League of Legends General - /lolg/

previous: eyosongive.us

Merry Christmas anons!

stealing first for lux

xth for leagues biggest and best waifu!

Hey, consider this, silver shitters: If one person of their team is dead and it's 25 minutes into the game, then you dont automatically have to do baron and throw the game.

if you got silver problems, maybe its cause you are in silver


Xth for Katarina
best girl

>last placement game
>too afraid to play

Reminder that there is nothing wrong with maining Riven


Vlad buffs soon
oh I am happeh

No i said R I V E N the cutest top laner in the game!!!

What do you want for the holidays?

Well I got put there from my placements, I don't plan on staying there long. I would have won that game though, but after that horrendous call two of my team-mates went afk, despite us still being ahead.

who i want will never return for me

Rito what the fuck

i wouldnt mind using azubu for gook streams but honestly the stream just breaks every other minute

let's not post cropped lewds on christmas fellow cropped lewd poster

that's not even lewds, she is just a sloppy eater :3

Should I still build Blade of the Ruined King on Kayle if my team is full ad?

Reminder that River Mains and Rivenfags must be executed.
I want Riot to remove the furry, Lamb.

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

Okay, cute then, because you asked nicely

user, just create a League porn thread in /aco/.

>not best

The attention whore is shit.

Guys I used to play this game like 4 or 5 years ago and forgot about it but now I'm receiving mails saying that I bought RP points.

No money has been lost on my bank account and my VISA card has expired in october. Is this a thing or just spam mail or what ? Also I'm not from germany

Did you actually get rp points?

I love Camille :3

I don't know I'm trying to download this fucking game but the launcher keeps crashing. Shit keeps haunting me after all these years

i fucking hate silver players

they're children, they're females, they're idiots, they have brain damage i wish they would fucking die

even getting them in poro king makes me want to get violent



Well, update us when you manage to

do you hate children and females?

i hate anyone incompetent

hating yourself is not a healthy thing to do user

>guy on the enemy team gives me pointers and constructive criticism in the post game lobby because I picked his main
I wish this happened more often

does anyone on NA want to play normals?
add me ign Moooooosh

Well I would think your account got hacked by having its attached email compromised.

>guy on the enemy team picks my main and absolutely shits on everybody
>he still loses because got caught once
I wish this happened more often q_q

nice one lol

i know the full image, and it is 100% lewd

>be gold player
>play normals
>some bronze shitter wants to give me advice, because I'm playing his main


>On 8 game lose streak
>Decide to fuck around in flex
>Go teemo support with smite, ghost and cotc

...I didn't wanna end my losing streak like this.

>placed into bronze 5

>no nashors before rageblade


I use flex as my toll area. Do stupid shit to untilt. Low key int feed etc.

>literally no friends

what happened

He got azir'd.

>Tfw i just cant enjoy renekton anymore

I never realized just how much fervor did for him. It was a huge chunk of his damage and colossus/titanic renekton feels lame and wrong

god damn, another amazing skin for cancerous champs i don't play

I took 2 nyquil and slept for 13 hours now im coughing uncontrollably, merry christmas lolg

How do I signup for korean servers? I want to play there from now on.




in other news, darius loses to garen more often than not

or my garen, anyway

>dude picks sion/garen
>tell him how he can straight up beat me in lane
>just follows cookie cutter builds/tells me to stfu

every time

not sure what to keep what not to keep

The Viktor and Aatrox skin you keep, Kog'Maw's is iffy, but the other two dust.

keep kog, and maybe viktor. thats it

So... why max Q first?


>infiltrator irelia available
should i? i own nightblade but don't know if its worth it

>full AD garen top with ignite in ranked

god bless you, you magnificent bastard

Slap people with your big brass ball.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Because it's on a super low cooldown and it's both your most used ability and the one you position your ball with?

How much dosh have you spent on League /lolg/?

because w max makes you a squishy immobile medium range waveclear bot

230 dollars, not counting the physical copy I bought at Target back in 2010

assuming you misquoted

Significantly lower mana cost compared to W.
Lowers CD from 6 to 3
Best option for harass, last hitting, and waveclear.
Quickly reposition ball for W or ult
Scales better with level early than W
You use it way more often than W
W scales better with items than level, so it makes more since to max it second, the same time you start to pick up items
Overall just superior to W max

Disenchant all of them.

they are full nazi, you need their id number

Infiltrator Irelia is best Irelia.

that's aviator irelia


>Catching up on league since I haven't played in two years
>mfw Ekko lore giving me feels
Brb maining him to plat

wtf no, I just said its Infiltrator.


>frostbooty meme
ass aside, the skin is shit


>tfw mystery gifting sucks

a goldie thinks he is better than bronze. it's cute

Merry christmas to everyone but those two faggots who decided to afk in my ranked match just now :3


Why is crit chance additive and not multiplicative? Would make for more diverse builds for AD carries if crit items were just reworked and crit from multiple items made multiplicative.

crits should be removed from the game

Better be a Zed skin shard.


buffs for nidalee and merry christmas! :3

Hot damn, you had some pretty good luck there, user.

Dat's the best ass ever in League.

Even better. Congratz.
She'll never receive buffs. Best for her to stay gutted.

Any here have any tips for Talon? I feel useless after 25 min into the game and the only thing i can do is trade one for one if their adc is caught off guard

nigga u gay

Who's one of the best less-known streamers?

>picked jinx in poro king
holy shit this is fun

>kha walks into a bush with me
>delete 2/3 of his health with a Q and draktharr



Alright /lolg/, think of the last game you played that's not league.

Got it?

You must now take the main/last character you played abnd make a champion out of them, then post it.


Teach me your ways senpai

why do supports like to kill themselves in lane and blame me? also miss fortune fxking sucksw