/dfg/- Dwarf Fortress General

Prone edition

Previous thread: >Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.43.05

>Official forums:

>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.

>Have a question? Check the wiki first:

>Fireden archived threads:
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/Dwarf Fortress/

>Dwarf Therapist (Out of Date):

>DFHack (Out of date. Alpha version available, expect issues if you use it.):
Alpha: github.com/DFHack/dfhack/releases/tag/0.43.05-alpha1

>Starter Pack (Out of Date):

>I've not played in a while, what has changed?

>More DF stuff:

>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: webchat.freenode.net #dwarffortress)

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!

Other urls found in this thread:


>First for Christmas miracle update

>geology edition

3rd for comfy fort is the best fort.

>be in a new world I ran to fix some problems with my various quest giving entity positions
>head over to a huge dwarven metropolis built into the side of a mountain
>head down towards the lower part and see an asterisk moving around
>leave travel early and hoof it over there on foot
>troll recruit is getting ready to start chewing on some sleeping merchants
>hah, not on my watch buddy
>tackle them away from their target
>smush their head
>noticed a crossbowdorf shooting while I did this
>figured they were helping out
>say hi
>ask how they're doing
>notice they're still shooting at something
>no other enemies around
>see it pop up that they're shooting a sleeping planter
>bolt to the dome ends it
>ask what that was about
>they're all horrified and shit over the death of someone they just unloaded 9 bolts into
>take a step past sadmurderbro and notice a human stuck to the wall of a sewer through a grate
>say hi
>they don't spit at me or anything
>very friendly
>ask what's going on
>start to ask about their family when this message pops up

Hey, Geologist user;
Turns out there's only one type of schist currently in the game, HOWEVER, the framework for adding more is very very easy.
You can see in pic related that there's a definition for the gem "Heliodor" to appear in Schist, marble, and granite. If you were so inclined/mad enough to, you could add more types of stone, including Schist, and add/modify gemstones so they appear in the absolutely correct layer types.
Modding DF is easy, it's all text files. Documentation for how stone is formed is found here. The DF wiki is pretty good:

So, from looking further down the sewer via the next grate it looks like it was one of the Giants that had fooled a civ into believing they were a deity, and decided swimming around in the sewers was a good plan.

The dude Snamoz stuck into the wall there is a werebull apparently, but it was very confusing because checking the story telling list for the town has a dwarf with a big long Snamoz the blahblahbhdfh name as well, but that one is a werepanda.

While I was trying to pick out which entries were the human dude I kept coming across this:
>In the early spring of 843 the dwarf Snamoz devoured a huntsman spider of blahblahblah

So at this point the giggles start, then I track down the human Snamoz and find that he was NOT going to be outdone because he went on a binge and ate 6 or 7 beak dogs in one rampage, back to back to back, etc.


not lmao

>native aluminium in obsidian

I have heard of high concentrations of alumina (aluminium oxide) in certain basalts, but finding aluminium outside of a mineral source inside volcanic deposits no less is highly unlikely.

To be perfectly frank most of my knowledge around volcanic ore-bearing bodies is around porphyry copper deposits, so my knowledge of anything outside of aluminium in mineral formations is thin at best.

Not him but it's not usual.

Merry Christmas, Urists.

The problem with this is that you would have to add many entries for sedimentary and metamorphic rocks in particular to nail perfectly geologically correct naming conventions. Although fifty gorillion definitions on sedimentary rocks based on clastic composition would probably be autism to the extreme, especially since it doesn't add very much to game play unless df has a focus on the aggregates industry. I suppose a little fluff can be added, but I have no idea how df even handles ore deposits. I should probably play the game before diving head first into modding it.

Yeah it's the first time I've ever seen it in Dwarf fortress myself, so I was pretty surprised. Been playing since 0.31

>internet explora

>Not wanting extreme geology autism
When playing DF, you will find an irrational desire to make everything out of certain stones, having more variety will only make this more satisfying.

>I have no idea how df even handles ore deposits
it's really simple. certain ores and minerals have a chance of appearing in certain rocks. it's as simple as that.

pretty much this. DF simulates the placement of stone layers, not down to individual ore veins or anything.

>that thousand yard stare on the dwarf

This is more like human propaganda on enslaving the non-mundane races. Not christmassy/10

So basically, I'm writing a documentation for how different RAW tokens affect worldgen sites. The goal is to create a resource for modders who want to put a bit of cultural flavour into the sites of different entities.

Two things I have discovered so far (and mentioned in the general) are the fowwowing:

>making a civ without site level leaders
Will result in hamlets without mead halls. Will make keeps in cities have a multiroom layout, similar to the mead halls. Will stop the keeps from being tracked in the legends.

>stopping a civ from using wood
Will result in houses buing built out of smooth natural rock. Doors to ordinary houses will be built out of "unknown material", and signs will disappear entirely. Furniture, as well as doors in special buildings, will be made out of rock.

If anyone has done experiments on their own, I would appreciate if you told me the results.


I did some more experiments.

As expected, [OUTDOOR_FARMING] controls the farmlands at all sites, while [OUTDOOR_GARDENS] controls the plants grown outside cottages in hamlets.

Removing these tokens from the human civ won't remove the farmlands or gardens entirely, but will replace them with furrowed soil.

[OUTDOOR_ORCHARDS] only appear in elven civs in vanilla. It seems to be behind their tree plantations. If you add them to human civs, some of the farm plots will be used for growing trees instead of plants.

If you remove [OUTDOOR_FARMING] and add [OUTDOOR_ORCHARDS], the tree plantations will completely replace the the farm fields.

Sadly, removing [OUTDOOR_WOOD] from the elves doesn't make them built treehouses out of smooth rock. Instead, it will just make their treehouses disappear altoghether. However, changing [OUTDOOR_WOOD] to [INDOOR_WOOD], will turn the treehouses into cave flora.

To date I have not been able to produce taverns in goblin sites, but you can add the required papermaking/scroll/quire/etc reactions and jobs, along with scholars, and some dark fortress troll pits will be full of books instead.

Giving elves the use_misc_processed_wood_products token I think was what got their taverns to have booze properly.

For what it's worth, though it isn't raw token stuff, if you grab the id from the sites_and_pops export and pull it up with gui/gm-editor df.global.world.world_data.sites[id -1] you can go down to the realization field and there will be a buildings entry at the top as I recall, if you're in a town it will have a bunch of numbered entries, the layouts of keeps with the two large round towers, the placement of doors in the towers, where the doors on the walls are, how high the walls are, and so forth are all in there and technically editable.

Nice dude.

Here is one from last thread in case OR missed it.

By changing [OUTDOOR_ORCHARDS] into [OUTDOOR_FARMING] on the elves, I got them to have furrowed fields instead of tree plantations.

I can't seem to get them to actually plant anything, though. I tried adding planters and threshers, but it still doesn't work. Maybe their sites are hardcoded not to make it work.


Here is one for the occasion.

Okay, I made them accept killing plants and removed the tree cap diplomacy token, and now the farms work correctly.

I'm not sure which tokens are needed to make them work, but at least now we know that it's possible to have farm fields on a forest retreat.

I couldn't get the gardens to show up, though. Maybe they're exclusive to the human cottages.

he he he

I removed [STONE_PREF] from the humans.

It did three things:
It made walls be out of smooth rock, just like wooden buildings when you remove [OUTDOOR_WOOD].

The other stone structure, like keeps, mead halls and temples, however, became made out of generic rock blocks.

For some reason, the roofs of meadhalls became made out of rough natural rock.


When i removed [STONE_PREF] from the gobbos, it only affected their watchtowers, not their fortresses.

Maybe it's because the latter are hardcoded.

What's everyone's longest worlds that they've played, how many megabeasts/titans/etc do you allow them to gen?

>It's a "You hack at its neckx50 but it's still alive episode"

Hit the head instead dood

And use strong attacks


Did you dorfs pick up any holiday sales?

I have no money so I pirate everything.

After dark and celestial command.

I bought myself a copy of Pillars of Eternity. Fucking loving it so far. I also bought some people some stuff in the beg threads because I am a faggot with a hero complex

Nothing im broke as fuck.

And there is nothing i would want to have beside some EA games that i wont spend my very limited cash.

I dont need anything, i have DF, Aurora 4x and various Rougeliks. Its enough to get my completely satisfied

This is what i've gotten so far.

About 65 euros worth. I still want to pick up Total War: Warhammer and maybe one more game or some sales off of the EU PSN sale.

I usually don't buy any games throghout the year, because no time to play + saving up and then buy a lot on sales.

Also most of these I bought just to live them. Not really because I'm a big fan of any of them. Few horror games and a few < 5 buck games.

>Mighty No. 9

>5 dollars

I have vastly ignored all information about new games. Don't spoil it for me. Even if it's terrible. I like surprises.

It's a giant piece of shit, why don't you inform yourself before buying stuff.

Beg threads?? Were are those I need them

Also pillars of eternity is a blast! Tyranny too is very good. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. (Almost failed 3 classes)
>life is tumblr
>buying games with denuvo

They're on /b/, sporadically though as the mods can't decide how or when to delete them. I'm one of two people that I've ever seen deliver

because it was 5 dollars, who cares if it's shit at that price range?

>life is tumblr
it was 5 dollars for all 5 episodes, I want to see the dykes of hazard for myself and live it and make fun of it

I think with a few beers I can have fun with it.

It's not even worth 5 dollars.

You could have spent those 5 dollars in a better game, or as a donation to Toady.

Toady can live without my 5 bucks


Is there a reason to not start adventure mode as a demigod? If you don't, you'll just be grinding attributes through swimming instead.

I'll be grinding attributes by wrestling sleeping peasants actually.

i always check the main DF page prior to coming into /dfg/ specifically to dismiss these bullshit posts

>mfw this kind of posting was the beggining of the great two year stale
>mfw I have no face
>mfw I have no face if clock user returns

>mfw two years later a new version comes out
>mfw /dfg/ spends the next five or so months afterwards accosted by dumbfucks and trolls

I will hunt you down.

>No. 9
>can get drunk enough from BEER to have fun

If you wanna have fun with some of those games you will probably have to spend more than 65 euros on beer.

DF was on sale on steam. I'm really glad I could join the rest of you doorfs.

malachite more like malashite

Don't know if you remember, but I'm the guy who got the huge block of zombies just standing around without their necro master. So I used these past 2 days to make everyone (adult dorfs, who are not in the hospital slowly dying) silver warhammers and gave them enough time to train to get dabbling hammerdorf. Then I attacked the giant herd with my 12 dorfs, and as they outnumbered us 3:1 we of course lost.
Now something strange happened though, the framerate got progressively worse and worse, so much so that I had to tab out to wait for my soldiers to gather to the spot on the video. The fight itself then took about 20 minutes.
The fight was strange, as the zombies didnät seem to react to my guys coming into attack them. Also the fight reports didn't show anything but old shit about them fighting some impala heads, which was odd.
When I had lost most of my guys and the rest were on the floor dying I succumbed the fort.

ps. how do I convert cmv files to webm? Didn't find any online and the df tool to upload movies doesn't allow a file as big as mine.

Isn't malachite poisonous when you put it in water

fuck off

>t. Jasper


Yeah what's the deal here? It's a copper ore right?
Surely it discolours etc when used as a plate or bowl.

I really like this.

>World is boring
>Ask people for shit to do and they tell me nothing
>Decide to murder goblin mayor
>She's decked out with steel armor and a bronze hammer

Fucking armor doesn't do shit now

Well it's still better than going naked, it helps with fall damage and fighting weak creatures.

They would've died sooner. Had to wrestle off their helm.


>playing a human adventurer whose goal is to convince all the town leaders of the worthlessness of tradition, nature, peace etc.
>murdering night creatures with my two gals Bil the flailswoman and Copnut the Pikewoman
>hike over yonder mirthful mountain
>some recalcitrant mountain gnomes appear
>read off my list of moral improvements, beatbox a military march to them
>walk on a contented imperialist

Why did you spoiler human

Delicious, and I feel like it's something that would make an Elf cry.

I was breaking all of one guy's limbs and my PC crashed. So they're alive again.


forgot pic like a retard


Why they

Because they're shitty goblins.

But there are male and female goblins

Or am I getting confused

Christmas update when

Christ doesn't exist in DF so never

It's not a dwarf, which is nigh unforgivable.

March 2018


didn't you see?

Malachite is dangerous in water the same way azurite or any other copper-bearing mineral is. Copper can be to my knowledge toxic to some people in large amounts.

You're perfectly safe in handling malachite, and unless your water supply is severely contaminated with copper then you'll probably be fine. I wouldn't crush it and snort it but once again I doubt that much will happen.

I really, really, really like this picture.

Is DF the only game anyone else plays? I'm not even good but I love it

tis the season for unexpected reverse robbery.

More soulraping, but this time instead of fucking the mind of a goblin I'm fucking the structure of this keep to see how it responds, besides this stuff: What holiday?

Uh, armor is important as shit, go let people hack at you while wearing full steel armor except your right gauntlet.

Oh great, now I am aware I can't make skis a thing.

Pretty much, yeah.

If I was wearing gauntlets instead of getting my hand chopped off I would get hit and the force of the blow would tear my muscles and tendons, making me unable to use it until it heals.

It's better that completely losing it, but it's still pretty bad.

>Oh great, now I am aware I can't make skis a thing.
The mechanics I suggested earlier for tumbling down slopes will be a stepping stone.

Unless the armor was strong enough to deflect enough impact and your armor user skill wasn't absolutely crap.

I know people have said at various points that it only alters encumbrance, but that's just fucking wrong because you can see when you do things like fall out of a tree and hit the ground, it increases your armor skill more //if// the impact is deflected than if it doesn't.

>step on a stone
>slip and fall
>bounce over 150 z down and across to the foot of a mountain
>tfw legendary armor user saved my ass again

I said that armor was good against fall damage, but if you're fighting something strong, or highly skilled, or both, armor isn't gonna save you, atleast, even with legendary armor user.

At least you can't brick PC.