Fighting Games General /fgg/:
floe playing kenny omega rn
ooga booga where da aegis at
anyone sfv/kofxiv/umvc3 eu?
jojos ne1
anyone want to play vsav or other fightcade stuff?
anyone sfv na east coast?
When they have they have meter
I wish I could spend Christmas with Akiha...
>characters with full super and also full v-gauge can deal 90%+ if they land a counterhit in the corner and also if they use a reset
wow this news is unprecedented.
>sfv s2
>tune in
>kenny omega confirming alex's weird ass air d.HP from an air hit into cr.HP EX knee
Is the Xbox one wireless controller good for playing on PC?
Any richfags here? Pls gift me SFV or Skullgirls
I need u ciel
Steam ID?
post her divekick thing hitbox which you said i couldnt anti air because i used the wrong button as mech
I'm feeling generous. Sent a friend invite
sent :)
>shit alex players knew in S1
You need a primo air to air with it, but you could always juggle it with cr.hp
I only ended up hitting it maybe once or twice in actual matches but I've known you could do that for months
2 bad about alex though, dead character
guys... no memes but...
What actually happened to goskelhoff?
>disappears after hypespotting
>searched him on cfn and he has played two online matches of sf v post hypespotting (both were 6 months later)
>stopped posting everywhere related to the fgc
what the fuck happened to akuma's hair? ahsdhsafhsdfhsd
SF is a fucking joke, the DB SUPER of the Video Games.
no buffs for him in s2?
>guys... no memes
You're in no position to be making demands
The new anatomy of a lariat
For the last time in my life
6C not being great and ciel's divekick having a good hitbox are not related
Besides, the hitbox only becomes very good if I charge it
The charge time for that shit on the right better be 2 seconds
did they get rid of the hurtbox on his head?
>Ultra Platinum
No wonder you lost to a nigerian ken.
nothing to offset ruining the character
He can do an "easier" frametrap/confirm off lariat, but at the cost of his elbow being universally unsafe since it has much less pushback so you can't space it to be safe
he also got a ton more pushback on lariat so its much harder to gain momentum and push a mixup into stun
He needed real buffs and they gave him a few nerfs and a useless buff
That's pretty good, I assume it actually anti airs now as well?
Are you going to buy the best fighting game of 2010 and 2017?
Nah the red outlined boxes are projectile-invulnerable hurtboxes
Akuma has not been kind
Always did AA, haven't honestly noticed it doing a better job if it was indeed buffed for that
Maybe if it gets good netcode I can finally punch witches with my boy Battler.
Any game with a loli is a no buy or drop for me.
Didn't you always complain about it being really inconsistent?
what a shitty game.
Name one fighting game without a loli
what game is that?
Anyone want to gift me classic akuma or direct me to a mod that makes his neckbeard default the nice OG one?
DOA5? GGxrd?
Do you not believe in magic?
its a shitty anti air still but I've been spoiled with SF4 4f Lariat.
It's only really been an issue with stuff like rashid/mika j.hp, which hit deep as fuck. Even then I think you mostly can just press it earlier.
I have complained about a LOT of things though. Repeatedly and often. So probably.
This is not SFV senpai
As much as I love Umineko and the fanservice, Ougon is not that good as a fighting game imo desu senpai
Sylvie, Athena
Sylvie and Athena are too big to be loli. Loli would be someone tiny like Carl Clover.
Stopped reading there
Hit up that bleach my man
She's 17
How do you punch something that doesnt exist
Nice bait
is UNIEL worth picking up for 20 bucks on Steam?
does dlanor say die the death?
If you have 3 bars you can do lp chop into super from the cr.hp as well.
Flip the chessboard
my present to /fgg/ is a webm of some theory fighter bullshit I decided to try in a dead game after I found out by accident that AA rock has juggle potential
merry Christmas
pls dont play ded game. you are missing all the fun.
USF4 will always be the GOAT
>cody still isn't in SF V
>shitty screenbreak effect drops fps
no thank you
>Dhalsim gameplay
That ending is actually really fucking creepy.
because only sheep think it's good
sniffgrid when
with all the talk of "unga" in that game, and assuming they carried him over from 4, he'd probably make people who played against him regret ever picking up SFV
which means I would start playing SFV
>played against a good akuma for the first time
this character is actually ridiculous wtf
remember when some people were triggered by this character? she ended up being alright
the only problem people have with Ultra is how it makes you adapt to more things than when the other guy is going to grab
for jap arcade launch
Which character would you guys like to see in T7 next? A new character? That's what I'd like to see but I think they're done with new characters.
Anna still not announced, right?
Nvm procured my own Xmax present
Works nicely with the pak manager
Is everyone still falling for the Alex is dead meme?
Fucking memers.
Nobody gives a fuck about Anna. Stop with this meme or they might actually put her in.
*plays urien*
She's been in too many Tekkens to miss this one. If the bears made it...
One of the capos or Anna has to be the next one.
Is there anything better than curling up with your favorite kusoj, on a rainy day? Between losing matches I like to go on my balcony and do push ups till the next match is ready too. How about you fgg/?
>From the company that brought you Nutshack, Capo 3: Meow, Giga Nigga, and Kazuya's mom comes a new character
julia or michelle, either one. or jaycee. or a new chang, i don't really care i just want my bajiquan prowrestler character
His strengths got slightly neutered, but he does more damage off of VT combos.
All in all, if S1 Alex was like a 83/100, S2 Alex is around a 79/100
t. Ultra Gold Alex
why is /co/ leaking?
>50% meterless combo
This looks fair and balanced. Lol 3D
modern comics art styles are so fucking disgusting
oh for fuck's sake