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>but they were lazy
You dumb cunt, it's possible to have the Firelink shrine permanently shut down with no fault of your own so then you'd have to run to gwyn from Parish.
Dark Souls as a horror game.
This is what Dark Souls 2 should've been.
daily reminder
oh boy, another autistic copypasta to filter
New challenge mod in progress?
>it's possible to have the Firelink shrine permanently shut down
They didn't have to include that mechanic. They could have let you rekindle the flame like you do with the others.
Kill yourself.
>le kill yurself xd
>They didn't have to include that mechanic.
Well yes, they didn't, but that doesn't mean they're lazy, on the contrary. They made an entire quest revolve around the mechanic.
And gameplaywise it doesn't even matter that you get another bonfire right after firelink because it's not intended to be a combat section.
Meanwhile bad checkpointing in DS2 / DS3 often means that you go in short spurts and then an instant safe zone / refill point and the levels feel much less like an adventure overall which sucks balls because it encourages bad level design that doesn't loop into itself as well as DS1 levels did, which in turn makes invading in them shittier because you'll have to run through pipes instead of having shortcuts you can utilize to get ahead of players or ambush them or just all around move quickly around the level.
Yeah, I found some lighting values and Darkest Souls seemed like the most practical use for them.
So SotFS is under a tenner lads.
Is there any point in buying when I already have the original DS2 and all DLC?
I've heard mixed things about the new enemy placements and shit. Does it actually add anything worthwhile?
>random text to avoid duplicate post filter as I posted this in the old thread too
Unless you want it for the PvP, don't get it. The base game is worse with only a spare few gimmicky improvements and much worse placements.
DaS1 only has one good level and that is Painted World.
Rare bonfires don't guarantee good levels, see the rest of the game. You have some strange hard on for wasted time. Stay away from me you jobless babby.
Thought as much. Thanks senpai.
Also, while sorting out some model masks, I ended up making a lewd Dusk costume.
>Burg is not a good level
Reevaluate those life choices.
Painted world isn't even that good. The entire mid level of Lordran, (the areas you can see in the design works map) is better than anything in 2/3.
Undead Burg is the worst iteration of its theme in the entire series. Just a hallway with little to explore.
The entirety of 2/3 is better than the second half of 1.
>Just a hallway
You've never played Dark Souls, have you?
That isn't saying much.
And the edge areas are not half the game. They are a quarter at most. Less when you factor in the Artorias expansion.
1500 hours.
I'm just not a delusional fanboy.
I'd say that's exactly what you are.
>just a hallway
>nothing to explore
Okay so you're just a shitty troll.
No your a delusional contrarian. You can literally be proven wrong by looking at a map of the level.
I consider Anor Londo, Darkroot Garden, Burg and the DLC trash as well.
Watching the footage of the TGS demo by Vaati made me sad. If the whole game would've been on par with what was showed there, it would've probably been the best Souls game full stop.
It's mind-boggling how bad the rest of Dark Souls 2 is in comparison to tgs demo Fotfg.
And apparently Veeky Forums thinks a screenshot of the game is spam so have an Otzdarva.
What is your criteria for something being "a hallway"? Because right now you're so far removed from rational thought, I'm assuming it has a restraining order against you.
I consider your opinions to be trash.
Especially when they are defending 2 and the even the painted world is more of a hallway than the Burg is.
do I have to play the previous dark souls games to play dark souls 3 or is this like the elder scrolls games where it really doesn't matter that much?
Is it that English isn't your first language? You're not actually sure yourself what the word "hallway" means? I'm struggling to see how you'd think that's a hallway, unless you're either lacking information or developmentally handicapped.
And that map is one of three presumably because of the multiple floors.
>even the painted world is more of a hallway than the Burg is
I thought it was one of us topkeking over how thoroughly blown out 'Undead Burg is a Hallway' user is.
>fighting big and/or quick bosses
>in the dark
>fighting oceiros
Nah, not bullshit at all. Burg leads to multiple areas and has you backtracking through it multiple times.
Painted world you go from one end to the other to get out.
I'm sorry if that's the case, it's just that the level of argument that's been given from the other side has set such a low bar that I assumed he'd be the sort to post something like that and think it was a kind of rebuttal.
How do I stop sucking so bad at Ds3? Am I just too old for these games now?
Nice desu
>That face
How horrifying
>Painted world you go from one end to the other to get out.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Perhaps this is more to your liking.
Lewd mods when.
Is that Dark Wraith mask or Grave tender?
I'm on my phone
That's literally what you do.
And don't forget I said 'more of a hallway'
Gravetender is wearing the Dark Mask.
Gravetender dresses up like a fuckin idiot
no, that's all the floors
>gravetender has no unique clothing
It's supposed to be a reference to Chain Moms, but they did a pretty poor job of it. I'd have preferred if they'd used the opportunity to patch this mask in and have him wear that.
Use your eyes and notice the courtyard leading to several mazelike side areas. It's a farcry from Burgs FF13 tier layout.
No it isn't. That's only the bridge and rooftops.
if we still can't invade the bossfight ala old monk after dlc2, i'm going fucking kamikaze on memehacki's ass
dude, no. it's all of the upper burg. unless you meant to add the lower burg as well. it even has the corridor with BTSR and the normal entrance to the burg with all the shit underneath
Yes user its a bendy hallway.
>Maze like
Compare this to
Notice the diffence?
One is an open area, one is a hallway.
Or Looking Glass Knight.
Well seeing as we are talking about 'the undead burg' then yeah, we meant the street level as well, its all the same area.
Are you defining hallway by how wide the fucking path is?
>Having corridors, even if they branch out and circle back onto each other, means the entire area is "a hallway"
So what then, the entirety of Demons' Souls is "a hallway" outside of 5-2?
Reminder that it's today
>Or Looking Glass Knight.
LGK is a giant missed opportunity because he's limited to NG+ only.
And on top of that hosts and phantoms can spawnkill you because there's a delay between spawning and getting control of your character
What SM should I aim for with the agape ring for the maximum activity everywhere?
I don't even plan to pvp, I just want to be able to casually summon people as I play.
What's that in real time (GMT)
Seems like this would be the perfect map for you.
5 PM
>giant, missed opportunity
Sums up entirety of DaS2.
I could very well see DaS 2 being my all-time favorite Souls game if the level design was on par with Forest of the Fallen Giants and the graphics / effects were on par with what was shown in the TGS demo.
As an insult to injury they didn't even fix it in Scholar which is unforgivable.
Just got this game, first time playing it. Tell me everything about it, what weapons I should use and secrets to look for!
Don't spoil the game for yourself, the best part of it is figuring out what to do
leave pls
Use a whip if you can, they have great reach and do good damage.
Level up your RES for poison resistance, a lot of enemies use poison and you do NOT want to get poisoned.
don't do this
Halberds all the way through
It's better to know something about it. A lot of people hate the game because they get overwhelmed.
You niggers miss the fact that the first time you enter the are it's literally just a hallway for the most part. What sets DeS(and Painted World) apart are several branches with nooks and crannies to explore even before you open the short cuts.
DaStards are fucking dumb.
Now fuck off until you've finished it or I'll spoil everything about the game and the sequels.
>the fact that the first time you enter the are it's literally just a hallway for the most part
You miss the fact that this isn't a fact.
>Walk into the Burg
>As soon as you get out of the aqueduct, you can explore the little house to the left, and drop down to the hidden area on the right, looping back around to the entrance
>Then, once you continue on, you have the area off to the left leading down to the Undead Merchant
That's more than you have at the start of 1-1 until you get up through the staircase area.
>in DaS1 at low sl a normal +15 weapon has higher ar than a raw +5 weapon
so what's the fucking point? was raw not coded properly?
I wonder if anyone has ever tried making a patch to fix raw.
I'm playing DS2 and have a chance to swap my Sea Bow for the Dragonrider Bow, but since I only use it for occasional plinking and such, I worry about the Dragonrider Bow's reduced range (35 v 65), then I realized, I don't know what "range" really does.
What does it affect?
Your not supposed to have a +15 weapon in the earlygame
Raw is supposed to be good early game but shit when you start putting points into str/dex
dumb dragonposter
Why is way of blue a thing? Why can't I just get summoned as a dorkmoon to anyone that gets invaded? I don't feel like farming for 3 hours again just for 6 proofs. It would just be faster for me to constantly go through NG's just collecting the 2 proofs at yorshka and anor londo.
and why are blue sentinels and blades of darkmoon the same covenant? because miyasucky doesn't give a fuck
Damage fall off, Bows with better range lose less damage the further they go
Ah, Ok, so for just utilitarian use, probably stick with the Sea Bow and leave it I guess.
with 13 STR and 13 DEX the difference in ar between a normal +10 long sword and a raw +5 long sword is just 20 fucking points.
raw has no place in this fucking game.
For someone who just got BB goty, do you have to download a lot of updates before you can play the game?
Probably. They'll know more in
miscreant ahead
>Hur Dur its just a hallway
>But it literally isn't
>Hur dur I know but it is before you encouter any branches
The bridge in the painted world is literally just a straight line.
Undead burg has an offshoot 'nook and cranny' by dropping down as soon as you enter the area from the conventional side. Not to mention you can enter it from the other side as well.
>people still write "liar ahead" messages even though the message system doesn't work that way
>DeS still has the funniest message templates
They're really fucking inflexible and kinda useless.
At least you can mark your waifus with "you'll find true love here" lol
>I'm in trouble, please recommend this message.
It's been nice knowing you, /dsg/. rip in pepperoni.
I'll repost one of my best Webms as a parting gift. See you in 4 months when DLC2 releases.
>that panic