Ezreal edition!
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Ezreal edition!
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First for Janna!
Is there any reason to take a second point into Q at lvl 3 rather than taking a point in E and all-inning as Pantheon?
Depends. Can your lane opponent kill you if you try to all in?
If not wait until 4 to get it and spam Q's at the faggot. :^)
Death to all Riven Mains and Rivenfags for loving and using one of the most cancerous champions in LoL.
Can I just fuck boxbox in his boipussy instead?
Requesting op pic without the santa hat
Looks qt
>every new champ has a summon, 2 dashes, 3+ passives, a hard cc, a passive shield, a blink, an invuln, a global ult, and an execute
>still thinking riven is cancer
play champs newer than urgot and you'll learn what it truly means to be cancerous
>tfw no qt asian girl to boost out of low diamond in exchange for lewd pictures
You know if I gank a lane as jungle and then grab one or two last hits if they're convenient on my way out, and the laner spams pings at me to fuck off, I fuck off forever and don't gank anymore.
And this is a policy I will never change.
Nice game lolbabs. This is from 5 of those snowdown chests.
While in the lobby with my girlfriend
Yasuo mains.
>triggers guy
>expects him not to come back at you
I don't know who is the bigger faggot here
No one cares
Best and cutest edition.
Gotchu' senpai.
>look up foreign voices for leauge
>look up japanese va's
>japanese teemo is voiced by Ikue Ootani
>Wukong is voiced by Masaka Nozawa
Is there anything comfier than playing Garen in Poro King?
tfw jap teemo is voiced by a 51 y.o. girl
>that Ezreal voice
I prefer the English one.
help i'm actually interested in king gay
>jungle locks in ivern
>does nothing for the first 20 minutes
How do you pick something top tier and fuck it up?
i posted in other thread already but heres the tier list people have been asking about
now post lolg girl ranking
the best girl is one that doesnt even come here anymore rip
give me a comprehensive list
Armstrong keeps posting tho
armstrong is a dude though wtf!
just ask me about who you wanna know and ill tell you since its christmas day
>W-why are you trying to resist so much Kennen? You're making it harder to go in. I'm so sorry, I just need your furry little body.
Now I dunno if you're being ironic
>tfw mister style hits on you
>hes hairy
cmon son, apply yourself
delete this wtf
? who do you think im referring to? because its a girl that none of you probably know about
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results
this is actual shit why even bother
akalee probably sees kennen as an old fat big dicked guy, kennen is a yordle and akalee is a human
>tfw Confirmed beast
merry christmas lolbabs
>Majin Buukage: he was decent at one point but he seems to be struggling to not feed vs gold/silver players recently. I cant really tell if hes drunk or not most of the time but if he fucks up early he usually just trolls or memepushes until the game is over. I will give him credit though he does occasionally try to balance out lobbies but it almost never works out.
when you can beat me in a 5v5 lolgen tourney you can respond about tier list
until then you should try to not die a million times to bad players
shave dummy
no one likes hairy subs
Doesn't stop Akali from fucking furry creatures. Hence this fox.
congrats you rode reese dick to d5 and he managed to fill you up again with a meme tourney bo1 cumshot
not my fault teams shit
The defeat was my fault..Next time ill try and not throw by playing like shit
get your crew together and we can play another if youd like idc, your funeral
>not my fault teams shit
come on bookers you can make a better response than that
>tfw welding says ur pretty average
my TF jungle and adc are legendary bub, havent lost a single vg vs vg on either
Andrew Welding's Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums list is the most objective. Prove me wrong faggots.
Protip: you can't.
im not sure
Hey /lolg/, I've got an important question.
How's Rurouni Kenshin? Thinking about binge watching it.
trash watcj [aranoia agent instead'
3/4 of the other players just fed and one of them didnt even pick the hero we agreed on baka
and your list is actually shit desu but none of these clowns will pick it up I guess
wheres xonian
wheres maqe
at least 1/3rd of these people dont even play anymore and the "analysis" is shallow inaccurate memes for the most part
welding who are top 5 players in your opinion
Answer me honestly lol, are these snowdown or legacy chests worth buying?
>tfw we will never have a "Shonen Bat" Trundle skin
>wheres xonian
I kinda just got here a few months ago, desu, and I never really see Welding
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums player draft edition
welding vs buukage
Bretty accurate, gj.
Good morning lolgen
Time for watching some anime, streams, playing legolegends and some other vidya with buds, f-fuck you all:^)
Merry Christmas
babyface urgot
Hi /lolg/, i wish (you) a merry christmas
-Lonely Coffee Drinking user from last thread
Merry Chirstmas /lolg/
-some fag from /gsg/
>Went from plat III to Silver I after 5-5 placements
>lists random game mechanics
>x champion doesn't have any of these, so they obviously arent broken
wrong. Riven has near instant, undodgeable cc and dashes combined on a shot cooldown. Riven is cancer incarnate
merry Christmas lolcuckolds
i hope your cancerous shitty game finally dies this year
yo what happened to dota bunch of people coming over to hots saying it's sinking
why everybody suddenly says "merry christmas"? anyway merry christmas to you too
found this pic looking for christmas ahri... tfw no ahri skin where her ball is changed for panties
Anyone else realized that they played when they go batshit-insane in-game instead of actually thinking?
When i play jungle i was trying to search for wards control the summoners check where the enemy players are in the fog of war don't towerdive if the situation isn't perfect don't do dragons when enemy are nearby.
Now in the last 3 games i just went retard mode and just fucking dived everytime didn't give a fuck where the jungler is just rushed on 3 enemies alone or didn't check for wards just rushed down the lane and its working out.
I am playing vs diamond/plat players.
It feels especially good with Hecarim. just press E and pray you dont suicide.
>why everybody suddenly says "merry christmas"?
because its fucking christmas
but why so suddenly? i mean is it specific time where you live or what
carry harder lmao
user, there are different timezones
you must be american
>ADC instalocks Yi without a word
>Before minions spawn he executes on Mid Tower
>30 minutes later, pic related
God bless Silver nothing makes sense in this division.
snowdowns are fine if there are few junk skins in them like the project ones yesterday were okay
>kayle top
you are mean >
we celebrate christmas at 13:47 december the 25, at 13:48 its not christmas anymore
Oh the things I'd do just to be able to feel those boots of her.
>snek in silver not feeding her tail off
Slightly surprising.
if i forget the poro snax lover icon do i get the others too or is rito massive jewing it out this year?
Short hair is shit but Ahri manages to make it look good.
Why don't you fucking google it instead of looking like a retard?
that's long hair on your pic though, she seem to have a plait
pls don't bully
>playing Lux
>fed Camille and Yi on enemy team
>if I fuck up a binding its over
>have to time my binding between Yi's Qs
>luckily my Zac sits on me
This Camille shit is not ok. I don't have my Zhonyas up when she ults me I'm basically just dead.
At least I can flash out of J4s ult
Is Mike okay, is the alcohol finally getting to him?
can someone redpill me on the christmas boxes? Are they worth the RP or are they a scam waiting to happen?
Am I better off buying this box for 295 or a mystery skin for myself for 490??
Here's a qt kat for your time
all the other chests are shit
snowdown too unless: you don't own any of the skins from the batch they are selling and want the majority or you want candies for the summoner icon craft
given that it has a limited selection of skins its less RNG, but its still fucking RNG so the best is to just go for the skin you want
They're perhaps worth it in the grand scheme of collection/value.
Not if you want one of the thirty skins the chest may contain. Just wait until they're on sale for 50%, or the 20-70% Lunar shop thing.
>Bad but servicable
i mean im not surprised since i just fuck around but holy shit that hurts
Merry christmas everyone.
>could someone give me a shen build?
there there
the guy who made that list is a jerk
i would gladly play with you
sorry, i can only send you to champion.gg ...
How do I increase my skill? I'm literally playing since the end of S3, approximately 850 wins/850 losses, started on EUW, moved to Russia, recently moved to EUNE.
I'm still a fucking bronzo. I can't play anyone but supports with strong damage like Karma/Sona/Zilean. I've just discovered Mundo and his potential for bullshit plays on top lane, and Illaoi, because I like slamming everything with tentacles, but that's it.
How can I become better?
At least you aren't Boodrum or Sid level
you are just shit
probably blame everybody and toxic as fuck
support mains are worthless at lower elos unless you really know what you are doing
you clearly don't
its over, move onto a new game
I need to start gaining vg lp
>When you're in a shitty matchup and you're Jungler spends 5 fucking minutes standing in your lane till the enemy Jungler finally works his way over and feeds FB + double buffs to your lane opponent
>mfw he starts blaming me because I didn't join him in suicide
I really really really REALLY wish people listened to back pings.
why does it bother you if youre just fuck around anyways? its just my opinion
ben go play in traffic :^)
no, i'm not ben
i don't even play vg vs vg, but you sound as a jerk
hey welder are you gonna be looking at results for your opinions or only the games youre in?
btw ur not the king, I am, its in my name
no more vgs?
its only fucking 2am cmon retards
Why do you even assume I'm toxic? If someone goes full retard in chat, the worst thing I can do is to block him for a couple of minutes.
Yes, I'm fully aware that support mains are useless at low elo, so I want to at least get to Gold or Silver V where I can play them.
What champions and builds can you suggest?