Christx edition.
Christx edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
Merry christmas you stupid faggots
I want to IMPREGNATE Fiora, sullying her noble bloodline with my commoner seed! Also, claiming for this thread.
Early steal of early posts that could be waifuposts
Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.
Xth for cute koreans
Merry christmas, /lolg/
>i have to choose between a faggot edition and a lulu edition
>tfw i used to be good enough for friends
>Enter lobby
>Get up, take a piss, shit if I need to
>Come back make sure my drink is full
>Go onto lolping, make sure my connection is solid
>THEN I queue up
Why do I feel like I'm the only one who does this?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
ok version 1.00 is complete
let me know if im missing anyone else that i couldnt think of right away
ill update it regularly if theres interest
PLEASE keep in mind this is strictly my sole opinion on seeing you play in vgs, nothing personnel kid
if i didnt have a lot to say about you then you werent really memorable either way and/or i havent played enough with you to make an accurate judgment call on you
feliz navidad
Did you do this drunk?
you think i would do this shit sober?
>you guys are going to the newer thread that is clogging up Veeky Forums instead of going to the older one
We know you want your fucking thread ezfag but get it not everyone is a complete faggot.
I just dont like faggots is all
Merry Cursemurse you faggots! I doubt anyone will remember.....
i member
This anime makes everything so extravagant
Y-you too.
It's cursemursh!
>tfw no Sona Melons for Christmas
you forgot steel101
I'm above Bronze, woot.
Fun fact, I'm actually a support main.
vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na
Thoughts on thunderlords kled?
So I actually decided to play this game again instead of just watching people play it and shitposting about it
What's a good CS number at 44 minutes and aside form pushing lanes when's a good time to stop
70 cs/10mins
If you still have an item slot then you still need gold
vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na vg v vg up on na
>tfw got like 2 feet of snow last christmas
>hasnt even snowed this month this year
>mom said she was sending me money but it was a dairy queen gift card
>all of the chests i bought myself had skins i already had except one
hows your christmas so far user
Merry Christmas, /lolg/.
I managed to win a game as blue Cho'gath support with this build. How ?
can i beg someone on NA to gift me MF cause christmas
or at least a mystery champion?
ign AtlaSTheIdiot
Merry Christmas lolgen
Whats the best jungler to get out of low elo?
someone that can outdamage adcs while building fulltank after damage jungler item eg shiv