to ours. The large and small Magellanic clouds are galaxlets and they never learn.

>they have 50k years for that and it takes them only few hundred to do Milky Way
Because those galaxies are at least 190,000 light years from us so the travel time is to long.

yeah it's kind of dumb to assume the reapers only stayed in one galaxy. I still hope they aren't referenced

>The large and small Magellanic clouds are galaxlets and they never learn.
Oh you.

>so the travel time is to long.
Humans got to Andromeda in 600 years. 600 years to a reaper ain't shit.

Conduit mate

Yup, i guess they should operate in the whole Local Group with their tech

Wew, just done preparing the christmas turian. It's in the oven now. Only happy turians from Palaven for me, and no turian foie gras.
No batarian foam sauce this time though, I had a minor incident with it last year

What sport is your Waifu interested in?

>Humans got to Andromeda in 600 years
I can suspend my imagination a lot for certain things to make sense, but this is to far.

Reposting from last thread: The last scheduled rocket launch this year is on Dec 28

Proton-M (Commercial)
Location Baikonur Cosmodrome LC-31
Time 10:02 PM ALMT (UTC+6)
A Russian Proton-M rocket with a Briz-M upper stage is slated to launch the EchoStar 21 satellite to orbit. EchoStar 21 is an S-band spacecraft designed to provide mobile satellite services (MSS) to the European Union. It is planned to have a service life of some 15 years and carry a state-of-the-art MSS payload featuring a large unfurlable reflector. This mission should mark the final launch of the 2016 launch manifest.

Ashley would be down for competitive cock sucking

Football all the way, took her out to Dortmund game once and she was hooked
I wish any part of this was true, starting with "taking the waifu out"

shit OP

I think Jack would like anything with hitting, I think she'd prefer rugby over football

She's never been good at any human sports you saw her try on account of her legs but she loves watching Robo Wars and Scrapheap challenge and will fiercely cheer on whichever team she thinks is being most innovative.

Then she falls asleep in your lap watching David Attenborough documentaries

What did I do wrong?

How can other waifus even compete?

Jack would be a Partizan or Red Star supporter and go to the matches in hopes of riots where she could kill everyone.

Was she impressed when your were 3-1 down then scored 3 goals past the 80th minute for the 12th consecutive game?

dragon age cancer
not about christmas
shit thread theme


>Ghost riders
>Shit thread theme

>10 IPs
>35 posts

Highwayman would have been a better Andromeda song

>shit thread theme
Neck yourself. Highywayman would have been better, but OP is faggot and was only learning how to make threads so were letting it slide.

It's my first time doing it

>Officer Sloane
>I'm Pathfinder

Which is the case for almost all generals, especially those of older games

/meg/ rarely gets more than 70 IPs per thread

Anyone you talk to is someone you've chatted about waifus to in one thread and called a raging faggot cunt in another

sometimes in the same thread


Aw shit that would have been better. Sorry guys.

stop making OP's you fucking faggot, every single one is complete shit.

I forgive you, real winners have tried and failed more times than others have succeeded apart from me because I win all the time

Read the previous thread dick lips, OP was learning how.


Foot fags get out. Worse then furfags and talicancer mixed together

its not that fucking hard, you just have to copy paste the old one, change a few things and select a decent collage.
But since the last threads were complete shit also we are stuck with newfags trying their luck and miserably failing.
>i hope i did this right edition
jesus christ, who writes this shit. is this some weak attempt to try to fit in?


>only a couple more days until I complete the Witcher 3 and can waifupost in two generals instead of one

>Finishing games to waifupost
You are doing it wrong.

>jesus christ, who writes this shit. is this some weak attempt to try to fit in?
It was the first time I made a thread in like year and the first I ever made in Veeky Forums

So, who'd you fug?


Guess op should be sorry for destroying your little autistic corner of Veeky Forums

yes great, you projected your cringy autistic insecurity right into the header of the thread.
Its unnessecary and totally out of place. please never make another thread again.

I thought about calling it "Miranda and Liara would make bad mothers edition" but tha'd be too long

I am op


Shame TW2 didn't have as many romances as TW1 though

>couldn't fug Saskia

Almost as bad as Bioware not letting us fug shiala

Sorry, meant

>couldn't fug Saskia
She only fucks dwarves bro.

Good work men, we all have a gal waiting back home for us.
Hey WG.

>She only fucks dwarves bro.

Well yeah, she's welsh

>Harbinger pegged to be the Villain McBadguy in ME3 after the end of ME2
>see him once at the end where he shoots some lasers then flies off

I don't think there's coming back from this mission

don't say that comrade

>Used to love Tali
>Eventually grew to love Jack and Ashley and now I'm kind of meh on Tali

fuck off shill

He was as much the villain as the archdeamon was in DAO.

They are the leaders of a great evil that must be defeated, but their soldiers are more important than they are.

The real villain was the "morally ambiguous" secondary threat(TIM/Loghain)

Dragon age and Mass effect are essentially the same story.

except that dragonage is garbage made for sjws , cucks and landwhales

Just don't let them sandautists take you alive. We all know what they do to POVs they feed them eggs

Don't worry bruder, one day you will come back

>Eventually grew to love Jack and Ashley
Nice. In what order do you go with them? I loved cucking Ashley with Jack, and them cock blocking James in citadel.

Ashley first as Liara was never really a romance option, then Jack, then Ashley again until I evened out and love them the same.

and now, sadly, so is Mass effect

Except TIM wasn't really a threat until ME3 when Bioware decided to they couldn't be asked to put any effort into the Reapers and decided to make Cerberus balloon in size in an insanely unrealistic time frame.

>abandoning Jack

It's not what I would have done(as if I ever would), but you like what you like.

That's exactly what they did with Loghain. They made him an option to side with(control ending) later on.

Mass effect is nothing more than an extended Dragon age origins

>That's exactly what they did with Loghain
No its not. He already had his army and with a forced conscription he could easily get the army of Ferelden back up to the strength it was pre-darkspawn. Skill wise it probably would have been shit.

Cerberus in the space of 3 years went from a couple individual cells to having a massive fucking army and fleet that is in no way realistic without having the entire galaxy come down on them.

kys shill

Why are you posting about that shit game here again?

Why are you insisting that Mass Effect is space Dragon Age?

I'm not, retard

We'll see I'm just talking about the big picture. and i can't help but notice the similarities in the Mass effect series and DAO

I'm just making a point that i think origins and Mass effect are very similar. but notice hom I'm just mentioning origins and not the other 2 games.

See above

You sound like a cuck. KYS as soon as possible

Hi guys. Merry christmas!

Damn right.

Looks like there's dirt on the flag (I assume it's a flag) is that to symbolize the contamination of sterile quarian flesh with human?

I like her too.

of course there's dirt on a flag since it's lying in the dirt.

>all this fighting
Would you relax, guys?

I wish we get a comfy roadtrip feel in ME:A, I know it's not going to happen but one can dream.

>Looks like there's dirt on the flag

Fag who made it here, it's not dirt, it's some random pattern I found and stuck it on

The planet in the centre is Rannoch btw

Oh I see.
Neat, I like it. Though I think just Tali's swirly pattern and Rannoch would have sufficed. Flags are usually pretty simple affairs.

>ywn rescue a qt femquar from Asari bullies on the citadel, then she in-debts herself to you. you have a 2 seater ship waiting to transport some goods to a colony across the galaxy but have no one to go with you so you ask her if she's any good at navigating and she enthusiastically tells you that she lived on a frigate for years and thus has plenty of navigational experience. you bring her aboard and, show her where her bed is and set off, everything goes well on the flight and you make quite a hefty some with the rare goods and equipment you've traded, you send half of the credits to her via omni tool and tell her he really enjoyed her company on the flight, then she hugs you and starts to cry, claiming no one has treated her this nicely since she embarked on her pilgrimage, and she thought everyone hated her, you tell her it's okay and that she was the best navigator you've ever had and that she's a good and kind and that you'd like for her to stick around with you and help her find something to bring back for her pilgrimage on your travels. She sleeps in your bedspace for the rest of the flight back to the citadel

mmmh, the turian starts smelling nicely


How's this?

What dog would your waifu like?

>witcher shills
>dag sjws
wow this thread is shit


Your contribution to this thread is noted.
The reward is death

>can't romance bestsari Shiala

What if she doesn't cry though, what if she's beyond touched by his kindness. But doesn't want to be a burden. They part as friends, he travels on in his dinky little ship after dropping her off at a free-port. But she misses him, she misses how he made her feel, the sensation of a blanket on her undersuit. The brief spark of warmth when they hugged goodbye.
She talks with the other quars in the port, tries to make a life for herself. to forget the feelings he elicited. But she just can't seem to let go.
She looks him up on spacebook. There's nothing there except a picture of his home on a starry night. But she's a great navigator and figures out where he lives based on the constellations.
She hitchhikes in the fuel tanks of a freighter bound for that planet, bobbing around in between the baffles.
During her stay she adds to the row of quarian names carved into the wall.
She lands, takes a dip in a lake and unpacks her cloths from her fuel-proof bag after her presence stops making plants wilt from the smell.
His home is a modest affair, a small prefabricated white square. But with some homely additions like a brass doorknob and a few potted plants.

She sticks around, finding the colonists very friendly. A month passes, she makes a living programming navigation computers and selling trinkets she makes out of scrap.
Two months, he's still not around. Is she at the right planet? Did he give her a fake name?
She gets a formal permit to live in the colony and moves into the attic of an old couple.
Yet another month passes, she's happy in her new home. But there's something missing.
After a fourth month he shows up covered head to toe in medical equipment, his ship is pretty much a heap of slag, bent and twisted beyond repair.
He hovers around in a medical bed and looks like he's been through hell.
This is not what she imagined the meeting would go like. What she sees out of the window is a broken man.