Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #964: Santa Rin Edition

Zenkai no /llsifg/! >Current Events
JP: HonoUmi ChalFes
EN: Yoshiko UR

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good OP

Right over here.

Umi a cute!
Lily white a best!

>Rinfag thread
how about no


uhhHHH, suck my COCK duDE?

>>Song of the Day
>Daydream Warrior [Full]
Who's up for some jeigar bombs?

Why is she such a slut?

Lewd Santa Elichika for christmas.

she's not, all raibu are pure


Because the only people who want to fuck her are background characters


Of course.


thanks Pana bros

What does You's body smell like?


Dunno how she's able to twist her waist around 90 degrees like that

Semen from all of the uniformed men she pleasures

Sailor cum. or Semen.

Kayochin has the most impeccable Maki impression.

seaman semen

stop insult You she do nothing to deserve this

I thought you died after being mugged in a dark NYC alley.

suck my cock dude

I can't read something from someone who doesn't know the difference between a mole and a beauty mark.

She will do anything for her Elichi.

New guy from the last thread. I can't stop playing this game and now I think I want to watch the anime.

What's wrong with me?

Nothing is wrong, just embrace it. It's time to start loving love live.

Stop! You does not smell of semen!

Never ever bby.
But I do??

The boys

come on, dude. I'll even suck you're"s....

Who's your favorite girl though


Holding hands with Riko on Christmas

Nothing wrong with enjoying cute aidorus, user.


Hitomi Shiga, the girl who looks like a Banchou but I guess she's useless


Merry Christmas /llsifg/!


You can dislike it all you want, but You is willing to jump off a building for a uniform, you think she won't pleasure a dick for one?


>Snow Halation on Christmas r/a/dio

>tfw tuned out due to it being overrates

Ruby is mine. You can't have her! She's my girlfriend!!

I like Hanamaru

Too late whiteboi, we're gonna have beautiful mixed children



Who are ye quoting, dumb frogposter?


no!! i saw her first!

Hey there, did you get your Christmas present?

Cute. CUTE!

so do I

I'm glad to see my daughter is popular

Lots of rice?

She's mine, you can make like an egg and beat it.

Will she pleasure my dick for one?

I love my wife Kotori Minami! Merry Christmas to my wife!

Just try to tier an event. I assure you any joy you possibly get from this will be sucked out.

What's wrong with having sex with sailors? You got something against men of the sea, lad?

T1ing on JP and having a lot of fun. ChalFest is the chalbest.

They would be mixed if she mated with a honky too though.

Yeah, the rice. I hope you enjoyed the rice.

>All I want for Xmas is (You)

That's nice, Umi. Be sure to don't get fat when you eat her delicious cake.

Delusional Seagull poster.

Why does it have to be this way?

Who said that?

It didn't.

Shut your trap Honoka, Umi and Kotori aren't going to get married and adopt you as their permanent child.

*bends over and sucks you're cock*

Who are you quoting?


Can't you shitpost more creatively?

Merry Christmas, friends.
Send me friend requests and/or Christmas/kys messages

EN 091426719
JP 139402087

Now that the hard part is done, here I go! I washed my hands and prayed to the UR fairy for a bountiful harvest. Hopefully I get that cute Yoshiko UR, but pretty much any UR would be good.

Should I post the 10+1s all together at the end, or one by one?

Reminder YouRiko is canon now so ratpost or cuck meme is not allowed

>rolling aqourshits
No one cares.

May you be blessed with URs.

I care, stupid cunt.

Just post the good stuff

Dumb cuckposter.

Any Dark FRAME Master fans?

Jesus fucking Christ guys your discord is cancer.

What discord?

It's not "ours", dude.

What's discord?

Yes, I'm serious.

May you get a Wooby too! I didn't


Heres what I got from the tickets. Not bad at all. My first SSR actually.

It's the best SSR too.

Don't associate us with that reddit-tier circle jerk.


I was going to only do every 5 rolls, but wow. My luck is not usually this good.