/nosg/ - Nostalrius General

set realmlist logon.elysium-project.org

Old PvP and Old PvE out now.
New PvP release date will be announced Dec 25.

>What faction are we rolling?

Horde discord: discord.gg/UNArm

Alliance discord: discord.gg/TvDzTmX


>Server homepage
>Vanilla WoW database
>Leveling Guide
>Nos Pre-Bis
>Leveling Specs
>Big Addon Pack

tags: wpsg vag wowg world of warcraft nostalrius


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is nost.. dying?

I'm gonna be wearing chink heads on my belt like grom there when fresh releases


Dark Lady Watch Over You


Be patient... Staff are letting their chink masters level their bots up to at least 20 and disabling /who before they open the fresh to actual people


Do we like this guy more or less than Alex?

in my dreams I'm in a mercenary guild

the PVE guilds give us modest grants to fund our xiaohunts

we scour the server for farmers and slaughter them to keep the economy alive & the nodes available to the raiders

Fuck those faggots. It's your primary job as a healer to manage your mana if your party doesn't have a druid to innervate you. Paladins aren't exactly known for having high spirit or other sources of mana regen. Thus, your options depend on how much mana you have, and how much health your tank has. Unfortunately, you aren't good for much outside of single target tank healing. Your goal as a healer, in general, should be to not waste mana by overhealing.

I expect you're not very high in level, so you're going to get the most mileage out of a macro that cycles out different levels of Flash of Light. Try something like the following, just as an example:

/script if IsAltKeyDown() then CastSpellByName("Flash of Light(rank 1)"); else if IsControlKeyDown() then CastSpellByName("Flash of Light(rank 3)");else CastSpellByName("Flash of Light(rank 5)");end;end

That macro will cast Rank 1 flash of light if you press the button it's bound to while holding down Alt, Rank 3 for Ctrl, or Rank 5 if no buttons are pressed. Change the ranks and spell names (ie only the bits inside the quotes) to best fit your spellbook and stat build.

As far as things that make this a little easier on you, a favorite combination of mine is Grid and Clique. Clique allows you to bind your spells to mousebuttons for one-click casts, and Grid acts as a no-frills unit frame that allows you to target and cast an ability on a group member, in this case a heal. Yes, it functions with your macros.

fuck off back to plebbit with your stupid ass name Johnathan
your kind is literally not wanted here or welcome


It sure is nice to be Alliance in Alterac Valley!

>Still can't generate a token because of "technical difficulties"


literally not me

can you play horde and alliance on the same account and server?

yes you're right
nobody is you
because you're nobody

As a sidebar, I really fucking hate that I had to learn Lua to do any of the other shit that made my life easier in other versions of the game.

>Paladins aren't exactly known for having high spirit or other sources of mana regen

how broken does Illumination get in geared vanilla? it was complete bonkers for infinite mana in TBC but I don't know how it went for vanilla paladins

*punches you in the stomach*


it's very good by the time you have T1 and once you're in AQ gear you will never go OOM

paladins have the best scaling of any healing class in vanilla really

It is okay pre-raid. It gets insane in T3. There is a reason it was nerfed and not because of TBC increases to crit.


Its good once you can get your hands on at least t1
getting to pre raid is a pain in the ass though

Is it possible to get into a raiding guild as an elemental Shaman?
i used to play mage but i want a different blue
no bully

please die.

REMINDER that Judgement is the best armor set in the entire WoW franchise and only paladins get to wear it in its awesome glory.

Oh heavens just look at the time!

I mean for the sake of efficiency it's not the best thing ever but whatever homie follow your heart

until you get a full set of spell penetration gear in aq40 ele sham is useless. resist resist resist

Your best bet is some hybrid ele/resto as a totem bot/off healer/cleanser with a bit of dps thrown in
Pure ele will be a bit more difficult though but obviously not impossible to find a spot

whats the best way to level cooking while levelling?

Oh my!

>literally a dress

got a giggle out of me m8

Reminder that Chinese text still isn't disabled despite Pottu lying that it will be.

traps don't work if you don't have hips friendo

>Playing Hunter with a cat pet
>Fishing and feeding my cat some fish
>Cooking the leftovers

maximum overcomfy

>People from China shouldn't be allowed to play because their language makes me uncomfortable


nice body shape lmao

>most overplayed look in all of world of warcraft
imo t12 is the best paladin set

which class has the best stat bonuses?
none of the pussy heal shit or anything, just flat out straight direct point and click hueg bonuses for damage/health/whatever the fuck

i guess i cuck my way into officer status as a healer and switch later

so this is the vanilla experience?

Thanks planning on getting hormones for the sweet fat redistribution and a corset for the waist training!


This isn't your tranny social dating site, retard

yes it really is

that's not how to works but good luck

i'll give ya 3 years before you blow your brains out like the rest of them

its too late for you m8
you haven't been training for your ideal bodytype and you didn't start training and exercising + doing certain vitamin needs while you were younger

you'll always be accepted with the degenerates in /soc/ but you'll never get into any secret forum/clubs where real cuties stay.

i meant buffs but that's helpful too

grats you're totally useless but you look pretty

T4 paladin shoulders on male Dwarf Paladin with long white beard or Felheart minus horn on male Orcs Warlocks.

>tfw have INCREDIBLE hips but comfortably masculine
>tfw play troll

I love my life.

So THIS is the alliance Vanilla experience.

people from china shouldn't be playing because they illegally bypass government restrictions :^)

I want to fuck _____!

What's her name /nosg/?

Its a meme u dip :3
You're saying estrogen doesn't make your skin softer and cause fat redistribution? HRT is different for everyone, but generally those things happen!
Well they do say younger is better but I'm only 19 with a fem voice.

are fish a good way to level cooking?

a girl


Report them to their Czar then.

can we make this a thing ?

ing kill you, you fucking retarded cunt go back to /wowg/

But user, I only play whorde! :3

potato chippies


kill gooks


Im down

Never! Horde 4 lyfe!
I'm not going to fresh either.

brb killing myself so I dont have to be on the same planet as someone as faggy as you

you aren't a girl
you're a homo

I know I'll never be a real girl, I'm not delusional. But I will be as fem as an I can get with the magic of science! Could those doctors be curing the sick and tending to the terminally ill? Yes! But instead they are forced to worship my life choices! Feelsgood

just cut off your balls already

Which dungeons should I hit up as a fresh 60 healer? I figure I might not do well in things like Srat with mostly questing greens and some blues

Could you please take your stuff to /soc/

>help a fellow pally
>she just lets me die while she runs away
>see a night elf die
>begrudgingly decide to help him and rez him

>he thanks me and calls me a savior

M-maybe you night elf faggots aren't so bad...

haha your name is cherryh totally gonna hack you now gg bro :P

>roll a priest
>constantly buffing every one
>get tons of pm's thanking me

Fuck yeah!

>what's her name
go back to /v/ kiddo

>guy walking by buffs me
>starts following me around
>eventually pms me and says "FUCKING THANKS ME YOU FUCK"

jesus christ

you really should have thanked him, man
wtf is wrong with you?

Statwise, the biggest difference is that Tauren gets 5% more health

>not thanking your buffers
This is why rogues and hunters are played more.

>Buff a gnome warrior
Shitmidget: no
>he removes the buff
>buff him again anyway
>he logs off

you shouldnt give expecting a return

playing a support shouldnt make you feel like some kind of martyr, you should play support because its fun

why do you guys do this :(

I don't care about his shitty buffs though. It's fucking 2 stam when I'm playing a Hunter. How the hell is that going to help me?

>"why should I pay a prostitute? it's her JOB to have sex!"

>buffing people so they thank you instead of doing it because you want to
how attention deprived were you as a child

still, is it hard to throw out a "ty"?

hey waddup chinkbanner 69 here
i know i said i'd leave you guys but elysium administrators gave me an extra chance for chirstmas and unbanned all of my 50 banned accounts
they also asked me if i could do some cool videos more for u guys as i am the third biggest nostralrius content creator

because starter areas are so crowdeds the great elysium team has made low level raids available for players
!!warning spoilers!!

merry christmast

>playing warrior
>mage gives me buff
>tell him I don't need his buff
>well fuck you ungrateful asshole!
i fucking hate gnomes

Serious question, are people that play wow retarded? Its like majority of people I interact with are brain fucked. Here have some green meme.
>be in tarrens mills
>see a group for rfk and join it
>26 war tells party leader, 21 hunt to kick me and take warlock... because he wants summon
>pl tells him to fuck off, war leaves
>invites 22 warrior
>die every 10 minutes
>war gets butthurt and tells hunt to remove his pet because it aggroes everything for some reason (it does)
>hunter pretends to be retarded (not really) and ignores
>proceed to die more
>war tells him to remove pet for 20th time
>hunter gets butthurt and leaves
>need to look for dps
>2 guys go outside and start looking
>tell them that zone is for 16-20 lvls
>1 guy gets butthurt and leaves
>need to look for 2 dps
>the other guy is still looking in silverpine
>ok.jpg, go to hillsbrad
>find 2 mages 22 lvl
>first one asks me if I have good group tell him that there are only 3 quests
>after some nonsense where he dies to 60 ali, he decides to join
>finally manages to fly away and goes to undercity
>worried laughter.jpg
>then spot him at zeppelin stop
>think that maybe its some secret route only oldfags know
>he actually flies to kalimdor
>and waits for us there
>ask him what the fuck is he doing
>sry misread ;^)
>the other invited mage starts to flame him
>while breaking ship with arcane explosion
>almost die, facepalm hard, tank acknowledges that its better without hunter
>finally kalimdor dude arrives, it took maybe 20 minutes + for his ass to get here
>mobs start to respawn
>he cant get past 2 mobs

>not having a /spit macro to spam on every gnome you see

Not playing the game right

what the fuck

What's the logic on auction house listing order?

>second mage flames him again, while being a complete shitter that cant remove a fucking curse from himself
>is surprised when tank tells him to sheep a beast, stating its not a human
>get to arugal and die while leaving 5%
>second mage spouts some nonsense about everyone being a scrub without hp potions and being unable to outheal boss damage while healer is in cc... which ofcourse was not the issue, his shitty below 4 lvls damage was
>all mobs respawn
Kys wowtards, simply kys.
Good wowtard is dead wowtard.

wait, you can heal passive mobs?

well guys
time to pack it up
they are banning for "hate speech" now
